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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



Dude friend and I watch DVDs. In the literal sense. Tonight wEich.e watched at his house, in his room. The only place to sit there is the bed. Eich.


I'm joining the Moratorium. I've never had sex, but now it's entirely possible. I'm not sure that it's necessarily something that I want right now, so I'm joining up until a date when I decide that it's what I want.

Go Courth!  ;)b

I wish I'd been smarter when I was younger.... but I guess better late than never.


Dude friend and I watch DVDs. In the literal sense. Tonight wEich.e watched at his house, in his room. The only place to sit there is the bed. Eich.

Movies would become "movies" so easily for me. It most recently happened when there was not a bed but a couch. Beware, Courth! Keep shunning inadequacy!

HH, you're funny.


Damn, MDV, good one. So terribly appropriate.

This thread gives me hope.


i need a date. advice?

involuntary moratorium member. totally.

Come to Frostburg.  ^-^

I've debated moving there myself... but we'd have to compete with MDV.


But she is in love!



just move to chicago, mdv! - we outnumber you in vegwebbers & veggie restaurants...


just move to chicago, mdv! - we outnumber you in vegwebbers & veggie restaurants...

Or you could all move out to the northern Maryland, vegetarian wasteland.  :-\


But she is in love!


It's true!

He made me some sort of marinated mushroom/red bell pepper fajitas last night. All on his own, too (he even pointed out that they were vegan, even though I've never made a big deal of things being vegan). We had one of our heart-to-hearts the other night (maybe I should call them "State of the Relationship Addresses") and we both realized we've been too stressed to really connect with each other like we used to.

So, he came home with groceries and a movie (not in quotes) and we ate a delicious dinner and cuddled through "License to Wed".

You know a guy is the RIGHT guy when he cooks you dinner and picks out a romantic comedy to watch because he knows you've got weddings on the brain. AND he doesn't even try anything to get compensation for his efforts.

See, ladies... THIS is what you want to wait for. It's awesome. And worth all the trouble. :)


You know a guy is the RIGHT guy when he cooks you dinner and picks out a romantic comedy to watch because he knows you've got weddings on the brain. AND he doesn't even try anything to get compensation for his efforts.

That actually happens in real life?

heh heh. i don't think i'm competition for action with any of you. different pools we swim in.  :D



You know a guy is the RIGHT guy when he cooks you dinner and picks out a romantic comedy to watch because he knows you've got weddings on the brain. AND he doesn't even try anything to get compensation for his efforts.

That actually happens in real life?

Speaking of which, and maybe this is part of the problem, I have an aversion to overly nice guys.  I have an aversion to assholes as well; don't get me wrong.  But when I guy sends "Really nice guy" vibes I tend to shut off from him and think, "Weak!  Clingy!  No!"  Mainly because most of the guys I have dated in the past have been overly nice and devoted, to the point where it becomes boring or stifling.  Which is one of my fears.  Feeling stifled is why I got out of my GC situation as well.  I dunno, is this a bad thing?


You know a guy is the RIGHT guy when he cooks you dinner and picks out a romantic comedy to watch because he knows you've got weddings on the brain. AND he doesn't even try anything to get compensation for his efforts.

That actually happens in real life?

Speaking of which, and maybe this is part of the problem, I have an aversion to overly nice guys.  I have an aversion to assholes as well; don't get me wrong.  But when I guy sends "Really nice guy" vibes I tend to shut off from him and think, "Weak!  Clingy!  No!"  Mainly because most of the guys I have dated in the past have been overly nice and devoted, to the point where it becomes boring or stifling.  Which is one of my fears.  Feeling stifled is why I got out of my GC situation as well.  I dunno, is this a bad thing?

