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What is a reasonable food budget for a family of 4?

So, I know this will vary a bit by location (I am in the midwest) but I am trying to figure out a good food budget for my family. Of course staying on budget is important but I am really working at making our health a priority.
I am a vegetarian wrorking on gradually cutting out dairy and eggs. I have a 4 yr old and an 11 mo old. Hubby sometimes eats meat but is totally open to a change in diet.
I do get a weekly orgainic fruit and veggie delivery that ranges from $30 to $40. Here is an example of this week:
1 ea. Celery
1 ea. Baby Carrots 1lb Bag
1 ea. Eggplant
2 ea. Green Bell Pepper
1 ea. Mixed Baby Greens 5oz.
1 ea. Delicata Squash
1 ea. Avocado
2 ea. Minneola Tangelos
2 ea. Mango
2 ea. Braeburn Apples
2 ea. Fuji Apples
5 ea. Navel Oranges
Box Cost:  $32.66 
Items you have added: 
2 ea. Cucumber
2 ea. Lemon
1 ea. Lime
Additional Items: $4.20 
Tax: $1.74
Shipping: $0.00
Sub-Total: $38.60

I think it is a decent deal but I wish there was more variety availible and it does not last long enough. My whole foods is about 30-45 min away and the closer hf store is much more $$$ I sometimes can find decent org produce at hy-vee but there isnt much selection there either. Hmmm, what else...Oh I have a vitamix on the way!! and I want to try making my own almoond milk...
Our menu includes lots of smoothies, salads, veggie sanwiches, soups, beans, pasta, tofu....

I don't have children, but between my husband and I, I spend close to $100 a week in groceries, but I buy absolutely everything organic, and local when I can get it, which is more expensive.  Plus I cook every meal at home - we almost never go out to eat.  So I'm guessing yours is a little closer to $125-150 range to account for the kids?  What have you been spending in the past?


Well when the budget was tighter than now I was spending about $75 but we were not eating as healthfully AT ALL. Now I probably spend closer to $90 a week but it does not seem like I get enough produce...


I budget 125 a week for three of us, which seems like a lot, even to me, and we don't buy very much organic, or anything. But I do cook three meals a day, and we don't eat out. I could prob cut it down a bit if I really tried. There are old threads about this same thing. *looks for them* Gahhh, I can't find them.


I spend $400 a month to feed a family of 5, some organic, but tons of veggies, fruit and whole food items, almost no processed food. I make almost everything from scratch. That budget also includes the few  cleaning products we need, like laundry detergent, and toothpaste. We live in WI


Wonder what my problem is.  I live alone and struggle, yes struggle, to keep it under $500 a month (including toiletries, cleaning supplies, and dog food).  Sheesh.  

You guys are doing great.


I spend around $400/month for the two of us.


We spend around 500chf (about $500) a month on groceries for two of us. We buy fresh fruit and veggies as needed. Pasta and grains about once a month and fresh bread every couple of days. We buy tofu around 2x a month.


I said $125 - $150.
I spend around $60 a week for two of us, and that's buying nothing organic, and acrificing a bit by buying frozen veggies.  We're on a super tight budget right now, but I could easily see spending $100 a week if I were to buy what I wanted.

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