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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



I will cut all three of you.


yikes!  somebody's teste(s)...

mdv- good for you!  fresh starts are great!


Yay!  This thread is full of loooooove!  :-*


yeah as long as you ignore the posts where ac threatens to cut us.


yeah as long as you ignore the posts where ac threatens to cut us.

Hey! My facebook told me this: "You are one fierce bitch. You are very independent and will take no bullshit from anyone..."
What can I say?

<3 ..."but your personality is actually sort of quiet and shy"


yeah as long as you ignore the posts where ac threatens to cut us.



So, I'm gonna add some good news....not necessarily MY good news though.  It could be...I'm not sure yet.  Hmm.  Anyway, so my "friend with benefits" has always wanted more than that, and it has been an issue.  I probably should have cut it off a long time ago, but I didn't so, what's done is done.  Anyway, he has become quite smitten with another girl!  I met her tonight.  She's really cool and I've never seen him so positive.  He wasn't really "different" but at the same time he was...I know that doesn't make sense.  Anyway, I'm selfishly happy that he's found someone else b/c now he won't get irritated with me when I show an interest in someone else, but at the same time, I'm genuinely happy FOR him.  I hope this is gonna be a good thing for him.  Ok, that's all.  Just needed to share with someone.  :flower:


Long story short: I'm probably going on a not-a-date tomorrow. :o ???

Yeah, a bomb was dropped in my comfort zone...

I have never dated in my life. I'm super shy in social situations. I almost never find people attractive, that is, I've never wanted/desired another person (I still don't!) although I sometimes find certain people beautiful. So I said I'd be happy to go, if it was just as friends. I hope he got that - his English isn't great (although he's working on it). He's from Iran.

My brain is in fits, although it's calmed down some since yesterday. I don't know what to think. I feel almost threatened being asked out by someone at work, who I think is nice but not-in-that-way, who I wil have to continue to work with/near four days a week. I really would be happy to make friends! and I hope that's how it pans out.

Ugh... yeah, I guess I'm reading too much into this, but please understand that this is THE first time EVER I have been asked on a date not-a-date. It's just a movie. Calm down, Heli.

I had to get that off my virtual chest... now I'm gonna go shopping. :chinup:


I had to get that off my virtual chest... now I'm gonna go shopping. :chinup:

Hey, take it as a compliment (to be asked "out"), and have a good time! You have nothing to worry about.  ;)b


Have fun Heli.  You never know...   :flower:


Thanks, ladies. :-* I need to spend the rest of my Caturday trying to feel positive about it. I hadn't realised before how much this kind of thing apparently means to me, since it's never happened before. ::) I would like to state for the record (in case I didn't make it clear) that I am not looking for romance - I never have. But I am trying to keep an open mind despite myself. Hell, I don't even know if I like men! :wow: ;D ??? :-X


Ahh.... so now I know why nobody every used my dating thread... there is this one!  Mmm... dates... we're talking about the fruit right?


we need the full report post non-date heli!


Tomorrow (well, today, actually) I am meeting my guy for the first time in person.  He's the guy whom most of you have seen on my facebook.  We've been talking on the phone and online now for three months.  Sometimes we talk for hours and hours at a time--up to eight or nine hours straight.  I'm very, very hopeful about this.  I just can't wait.  I get butterflies just thinking about it. 

I'm just feeling very  :)>>> and  :^ and  :-* and  :o and  :).


Yay! super-exciting, KMK. I hope you have a wonderful meeting! :) ^-^


Yay! super-exciting, KMK. I hope you have a wonderful meeting! :) ^-^

Thanks.  :)  Did anything come of your date/non-date?


Yay! super-exciting, KMK. I hope you have a wonderful meeting! :) ^-^

Thanks.   :)  Did anything come of your date/non-date?

Heheh, it's a bit of a long story (at least from my perspective). Last Sunday was called off by my gentleman friend, due to a family engagement. Which was okay with me, because it gave me another week to get over my nerves, think about things, talk it over with some people, and realise I might actually maybe be okay with the idea of dating for the first time. :o :iloveyou:

Bearing in mind the language barrier, and the fact that we have very few opportunities to talk at work (unless we want to be obvious that we're interested in each other), we've said very few words so far. And I finished work today without a clue as to whether or not we're going to go out this Sunday. I guess I'll just wait for a text message. Or, hell, maybe I'll send one! ;)b

This may be stating the obvious to some of you, but... I'm learning that being desired(?) makes one feel desirable. And this is new for me, and good, even if nothing comes of this situation in the long run.


Yeah, I just hope he does ask me out tomorrow. ::)

*stops, looks back at what she just said* ... wow. that's a first. ;D


Hey Kate!  I hope everything goes well.  :flower:


I hope it goes well for both of you!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!!

<3  :D



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