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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



I'm sure you're right. Thinking about it, I'm a little amazed at just how respectful he's being. I've been entertaining the notion of asking, if the right moment came about, whether he IS still interested in being more than friends. Surely the answer would be yes, so I guess I ought to wait until I'm sure MY answer would also be yes. :) I've been obsessing over contemplating this aaaaallllllll daaaaaay. :-\ ::)

Right.  Don't jump the gun.  You don't have to decide right now anyway.  You could still decide after another date or two, in which time it might hash itself out anyway.

Good good good.  It sounds like you're doing fine!  Just be honest and sincere; that's the most important thing.


i love the thing re: the diva cup. cause i actually won some points with ma ladyfriend (we'll use CP) when we were talking about ours. but then again, most boys aren't bleeders.

but definably let things do their own thing. i've had some bad "relationships" (to use the term LOOSELY) that moved really fast and fell apart because it was all based on sex. good times, but not for long and the ends were messy as hell. yikes. AVOID!!

wait until you have a good idea you really know what you want to do with things. if he is a good guy, he'll enjoy the getting-to-know-ya time! but he sounds like a good one (and my type too!  ^-^)

Haha, indeed.  It's easier to bond over Diva Cups with females than males, due to lack of vag and whatnot. 

yes yes yes, getting to know you time.  Just keep going out with him like you are.  Things will fall into place.  Don't think about it too hard.  If he's into you, he'll stick around until you decide what you feel/want. 



I love my dating support team. :) :-* Srsly, I'd be lost without your advice.


but definably let things do their own thing. i've had some bad "relationships" (to use the term LOOSELY) that moved really fast and fell apart because it was all based on sex. good times, but not for long and the ends were messy as hell. yikes. AVOID!!

That's the definition of a GC.  Or an LC, if you will.  Es no good.  ;D


K wants to see my recipes. ^-^ ;D :)>>>


I went on a date last night that was pretty nice.  It was short though, we only chatted and walked around the park for an hour and 45 minutes, and then she went home, but she was nice and we had a good time.

Anyway, she mentioned that women on okcupid get messages all the time, and that she could have a different date every day this week if she wanted.  When I mentioned my dismay at this (because I rarely get messages or offers for dates) she said it is because men tend to be more "on the prowl."

Has anyone that has been on okcupid noticed this?


i'm wouldnt be surprised if that's true.  a friend of mine is on okcupid and it seems like she's always meeting some new guy.

and- ive been meeting ppl off of craigslist to be my potential roommate & this one woman told me that she had recently joined 3 different online dating sites and went on 26 dates in 30 days!!!!  (all different dudes)  she was exhausted - for good reason..  i know for a fact that i have not been on dates with 26 different guys in 30 years!  i can't imagine.. 

i honestly really considered having her move in for the pure entertainment of it & to get to hear her crazy stories. 

good luck camillus!


Anyway, she mentioned that women on okcupid get messages all the time, and that she could have a different date every day this week if she wanted.  When I mentioned my dismay at this (because I rarely get messages or offers for dates) she said it is because men tend to be more "on the prowl."

Yes.  I responded to perhaps 5 or 10 out of 100s of messages on okc when my account was active.  In terms of how many I send out...well, not that many.  But that could just be me being lazy/selective.  I went on perhaps 6 or so (different) dates through okc before I met the boy I'm dating now.  But yeah, what your friend says is pretty accurate.  To generalize, men like the pursuit more or something. 

Is your profile complete?  Have you answered lots of questions?  Maybe there is something that is making it harder for you to appear among matches.  Do you have something that makes it easy for people to start conversation with you?  Interesting facts/conversation starters?  Not too generic?  I know that the majority of my messages had to do with how I was a teacher--people liked that.  Also, hate to say it, but "vegan" in bold can be a turnoff.  I included that under my food.  People who are unfamiliar with veganism make snap judgments--it's too polarizing, and they fear they will be judged by you.  I don't know if my current boy would have talked to me if I had played up the veganism--but now that I know him it's good.  He bought me a vegan cookbook as a present the first time we met!  :)

If you want an outside eye on your profile I'd be happy to look at it.  It sounds like you go one plenty of dates though...maybe there is not much in your area? 


Yeah, check it out KMK, I could use more advice.  I've already taken some advice from BP and I think it is working out well ("Change those terrible pictures!")
My SN is Camillusgt, and yes, I do have VEGAN prominently displayed, but I also state that I'm not looking for just vegans to meet.  I do say that I will look down on people that aren't vegan though.  Kidding.  :-X


Camillus, I couldn't find your profile. BUT. I did check out the other dudes in your demographic and it looks to me like you definitely have a leg up on the competition. Seriously. You're a catch!


oh Camillus, your profile is super!  ;)b I like that 7 of the sections say edited by bp. nice.

I have been on okc for years and I get more messages when I'm single, obviously, but I never got tons. I am not desirable to as many people I guess.


oh Camillus, your profile is super!  ;)b I like that 7 of the sections say edited by bp. nice.

I have been on okc for years and I get more messages when I'm single, obviously, but I never got tons. I am not desirable to as many people I guess.

you obviously need to join more sites.. like i said - that girl i met went on 26 dates in 30 days

i believe she said she used eharmony, yahoo personals & something else.. she had used before but didnt have great luck.  (we had quite a in depth chat for someone who i was meeting for the first time..)

trust me - if this girl can do it - you can do it.


well, that looks stupid.

whatever - i'm gonna leave it.


well, that looks stupid.

whatever - i'm gonna leave it.

You're cute when you yell.





I'll assume that you're laughing with me ... and not at me? Ehh?








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