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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



Man...I wish I had gentlemen callers.* All I get are boy toys :p

Same thing?  Most of my GC's are hardly men.....  ::)


Man...I wish I had gentlemen callers.* All I get are boy toys :p

Same thing?  Most of my GC's are hardly men.....   ::)

Most men are hardly men.


Man...I wish I had gentlemen callers.* All I get are boy toys :p

Same thing?  Most of my GC's are hardly men.....   ::)

Ha, my "GC" named "C" is a man....the others are def just boys...and silly boys at that!  I'm chatting with "AJ" right now.  ::)


what did the artist say?


Haha.  I feel like we are in the midst of a season of Sex and the City.  ;)b

motorcycle = sexy!  My VK (not included in the GC list because he's never actually come a-calling in that way....but he sort of represents my ideal....) knows how to work on bikes and motorcycles.  Hot.


Saw the artist again last night.  We had our second good, face-to-face conversation in a week.  Remarkable! 

PS - KMK, you've seen pictures of the artist friend, I believe.  Now add that to a motorcycle.  Drool...

I have, too! You hate me, you forgot about me.  :(
I used to be in love with motorcycles.


PS - KMK, you've seen pictures of the artist friend, I believe.  Now add that to a motorcycle.  Drool...

Yes!  I can attest to the drool-worthiness.

I have to be honest, K is usurping all of my vegweb time.  Tell me, is it normal/OK/healthy to talk to a person for 8 hours?  On the phone?  Contiguously?  As in, 7:30pm to 4:30am?  I mean, I did other things during that time--cooked, cleaned, etc....but seriously!  And even then I did not want to say goodnight.  I don't even know what this is but it feels like happy.


PS - KMK, you've seen pictures of the artist friend, I believe.  Now add that to a motorcycle.  Drool...

Yes!  I can attest to the drool-worthiness.

I have to be honest, K is usurping all of my vegweb time.  Tell me, is it normal/OK/healthy to talk to a person for 8 hours?  On the phone?  Contiguously?  As in, 7:30pm to 4:30am?  I mean, I did other things during that time--cooked, cleaned, etc....but seriously!  And even then I did not want to say goodnight.  I don't even know what this is but it feels like happy.

Aww you sound so so happy and I'm happy for you! I mean, that's a really crazy long time on the phone, but it sounds like things are pretty awesome. I remember when I was in high school and I used to talk to a boy on the phone for many hours at a time late at night. My parents were not happy when they found that out... Anyway, yay KMK+K!!! and hey, at least you are being productive, too. that's just so great.


k now im totally jealous and want to see the artist. 

and kmk - it's only ok if you're not using one of those annoying earpiece phones while you talk.  thats so not romantic and cute.


You can link to photos online and they will appear in the message, but I don't know about taking them directly from your computer. 


im on it!


It's bad when the owner of the bar offers you free drinks after midnight just to talk to his male clientele.  I'm not gonna be the local bar escort service! 

You're funny.  I'm glad you are back on track though!  <3



I miss Meggs here.


I'm only posting so I can be the 666th post.


I'm only posting so I can be the 666th post.

Awesome. My sister and I were in Florida and on the day we were going home I said I needed to get some food for the plane trip back. We were in a bit of a hurry and she didn't want to drive all the way back to the supermarket so we decided it wouldn't hurt to shop at wal-mart for just a bit of food.  We never shop at wal-mart usually because it's evil.  Anyway, I got some hummus and crackers and she got some oranges and when they rang up the total it was $6.66. Perfect.


*sings* MD has a booooooyfriend, MD has a booooooyfriend! *does a little funky chicken dance*

Oh, and to quote an appropriate Rolling Stones song:

You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you need

(And sometimes that's a kick in the ass in the general direction of the non-crazy-train)


Grats MDV!!! You so deserve to be happy hon!

*dances for joy*


Yay!  This thread is so full of love. 

Which one iiiis it?  I want to know!

I am still passionately in :iloveyou: with my baby.  It's insane.  It makes every other GC look totally worthless and moronic. 


I know who it iiiiiiiis!



And now so do KMK, Lotus, Cali, and AC.  If I missed anyone, let me know.

:wow:  :-*



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