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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!





Completely out of the blue, I just received an email from 'the friend' inquiring about my new job and congratulating me.  This is the first time he's initiated correspondence with me since 'the email'.  I think he's spying on vegweb.


I think you may want to ask the magic thread (a.k.a. "open letters") for assistance.


I too have been consciously engaged in such a moratorium stemming from from a few sexual encounters with an ex girlfriend last summer.  Details will be spared.  

Anyways, since then my rule has been no sex until after you have met them at least 4 times and had an engaging/interesting conversation each time.  Any sexual activity up until then is limited to just her pleasure.  This way if things didn't work out she can't go around saying I used her for sex and there are legitimate issues behind my decision I can explain to her that are non-sleazy.  Thus far, no girl has made it past the third encounter and I am glad these rules are in place because I fear many more mistakes causing me more grief and drama may have ensued.  In addition, I will add that during this period I have learned about my body very well and my masturbation experiences have become absolutely orgasmic as I've tried new things out.  All in all, the moratorium is fantastic!

You're like my favorite male ever.

I  am going to adopt your rules.  I like those rules.  The four times business and all.

Hooray!  The males are reppin' in the auditorium!

Hm I should maybe try this as well.


Now if you really want to challenge yourself, try going a few weeks without any self-gratification. Talk about brutal!!! ;D

Huh? no problemo. ::)

I believe I was born without a libido. yeah, I guess I'm here to provide moral support also. I just happen to have never dated, etc., so I'm not denying myself anything I normally have.


Secondly, I replied to the friend's email with one word - 'thanks.'  I am not getting wrapped up in that kind of crazy again.   ;)b

FABULOUS.  That's really awesome.


Secondly, I replied to the friend's email with one word - 'thanks.'  I am not getting wrapped up in that kind of crazy again.   ;)b

thats so great - very strong of you!


I just got slightly annoyed. Not with the moratorium or the persons involved. i just wanted to make a blanket statement. I had a sweetass day then I got annoyed.

back to my sweetass day... er, night.

Carry on, chaps.  :-* :)>>> :-* :)>>>

Yay MDV!  In regard to the e-mail.


I've only done moves like that once or twice (and I anticipate one with GC at some point, if he decides that he still wants to "talk more later" like he said (whateverrrrr, asshole)), but it feels GREAT.  To be the one who is like, no, actually, I'M done with YOU.  I'm the one in control here.  HOL-LER.


I just got slightly annoyed. Not with the moratorium or the persons involved. i just wanted to make a blanket statement. I had a sweetass day then I got annoyed.

Carry on, chaps.   :-* :)>>> :-* :)>>>

Right-o.  Good show.



Oh and yay for the bands, MDV. I'm sort of lazy, otherwise I'd congratulate you on the open letters thread.


High fives!

This is my new favorite thread.

I told mdv, but I'll tell you all, I have a date this Saturday.  It will be totally free of funny business, and I intend to follow Foofie's Rule of Fours.  We'll see how it goes.


"Foofie's Rule of Fours". I love it.

MDV, I'm so glad you went on Moratorium. This is the best thread ever. I feel at home. (besides the fact that I am, you know, at home).


MDV, I'm so glad you went on Moratorium. This is the best thread ever. I feel at home. (besides the fact that I am, you know, at home).


Yes, I feel quite at home, figuratively and literally.  Y'all just get it.


guess what - no dates on the horizon for me! yay!


I'm super happy for MDV and all of her excitement today.
And happy for KMK and her date, because she is actively keeping in mind "FROF".
PPC, you and I can be dateless... I'm OK with it-- are you?  I've got enough on my plate for a while.


The "Foofie Rule of Fours" has been battle tested and proven to be a winner.  Make sure if a situation arises where sex may be a possibility you explain the situation and that you will do this, this, and this, but there will be no sex tonight.  It works to just be open about it (yes, this part has been tested as well and proven effective).


The "Foofie Rule of Fours" has been battle tested and proven to be a winner.  Make sure if a situation arises where sex may be a possibility you explain the situation and that you will do this, this, and this, but there will be no sex tonight.  It works to just be open about it (yes, this part has been tested as well and proven effective).

Yeah, I'm good at communicating things like that.  I just have to be invested in thinking that it's worthwhile.  But now I am!


I can't believe I just read this!  I guess I never saw it before......
I love it!


I can't believe I just read this!  I guess I never saw it before......
I love it!



and God knows I need help.....I'm just like I am on here, I don't hold anything back and I dive in head first........
and I can't do the sex is just sex thing, even if I say thats what I want, and at the time I mean it, it's not what I want!!!!


meggs- i have a gf coming to town for a a girls valentines weekend of food & fun - man-free!  if you feel like joining for any of it - you are more than welcome to.. i believe a chicago diner trip might be on the agenda & we're gonna see tim meadows on the 15th..

& you should totally come to my potluck on wednesday!

*ok end thread hijack*



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