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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!




I saw him on the Future Embrace tour. There was a song that was never released and some of the lyrics were 'I want you, I want to cum all over you'.  I am pretty sure that was directed to me.  Sadly, the newest SP CD sucks.

Yeah..well during the show he started staring at me and said "I want your body you sexy bitch" and pulled me up on stage and made out with me for like 10 minutes in front of everybody. Then he asked me to marry him and I said I'm sorry I have to go back to Georgia. He cried....

Did I take that too far?


Billy Corgan creeps me out.


Anyone else play Guitar Hero World Tour? It's funny when Billy is on the stage!


I just got caught up on the Wrangler tat.

Was it like this?

Or like this?

I'm not saying that I want to live there, but visiting would be so. much. fun.


I just got caught up on the Wrangler tat.

Was it like this?

Or like this?

I'm not saying that I want to live there, but visiting would be so. much. fun.

:-D that second one is hardcore. yuck.


is it wrong if I want a Wrangler arse tattoo?!

NOTE: it should be arse not ass IMO ::)


NOTE: it should be arse not ass IMO ::)

Love the Brits.


jolly good

do you mean all Brits (or just me :) he he he)


jolly good

do you mean all Brits (or just me :) he he he)

Pretty much just you.
But I do like the accents.


FTR, 'arse' sounds its best in a British accent. ;)b


FTR, 'arse' sounds its best in a British accent. ;)b

I feel like you can say so many things in a British accent and they sound so much better than in an American one. Especially profanities. Someone could yell at me in a British accent and I would not tire of it nearly as quickly.

Go Brits!  And Kiwis!  I'm pretty much a fan of both. Or maybe just Shelloid, Heli, and Theo?  ???


FTR, 'arse' sounds its best in a British accent. ;)b

I feel like you can say so many things in a British accent and they sound so much better than in an American one. Especially profanities. Someone could yell at me in a British accent and I would not tire of it nearly as quickly.

Go Brits!  And Kiwis!  I'm pretty much a fan of both. Or maybe just Shelloid, Heli, and Theo?   ???

so this means when we meet you (eventually) we can all yell at you to see how quickly you trie from each accent ???


Oh goddddd.  That's hideous.  8-)



Duh? I don't really have any other opinion on the subject, but..not a good sign if sender is already in a relationship.


Definitely counts as adulterous if the sender is in a relationship.

Otherwise...each to their own, if that rocks your boxers  ;)


I have erotic talk with a friend of mine in almost every phone conversation.  He loves his wife.  It's not conflict of interest.  It's just we're both very interested in sexy stuff.  We have been talking about going to strip clubs together, but my image of strip clubs is that they're sticky and gross (and I'm a germ freak, to an extent).


I have erotic talk with a friend of mine in almost every phone conversation.  He loves his wife.  It's not conflict of interest.  It's just we're both very interested in sexy stuff.  We have been talking about going to strip clubs together, but my image of strip clubs is that they're sticky and gross (and I'm a germ freak, to an extent).


Does he.....fuck his wife?  Why doesn't he go with her?  That's not really cool.


His wife doesn't want to go.  He is deeply, irrevocably, passionately in love with his wife.  Their relationship is the standard from which "solid" is measured.  I don't think she has any insecurities that would prompt her to have to go with us, or instead of me.

Back story:  I was telling him one time about how I was at a restaurant that had belly dancers.  One started gyrating near me and I got noticeably uncomfortable.  When they're that close, where do you look?  So, to make me squirm, she danced even closer to me.  He and I were going to go to strip clubs so I could desensitize around half-clothed (or less) dancing women.


I've always found overly erotic talk funny.  When a girl is talking to me that way, I suppose it's appealing to a degree but at some point, it just begins to humor me.  Sometimes they've liked the fact that I find it funny and other times, not so.  But if someone was texting me in that vane and was in a relationship, I think I'd have to seriously question the seriousness of it.  As a side note- that would not be a tattoo I'd put on my body anywhere, let alone my ass.  Definetly not digging that one.


I have erotic talk with a friend of mine in almost every phone conversation.  He loves his wife.  It's not conflict of interest.  It's just we're both very interested in sexy stuff.  We have been talking about going to strip clubs together, but my image of strip clubs is that they're sticky and gross (and I'm a germ freak, to an extent).

Does his wife know that you talk with each other in this manner? Unless she knows the complete truth, and is fine with it..that's not me.



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