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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



I'm grinning and smirking on and off right now. I did a little something to cheer myself up this afternoon. I feel good about it.

I went into town with the goal of getting some organic groceries... as it turns out, both the organics shops were shut, since it's a public holiday where shops aren't allowed to open until 1pm, and some don't open at all. But all along I'd entertained the notion of going to my store to see if I'd bump into K at work. And so I went there, and after hanging around for ten minutes... I did! We chatted briefly, and then he asked what I had planned for tomorrow. I said nothing much, and he asked if I'd like to get together. I said Yes, I'd like that. (Which is a more straightforward, confident answer than I was able to give when he asked the first time, last Friday.)

It was worth the possibility of a few other staff members noticing me stopping to talk with K. And even though I said I was just doing some shopping, I think he realised I had gone to our store because I meant to run into him. ^_^ And you know what? That's cool with me. 8)

I'll stop rambling soon. I just wanted to say how proud I am of myself, for facing my fear, even in a small way. Baby steps. :>

And yeah - date tomorrow! Hahaha!


Yay Heli, that's fantastic!  keep us all updated! (I'm sure you would have done anyways)


yay heli!!  im so happy/proud!!!  have fun!


Heli,  ;)b  ^-^

and for later, :hotforyou:


I think the thread title needs to be changed to ........................Inadequacy..and adequacy.  ???


Yay Heli!  Have fun tomorrow!  :) 


My brain is a bit too full and confused right now; I shall elaborate on my date tomorrow. Sorry! For now I will say that it was nice, strange, new, surprising. And K definitely wants to be more than just friends. :o


My brain is a bit too full and confused right now; I shall elaborate on my date tomorrow. Sorry! For now I will say that it was nice, strange, new, surprising. And K definitely wants to be more than just friends. :o

Omg! I'll wait.....


My brain is a bit too full and confused right now; I shall elaborate on my date tomorrow. Sorry! For now I will say that it was nice, strange, new, surprising. And K definitely wants to be more than just friends. :o

Spill it, girl! Did he put the moves on you or what?!




Oooh! I can't wait to hear, heli!

and where's kmk?


Heli!  Speak!

K's and my weekend was absolutely lovely.  We went out to eat, we went to the park in downtown Hartford, we watched movies, we even went shopping at Whole Foods and made pancakes together on Sunday morning.  (eta: The pancakes we made were the Best Ever pancakes from here.  Great success.)  It was very, very, very nice.  I was so happy the whole time, and I think he was too.  Now we can be "dating" each other instead of just people who talk on the phone for a very long time.  He is coming back to see me in a month, and I will go see him in New York in June, hopefully.  :)

Also, I called AC for her birthday, and she got to talk to K.  So she can attest to his lovely voice.  :)


:)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>> :)>>>


What did you think of him, AC?  You like his NY accent? 

I know you hate talking on the phone.  Teehee. 


Hurrah!! I'm so happy for you. It sounds like a wonderful weekend and the picture of you two is adorable!!! yay!


Heli, omg yay I can't wait to hear! So proud and excited for you!

And KMK, aww he's adorable, sounds wonderful, lucky you!


What did you think of him, AC?  You like his NY accent? 

I know you hate talking on the phone.  Teehee. 

Oddly enough, I didn't really notice a NY accent! Maybe I noticed it, but I didn't think about it? I dunno. I thought he was cute sounding, and a natural talker! haha, I can see how you can talk for eva. He was sweet. <3 You are a sweet couple of sweetness.

Also, I am going to beat up Heli.


I had to come catch up, thanks to Heli's FB teasers...

Heli - Yay!!!  I hope he wasn't too forward with you.  Congrats on overcoming your fears and trying new things.   :smileteeth:

KMK - Wahoo!!!  My husband and I took over 3 months to meet after meeting online and chatting for hours every day!  So glad you guys hit it off.  He's gorgeous!


Congrats Kate!  You were my inspiration to start online dating...hopefully I will have similar fortune. 


Congrats Kate!  You were my inspiration to start online dating...hopefully I will have similar fortune. 

I hope so! 

In keeping with the theme of our little MA club here, we are not boyfriend/girlfriend/relationship-ish right now.  We are just dating.  It's nice.  We need to have a few more dates together in person before anything else can happen.  Yay.  Way to not be clingy/hasty/over-the-top.  ;)b

I'm freakin peeing my pants here waiting to hear about heli.  Go go go!


I'm freakin peeing my pants here

Have you told K about your peeing issue? That might be something to put out there..for his consideration. If you haven't, I can call him to let him know.



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