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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



lotus - your post about okcupid lead me to redo my profile on there. i forgot about that place. perhaps my moratorium will end. we'll see.

i don't know why all the hot queers live far from me.

your profile is really good. you should add more photos, too. 


Oh wow, mdv!  You are so very fascinating.  Like I said, this thread could inspire a movie.  We could get lots and lots of gorgeous actors to play your GC's.  Like Jude Law to play J2.

I only had the one GC who I actually fooled around with on a regular basis.  One was plenty. 

P broke it off with me, AC.  I cried for a good 1.37 seconds.  I'm so over it. 


Jude Law is a hot dude.


I will list my GC's.  This is fun.

M: In the military.  Ridiculously good in a boy scout kind of way.  Mama's boy.  Dashingly handsome and charming, but in a boring, textbook romance kind of way.  Looks like Cary Elwes circa the Princess Bride.  Republican.
VP: Vegan.  Has a sleeve of tattoos with Calvin and Hobbes on it, among other things.  Scrawny and altogether uncute.  Writer.  
C: Douchebag.  Told me that my job was ridiculously easy and that all I do is play with kids all day.  Asked me why I think urban kids fuck up so much and always get pregnant.  Ignorant, only child, and liked to hear himself talk.  I knew he was a jerk by the first half hour into our first date, but I continued on with it so I could see Twilight at the movies.  Wanted to sit in the back of the theater but I shot him down and told him I had bad eyesight.
GC: The "original" GC, whose name actually starts with D.  Italian Jew.  Teacher.  Writing a screenplay.  All around decent guy, but but lazy and brooding.  Speaks Italian and likes wine and Hugh Grant movies.  Decent in bed.  
TB:  Nerdy, likes anime and Japanese things.  Once had an entire conversation with me about semen.  Kind of gross/weird in all.  Had longish hair which I find unattractive.  Likes to hear himself talk about boring things.  Very intelligent and sweet, but I am unimpressed.
K:  Swoon.  Most interesting guy I have ever spoken to, period.  Disciplined, sweet, humble, hard-working, funny, brilliant, fit.  Makes me want to be a better person.  Calls me Katiebear and it gives me butterflies.  Talking to him is the absolute high point of my day.


C: Douchebag.  Told me that my job was ridiculously easy and that all I do is play with kids all day.  Asked me why I think urban kids fuck up so much and always get pregnant.  Ignorant, only child, and liked to hear himself talk.  I knew he was a jerk by the first half hour into our first date, but I continued on with it so I could see Twilight at the movies.  Wanted to sit in the back of the theater but I shot him down and told him I had bad eyesight.


Please tell me this waste of a human has been pushed in front of a train.


P is having a fling with KMK AND Mdv!  :o

He may be having a fling but P and I had a nice few gaming dates!  :p

He should play EQ2, when its just my friend C & I we get into trouble!


Please tell me this waste of a human has been pushed in front of a train.

Yes, of course.  Figuratively speaking.  I never spoke to him again after that.  ;)b


Please tell me this waste of a human has been pushed in front of a train.

Yes, of course.  Figuratively speaking.  I never spoke to him again after that.   ;)b

I was going for literally, but figuratively works too I guess.
What an asshole, it blows my mind that people still think, act, talk, and feel this way.


P broke it off with me, AC.  I cried for a good 1.37 seconds.  I'm so over it. 

Awwww, ^ that made him sad. It's probably for the best.


He may be having a fling but P and I had a nice few gaming dates!  :p

He should play EQ2, when its just my friend C & I we get into trouble!

That filthy whore! haha, he has no comment at this time.



Oh ex-boyfriend (we dated less than a month, but it didn't end bad. We were just better as friends. Or something. I often forget we dated.) has a friend who is vegan. Because of the vegan-ness, we became friends on Facebook a while back, and have started talking. And he's kinda being..flirty or something.

We chatted about cookbooks and such because he's into cooking and baking! (ee!) He has VWAV and V-con, but not VCTOTW, so I offered to send him some recipes. THEN! THEN not only did he comment on a picture of mine, saying "ooOooOOoo, pretty...," but his status is "(Person)  is getting some cupcakes recipes from a cute girl :-)" 

Oh god oh god oh god. How do I stop this in a nice way?


