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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



 They chat me up, and then mention how they are going to go molest some children later, and ask if I want to come (wtf??).  I laugh it off, say no, and go to walk away, but they keep talking about how I was with them last week when they went to a daycare.  As awkward as that conversation is, my date laughed it off saying she grew up with 5 brothers, and knows that sort of humor.


Also, If I was blind in one eye/no depth perception, I think I would mention it before deciding (or at least before playing) to play such games. Maybe that's just me...
Maybe she was just really bad.

Oh dear goodness. I'm sorry, the poor girl, but that's hilarious. 


Oh Camillus it sounds like you have *ahem* interesting dates to say the least  :-\


Heli an KMK... :)>>> Your stories made me smile remembering all those *new* feelings. 

Camillus...your story made me laugh.  I agree with the person that said it sounds like a Seinfeld episode!  Who the heck jokes about going to molest children...very odd. 


Oh man, Camillus! I'm just amazed you still recommend okcupid after all of this! What a story! I hope you have better luck next time. I <3 okc  :)>>>


Well, the puker, and the drugged up girl were all from friends trying to set me up, not from okcupid.  It was quite the debacle though.  The friends who were there kept saying things like, "Go hold her hair back for her, it'll be romantic!" and "So... think you'll go on a second date with her?"


Well, the puker, and the drugged up girl were all from friends trying to set me up, not from okcupid.  It was quite the debacle though.  The friends who were there kept saying things like, "Go hold her hair back for her, it'll be romantic!" and "So... think you'll go on a second date with her?"

That is priceless! Have you read I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell? Because if you haven't you should.


Impromptu second date tonight! :D


Well, the puker, and the drugged up girl were all from friends trying to set me up, not from okcupid.  It was quite the debacle though.  The friends who were there kept saying things like, "Go hold her hair back for her, it'll be romantic!" and "So... think you'll go on a second date with her?"

That is priceless! Have you read I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell? Because if you haven't you should.

I haven't read it, but I shall check it out! 


Impromptu second date tonight! :D



That is priceless! Have you read I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell? Because if you haven't you should.

I actually didn't like that book - I felt he was just showing off.  And I was so sure I'd love it :(

Impromptu second date tonight! :D

This made me grin so so much!  :>


Aww, I liked I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell. I took it with a grain of salt, though ... it's pretty much pure entertainment. My sister borrowed it to read on the plane and said she terrified her seatmate with her barely-suppressed snorts of laughter.

But yeah, he's not the kind of guy I'd invite into my home. You know what I mean.


yay heli!  look at you - you're a dating machine now!


Impromptu second date tonight! :D

Yay!  Have fun!  :flower:


Thanks for the positivity, girls. :-* You rock! I love my support team.

The date wasn't bad, but I'm feeling a bit* confused today. Don't know quite what to think about things.

* understatement. ::)


The date wasn't bad, but I'm feeling a bit* confused today. Don't know quite what to think about things.

* understatement. ::)

Do you know why?


Thanks for the positivity, girls. :-* You rock! I love my support team.

The date wasn't bad, but I'm feeling a bit* confused today. Don't know quite what to think about things.

* understatement. ::)

Sometimes that happens ... like, the first date is totally magical, and the second date is a little bit weird in comparison. I don't know why that happens, but it does!

Did your second date get thrown off by something?


Introspective time. :P

I had a bad mood day yesterday, and one of the feelings I had was... how to describe it? hmmm

It was like my intuition, which I'd been able to ride since last weekend, had suddenly deserted me. I lost the fun, happy feeling of being attractive and got all stupid and self-doubty instead. :-\ Which made me grumpy, listless and also not wanting to do my work, which is a pain. Meh.

The second date was different in a few ways: we went out after work, pretty late in the evening, so there wasn't time to do much. Still, we met for coffee and then had a small dinner at a nice little restaurant. It was a wee bit awkward since K hadn't meant to go out for dinner and was running short of cash. I offered to treat him, but he didn't seem to want me to. *shrug* Never mind; we had some food and talked some more. He really is respecting what I said about being friends; didn't even hold my hand or nothin'. Hah... I'm starting to think I want him to, but I don't know how or when to say it.

Now, there are still more than a few breaks in the conversation when we talk, which I think is partly because of the way he has to translate his thoughts into English, which must be difficult... but there's also me, and my innate self-consciousness which makes me wonder why someone else would want to hear my thoughts, I guess. I'm gonna try and get over this, as it's linked to shyness which is something I'd like to eradicate. I began to! I'm much more confident around K now. But I don't always know how to keep a conversation going. I've been alone with my thoughts (not having many IRL friends and not going out much, etc.) for a long time, and it takes a mind shift to get used to letting them out.

Does this make sense? ??? :)


It sure makes sense to me Heli.  I'm pretty awkward and have a hard time keeping a conversation going unless I have some alcohol in me.  I'm definitely NOT suggesting alcohol as a social lubricant.  It is going to take practice, so go on as many dates as you can, but remember to be youself even if you feel your face flush.  :chinup:


Does this make sense? ??? :)

Of course it does!