Is it a bad thing? Because I have that problem as well. The last guy I was in a relationship with was overly nice and I really tried hard to stay in the relationship because he was nice (and boring and predictable... but nice!) and I thought that was important, but I just couldn't stand it anymore. It wasn't fair to him, either, because I'd get annoyed with him and snippy (although he didn't know it was because I was annoyed with him, he just thought I was an overly anxious bitch, most likely--but how do you say nicely, "YOU annoy me?"... yeah, I couldn't do it, so I'll take the bitch rap).


Is it a bad thing? Because I have that problem as well. The last guy I was in a relationship with was overly nice and I really tried hard to stay in the relationship because he was nice (and boring and predictable... but nice!) and I thought that was important, but I just couldn't stand it anymore. It wasn't fair to him, either, because I'd get annoyed with him and snippy (although he didn't know it was because I was annoyed with him, he just thought I was an overly anxious bitch, most likely--but how do you say nicely, "YOU annoy me?"... yeah, I couldn't do it, so I'll take the bitch rap).

Yes.  This is me as well.  Bitch twins!


"bad boy" behavior but in a nice guy.

I got lucky and found this with P. He was the bad boy (THAT I ALWAYS DATED), who evolved into the..perfect guy.  :)>>> ( ::)).
I had a lot of really crappy relationships (and a lot of fun..) because of the stupid bad boy thing. Communication is always good advice, but it can be a difficult thing to get over...if it's the personality that annoys you (I've been there!). I guess you just have to remember to look at the whole guy, and try to realize if he is what you really want..and know that you're not just looking for some excitement, or whatever. Well..I guess this only applies if you are actually wanting a true relationship..
I dunno..I don't think I really have any advice ...I just feel ya. I do hate that it happens for women so often..
I think you also need to keep the "wanting to change him" thing in mind, because that doesn't..usually work. BUT, it keep an open mind. haha! Ugh..


Yeah, I try to keep an open mind.  I don't think it's "bad" that I want as much as "cool." 

This makes me think of something from Anne of Green Gables.  (laurabs will 'preciate!)

Anne Shirley
: Fred is... extremely good.
Marilla Cuthbert: That is exactly what he should be! Would you want to marry a wicked man?
Anne Shirley: Well, I wouldn't marry anyone who was really wicked, but I think I'd like it if he could be wicked and wouldn't.
Marilla Cuthbert: You'll have better sense some day, I hope.

Very, very fitting.


Yeah, I try to keep an open mind.  I don't think it's "bad" that I want as much as "cool." 

This makes me think of something from Anne of Green Gables.  (laurabs will 'preciate!)

Anne Shirley
: Fred is... extremely good.
Marilla Cuthbert: That is exactly what he should be! Would you want to marry a wicked man?
Anne Shirley: Well, I wouldn't marry anyone who was really wicked, but I think I'd like it if he could be wicked and wouldn't.
Marilla Cuthbert: You'll have better sense some day, I hope.

Very, very fitting.


Also, like BP said-- more excitement. I think the "predictable" thing annoyed me as much as the "nice" and "boring" and all that. I want someone I can fight with but who is also nice. (if that makes sense)


Also, like BP said-- more excitement. I think the "predictable" thing annoyed me as much as the "nice" and "boring" and all that. I want someone I can fight with but who is also nice. (if that makes sense)

That makes total sense to me!  I get it. 

I also don't like easy, lovey-dovey, gentle sex for that reason.  That must relate somehow..... ::)


I also don't like easy, lovey-dovey, gentle sex for that reason.

I feel the same. it's boring. Then I think-- maybe I just haven't met the right person. Then I think-- maybe I just don't like it. Period.

I think too much.


but with the right person - especially if the 2 of you are used to having non-lovey dovey sex.. when you do have romantic and gentle sex it feels like it means alot more.  (to me anyway)


You know a guy is the RIGHT guy when he cooks you dinner and picks out a romantic comedy to watch because he knows you've got weddings on the brain. AND he doesn't even try anything to get compensation for his efforts.

That actually happens in real life?

Yes.  I make dinner for Katie all of the time.



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