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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



KMK! You're right next to Colpo in the photos down there!  :-*

Hey boy heyyyyy!


Also, update about my life via emoticons:

GC =  :blankstare:  *"dick" emoticon*

TB =  :hrmm:

A =  :)>>>   :bear:

Overall, I'm  8)


And to expand upon the GC update:

GC IMed me quite unexpectedly.  I haven't spoken to him for a bit.  He made some small talk for a while, then said:

"So, who are you banging these days?"
"Besides your mom?"
"Come on.  Tell me."
"I'm not discussing that with you."
"Can't I be interested in your sex life?"
"Of course you can.  Go ahead.  Be interested."

Insecure much?  What a tool.


And to expand upon the GC update:

GC IMed me quite unexpectedly.  I haven't spoken to him for a bit.  He made some small talk for a while, then said:

"So, who are you banging these days?"
"Besides your mom?"
"Come on.  Tell me."
"I'm not discussing that with you."
"Can't I be interested in your sex life?"
"Of course you can.  Go ahead.  Be interested."

Insecure much?  What a tool.

what a jerk.. tell him to grow up and that it's none of his business


"Of course you can.  Go ahead.  Be interested."

Giggle. Nicely handled.

I think he misses you.


I have nothing to contribute to this lovely thread.
I'm immersing myself in loads of homework in an effort to feel productive... and it's working.

Love to all on the thread.  :)>>>


"Of course you can.  Go ahead.  Be interested."

Giggle. Nicely handled.

I think he misses you.

I think he's missing me AND he's not getting any.  Tool.  I just laughed at him.


Open marriage?

eta: I would like to discuss this, because the difference in thinking (from my own) interests me. Inquiries: Why would you want to spread the love (so to speak) to others? I get that you are saying that loving others wouldn't mean you would love your husband less, but why would you want to love others? To allow your heart to love more? What does that really mean, though? To have different experiences? You feel the need to love more?

I dont believe in an open marriage when people have the idea that all it is for is to go out on dates without your spouse to meet new people to boff.  I believe in mutual monogamy between any number of people who all love each other.  Why go out on a date without your spouse when you could be going on one with your spouse with someone(s) you both could love in a steady relationship?

I have no problem with open physical relationships if the partners are respectful of one another.  However, I don't know about open emotional relationships.  Mostly I think that's because I'd selfishly want my partner there if I needed support.

In my own mind, its not about having your spouse there for you less, but to have other spouses there for you as well.

Since I fear I am not stating this well lets have a lets pretend example! 
Bob and Amy are wildly in love but feel they have room in their lives and hearts for more.  One day they meet Cathy.  After getting to know the couple, Cathy finds herself in love with Bob and also Amy, so much so that she never expresses her feelings so she doesn't 'break up the marriage'.  What if Bob and Amy also love her back and are torn about how to proceed?  Why not just invite her into the relationship so the three are now all together monogamously? 
It wouldn't work if Cathy was married to Dave who hated Amy, but if everyone felt the deep connection and love, why not merge the relationships together?


I've never understood the compelling need for physical monogamy. 

I get that in yesteryear, a man could leave his wife and kids and they'd be screwed, but now there's child support.  Today, there are child support and STD issues.  I understand the need for safe sex, but I don't think monogamy necessarily makes a relationship stronger.  Communication and mutual respect are the keys to relationships, as far as I can tell.


I've never understood the compelling need for physical monogamy. 

I get that in yesteryear, a man could leave his wife and kids and they'd be screwed, but now there's child support.  Today, there are child support and STD issues.  I understand the need for safe sex, but I don't think monogamy necessarily makes a relationship stronger.  Communication and mutual respect are the keys to relationships, as far as I can tell.

A lot of men get away with not paying child support though... the courts have a super hard time enforcing these court orders and these deadbeat dads claim they 'lost their job' or they'll even quit just to evade child support..... a slimy lot. It's sad, but they've figured out how to slip through the cracks of the imperfect system and they'd prefer to steal the food literally out of their chidren's mouths.... there should be a bountyhunter (like that guy Dog or Mutt? what was his name?!) for deadbeat dads who don't pay child support...that would be a fun show!


there should be a bountyhunter (like that guy Dog or Mutt? what was his name?!) for deadbeat dads who don't pay child support

I'd watch that show!


Since I fear I am not stating this well lets have a lets pretend example!   
Bob and Amy are wildly in love but feel they have room in their lives and hearts for more.  One day they meet Cathy.  After getting to know the couple, Cathy finds herself in love with Bob and also Amy, so much so that she never expresses her feelings so she doesn't 'break up the marriage'.  What if Bob and Amy also love her back and are torn about how to proceed?  Why not just invite her into the relationship so the three are now all together monogamously? It wouldn't work if Cathy was married to Dave who hated Amy, but if everyone felt the deep connection and love, why not merge the relationships together?

I understand. I think this is the idea (everyone together, loving each of the others, not just for sex or dates) for people who are in "true" open relationships. Right? I mean, from what I understand. Your example was what I had in mind, at least. But, I still think it's really rare to have this truly work with all parties. I'm not saying it can't happen, but I would think all parties would have to have similar personality traits in terms of security, needs, desires, etc. One doesn't love the other more, at all? One doesn't want more from one of the others? One doesn't feel truly part of one of the other's heart? You know? Lots of factors..but I think I understand what you are saying. That aside, I guess I still don't understand the need to have the other person..if you're already in a loving and complete relationship. Just to be able to love more? I'm curious about that. Honestly, to me, it seems like there must be some type of void..that another could fill?


I'm home alone and sexually frustrated.

Here,  :-*. THAT should take care of THAT.



(((MDV))) and  :-*


Also, I love brandy - the one liquor that doesn't give me hangovers.

I hope that's holding true this morning.


glad you feel good MD!  I have a little bit of a headache.....


I haven't kept up with this thread in a while.  I got lost somewhere back in the teens.

Love is suicide.

I stand on the edge of destruction emotionally ruined by the warmth I most desire
I will not fall prey to love of a human kind
For love is weakness
Love is the fall of every man
Take this heart you've claimed and as it numbs your hands
know the flame is dead and will no longer burn
This body will never pain again
This mind knows no wound
Though I am of flesh this flesh will not consume me
as it has destroyed so many before
This body will never pain again
This mind knows no wound
The flame is dead left only with ashes of memories
that renew my faith in hate and my faith in myself
Nothing can break me
This heart remains free from the burden of love
Yet this heart will be sustained
No hope
No compassion
I fill my heart with strength

This song helped me out a lot back in the day...


for some reason when I saw this on the Today Show I thought of this thread.  Exercise and relieve sexual frustration at the same time...look how happy that woman looks! ;D


for some reason when I saw this on the Today Show I thought of this thread.  Exercise and relieve sexual frustration at the same time...look how happy that woman looks! ;D

You ladies have all the luck sometimes.  Yet another reason that I wish I could have a vagina for at least one day.

eta: Also, these are supposed to really help you lose weight.  I saw these (and kind of rode one) in Japan last year.



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