One thing you could do is make a list of topics you haven't talked about.  Things like:

    any personal things you still haven't talked about--family, childhood, etc.
    make sure you ask lots of details about his travels in different countries and what he experience there
    what are his hobbies?  you have lots of hobbies, heli, so you'll be able to piggyback off whatever he says, i'm sure
    music--what does he like, does he play any instruments, etc.
    food!  does he cook?  what kind of food did he eat in all the countries he visited?  again, you love to cook, so you can easily talk it up here with confidence
    talk about whatever interesting things/places there are in your city and has he been to them, etc.
    aminals?  does he have pets?  does he like them?
    admire/ask about something he is wearing

You get the idea...list some things out ahead of time that you would like to talk about and just write them down and keep them some place where you can see them so you remember them when a date comes.  Think of interesting stories you can tell him, and use that to push conversation forward ("has something like that ever happened to you, etc.")  Make sure you talk about yourself enough.  I used to be pretty wretchedly shy, and I think a lot of it was just not thinking to talk about MYSELF.  Ask about him, and then contribute your piece.  Have you told him lots of details about yourself?  Would you say it's been equal?  Also, if you feel yourself getting shy and holding back, just SAY IT.  Guarantee there is nothing that you could say that would put him off, unless you started talking about your Diva Cup or something.  Otherwise, just assume that everything you have to say is super important and awesome.  Because it is!  And he will feel that way if he likes you. 

Also, could you practice conversation with a friend or family?  A co-worker?  Make it a point to make small talk with more people every day.  Like cammers said, practice practice practice.

About the just wanting to be friends---if you told him that, then don't expect him to initiate physical contact.  He would probably be terrified of doing so because he'd feel he wasn't respecting your wishes.  So that's going to be a little more tricky.  If you DO think you like him, then just keep going with the flow, and make sure you use positive body language--look into his eyes, sit up straight, shoulders turned toward him.  Don't be discouraged/self-doubting if you told him you just wanted to be friends, and then he backed off.....because that is what you told him to do!  It doesn't mean he isn't finding you attractive anymore, it means he doesn't want to be pushy and overbearing.  He is being respectful of you.   :)

You could put a few cracks in the "just friends" iceberg if you wanted to by just voicing your feelings--like "I had a lot of fun with you yesterday."   Something easy like that.  Smile a lot when you are talking to him.  Heck, put your hand near his, even if you don't yet feel confident enough to take his hand yourself yet.  If you give him enough signals he will get it eventually, but you have to be clear because after all, you did tell him that you just wanted to be friends, which makes him out to be kind of a cad if he does attempt to touch you again.
This is exciting!  All this is very good for you.   You are growing lots already!   :-*


Eee :iloveyou: I feel so much better after reading your advice(s). Thank you... it's good to know it's not just me who has learned / needs to learn to overcome shyness/etc. I totally get what you mean, Camillus, about alcohol... I do tend to drink more than I should, and although it does relax me (and K, going by that dinner + wine we had), I mustn't be reckless or use it to take the lazy way out.

KMK, I think what we've discussed so far is pretty equal, about myself / K. Hmmm, I will work on a list of things to talk about - that's a neat idea. Date homework, haha. ;)b And I shall repeat the following mantra to myself: You are not a boring person, Anna.

Guarantee there is nothing that you could say that would put him off, unless you started talking about your Diva Cup or something.

This made me LOL. :-D

About the just wanting to be friends---if you told him that, then don't expect him to initiate physical contact.  He would probably be terrified of doing so because he'd feel he wasn't respecting your wishes.  So that's going to be a little more tricky.  If you DO think you like him, then just keep going with the flow, and make sure you use positive body language--look into his eyes, sit up straight, shoulders turned toward him.  Don't be discouraged/self-doubting if you told him you just wanted to be friends, and then he backed off.....because that is what you told him to do!  It doesn't mean he isn't finding you attractive anymore, it means he doesn't want to be pushy and overbearing.  He is being respectful of you.   :)

I'm sure you're right. Thinking about it, I'm a little amazed at just how respectful he's being. I've been entertaining the notion of asking, if the right moment came about, whether he IS still interested in being more than friends. Surely the answer would be yes, so I guess I ought to wait until I'm sure MY answer would also be yes. :) I've been obsessing over contemplating this aaaaallllllll daaaaaay. :-\ ::)

I'm pleased to say that I've been totally honest in everything I've said to K. (It's just the way I operate.) Although I do need to speak more, to respond better, to work on my conversation skills.... I was able to communicate that I like being with him. Towards the end of the second date, I said "I like spending time with you." That's the simple truth; and I think it works for either a friendly relationship or a romantic one. It's interesting, suddenly having someone in my life who seems to care about me, and who I care about. Even though it's a bit weird at work together, where we hardly have a chance to talk... since a few days ago, I found to my surprise that when I went home for the day, I missed him. I really like his smile.

This is exciting!  All this is very good for you.   You are growing lots already!   :-*

:-* right back atcha. :D



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