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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



I know SO MANY ag kids with that tattoo  ::)

Figured I'd join this thread. hah. I cut off my GC, it wasnt anything that happened for a long time at all, but just.. nothanksss. And we're still good friends. Yay.


I know SO MANY ag kids with that tattoo  ::)

Figured I'd join this thread. hah. I cut off my GC, it wasnt anything that happened for a long time at all, but just.. nothanksss. And we're still good friends. Yay.

Down with GC's.  ;)b


vegans! i, ponycakes, possibly may have experienced an orgasm for the first time.  i'm not sure though, which is why i am here. like...tingles went down my arms and legs, and my brain felt weird, like...i couldn't think or anything and i don't like to say cliche-y things, but my head was spinning is a good way to describe it. BUT! i am a loser so i've done lots of online reading about orgasms and stuff because i've never had one before ever, and like all the online things talk about muscle contractions and stuff, but i don't think there were any, or at least i didn't notice any, and jbb (i just asked him) said he doesn't know because he was confused, so i guess he didn't notice any either.

vegans, was it a something of my imagination, or was this THE BIG O? (i do not mean oprah)

eta: lulz at the tattoos. there's probably kids here with similar ones. it is that kind of place :p


vegans! i, ponycakes, possibly may have experienced an orgasm for the first time.  i'm not sure though, which is why i am here. like...tingles went down my arms and legs, and my brain felt weird, like...i couldn't think or anything and i don't like to say cliche-y things, but my head was spinning is a good way to describe it. BUT! i am a loser so i've done lots of online reading about orgasms and stuff because i've never had one before ever, and like all the online things talk about muscle contractions and stuff, but i don't think there were any, or at least i didn't notice any, and jbb (i just asked him) said he doesn't know because he was confused, so i guess he didn't notice any either.

vegans, was it a something of my imagination, or was this THE BIG O? (i do not mean oprah)

It sounds to me like you were ALMOST there. Like, you were about to have one. Did you feel any thing in your stomach...all through your "gut"? Did you feel any type of contraction? Did you feel sensitive afterward?


Squee!  This is good news!

OK, the arm tinglies are good, but did you feel anything in your vagina/uterus/clit region though?  That's where my orgasms center, at least.  A guy might or might not be able to feel any muscles contractions, so jbb may or may not have been able to tell.  The contractions are all in the pelvic region.

Exciting!  Keep us updated!  

I hope it's not creepy that I am excited for your orgasms.   :-X


hm. there was a tummy feeling i guess the same as the arm and leg feelings. i wasn't sensitive afterward, and i couldn't really say anything because i was all breathing crazily and couldn't like..collect myself enough to make words so he kept going and then it happened again, but a little less, like the head spinny part was less.

it is not creepy :p for some reason this is the only place i feel ok talking about these types of things, and i don't have any girl friends that i'm close enough with to ask.


Well, I sounds freaking great either way. So, go for that next time..and maybe you'll be sure of it.  8-)


Cakes, I fully support enrolling in your college's Human Sexuality class if they offer one!  There you will learn neat things but also that orgasm's are not just centered around the sex organs!  You can have many different kinds, from clitoral, vaginal, uterine, anal, g-spot and mental.  Each will feel different and have a different effect.

To me, it sounds like you had a nice mental one.  Those are the best, because it does not necessarily have to be from intercourse.  In my experience the clitoral, vaginal and anal ones result in vaginal contractions, just a few but a nice feeling none the less.  The uterine ones feel like your womb is cramping, but in a good way.  G-spot is interesting because for me it results in shivers going down my spine, its nice!

Honestly, as long as you enjoy it, have fun with it!  Sex can be awesome even without a big O.


Ponycakes: sounds like it to me and anyway, if it felt good that's the main thing. I feel like I should caution you on the Dangers of Orgasms though, because the other day I accidentally headbutted my poor boy in the face during the throes, as it were. So, you know, no muscle contractions might actually be a good thing.

P.S. Dear Moratorium-ers: I know I don't really belong here but I am bereft of VegWeb smut talk lately and needed my fix. Carry on. Carry on.


I accidentally headbutted my poor boy in the face during the throes, as it were.

Ha!  I also warn that if a guy tries to tickle me, I cannot be held accountable for accidentally kicking him in the face/stomach/balls.  ;D


I accidentally headbutted my poor boy in the face during the throes, as it were.

Ha!  I also warn that if a guy tries to tickle me, I cannot be held accountable for accidentally kicking him in the face/stomach/balls.   ;D

Oh, likewise. Dangerous flailing may occur.


Haaaaaa 2 drunk dials and an IM at 3am from former-GC whilst in the middle of conversation with my boy.
I didn't answer.

GC, you do not even have the privilege to tell me you miss me anymore.  You are so inadequate it is laughable.  Besides the fact that my current boy could kick your ass singlehandedly with a broken collar bone and fractured ribs.


This thread is dying.

It makes me sad.



I find that I'm getting very little male attention. This has never bothered me, but I'm beginning to be annoyed. It's not destroying my self-worth; it's just something that is starting to irk me. Ick.


I find that I'm getting very little male attention. This has never bothered me, but I'm beginning to be annoyed. It's not destroying my self-worth; it's just something that is starting to irk me. Ick.

Hmmm.  Well, are there any boys you are interested in?


Not currently. The only guys that I've been interested in since coming to school have been asses though. Such is life. I am rather content by myself.

But that ass hole in my English class is fun to look at. :)


This thread is dying.

It makes me sad.


I was thinking about this thread earlier today.  I took my 4th graders on a field trip to see the local symphony's children's show.  Anyway, before the show, I was looking at the stage to see if I knew any of the musicians and guess who was playing...haha...former "GC!"  Ha.  Anyway, I made the mistake (?) of texting him to let him know that I saw him there.  So, when I got back to school, he sent me a message asking if i was "still horny."  He went into this whole thing...asking me if i would get in trouble for doing it in the teacher's lounge.  Ha.  It's not like he's gonna do anything anyway (based on prior experiences) I just asked him flat out when he was gonna stop playing with me.  Seriously.  I just don't get this guy.  He talks so much shit and never backs it up.  Inadequate.  but soooo hot!!!

On another note, I'm going on interesting dates with nice boys from okcupid!  Nothing worth reporting, really though. 


Oh yay!

I deactivated my OKC account because I am smitten at the moment. 

I want to hear all about your dates!  All of you!


All guys lately for me, have:
A. got into relationships.
B. started suddenly getting into mondo depressed mode and stopped talking to me.
C. think i'm insane for some odd reason or another.
D. have been extremely young freshman kids who like me, or people that i just cant gain interest in no matter how hard i try.

Oh well. I shall live on  ;)b I've only lately got back into actually wanting a relationship. Any amazing vegan boys in bradenton come find me  :)>>>  I Wish ::)


These are all of the GC's I can think of right now.  I know I am missing some because I counted 12 earlier today.

:wow: Now, those are choices!

P is having a fling with KMK AND Mdv!  :o



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