Oh god oh god oh god. How do I stop this in a nice way?

I say there's nothing wrong with getting compliments/sharing recipes! If he asks you out, or some other such thing..then you tell him you have a boyfriend (<3). Or, if you don't feel comfortable with that, just be honest and tell him you want to be friends/talk about vegan stuff, but you're already with somebody.

You are a cute girl. I hope you won't stop ME!  :-*


ok I've been reading this all along... and somehow I don't know what GC stands for. I mean I get what it means but I don't know exactly. halp.


ok I've been reading this all along... and somehow I don't know what GC stands for. I mean I get what it means but I don't know exactly. halp.

Gentleman caller!


Ok, I'm gonna join in the fun and add my "GC specs"  ha. 

J-One of my closest friends since college.  "Friends with benefits," but he would like more...I've recently stopped the "benefits" b/c I felt like I was leading him on.  Awesome friend...but that's all he's ever gonna be. (damn good in the sack though.  ha)
C-Ugh.  This is bad.  "C" is a friend from college with whom I've recently become reaquainted.  We always flirted, but I never thought anything of it.  We got together unexpectedly a couple weeks ago for "one time."  Well, that has since turned into 3 times.  Ugh.  I have to stop 
A-Not sure yet...We were introduced by a friend on facebook.  Can't tell a whole lot from pictures, but I'm not blown away or anything.  I'm going out with him tomorrow.  From talking, he seems really smart, funny, and I'm probably gonna hate him. ha.
AJ-Ahhh..."AJ" is my original inadequate "GC."  He is the hottest thing I have ever seen in real life.  He's super athletic, super hot, and super insecure.  Honestly, he's fucking crazy and had "issues" in bed, for some reason, I want to try again.  ha.  of course I do.  ::)


ok I've been reading this all along... and somehow I don't know what GC stands for. I mean I get what it means but I don't know exactly. halp.

Gentleman caller!

AC to the rescue. thank you, dear.  ;)


I like reading this thread. It's like a soap opera to me  :)


Oh god oh god oh god. How do I stop this in a nice way?

When you send him recipes be sure to note which ones have gone over well with a very unsubtle "My boyfriend loves this recipe every time I make it for him." kind of comments.

Mention your boy in a casual manner.  Chatting? "Whoops, I have to go JBB is taking me out for dinner." kind of comments.  Or stress the fact that you want to be friends.  "Its so awesome to have a vegan friend I can talk baking with!" It compliments but also stresses friendship.

And finally, enjoy the compliments and the friendship but be sure if he gives you an overture or request for something more that you stay polite, firm and clear in your refusal.  You want him as a friend, not as a boyfriend.


Oh god oh god oh god. How do I stop this in a nice way?

When you send him recipes be sure to note which ones have gone over well with a very unsubtle "My boyfriend loves this recipe every time I make it for him." kind of comments.

Mention your boy in a casual manner.  Chatting? "Whoops, I have to go JBB is taking me out for dinner." kind of comments.  Or stress the fact that you want to be friends.  "Its so awesome to have a vegan friend I can talk baking with!" It compliments but also stresses friendship.

And finally, enjoy the compliments and the friendship but be sure if he gives you an overture or request for something more that you stay polite, firm and clear in your refusal.  You want him as a friend, not as a boyfriend.

Good advice. You can also start calling him a "friendly" nickname. Like "buddy", or "kid" if he is younger than you. or make up something more unique, but still signifies a just friends type relationship. maybe veggie pal?


ok I've been reading this all along... and somehow I don't know what GC stands for. I mean I get what it means but I don't know exactly. halp.

Gentleman caller!

haha, I thought it was guy crush.  ::) no wonder that didn't make sense sometimes.


..boys. *shakes fist*  ::)  That's a good idea about sneaking in things saying I'm not available. I was all worried, trying to plan out how I would say that I have a boy already without making him feel bad...

Man...I wish I had gentlemen callers.* All I get are boy toys :p

*eta: not now. but general.



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