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What did you do with your Daiya today?

I keep buying Daiya, and I guess I'm not used to cooking with "cheese" so I'd love to hear what you do with yours.
I just made a bean and cheese burrito (cheddar) and grilled it in a hot dry pan.

Another favorite of ours is to put a little pile of it  (either flavor) on a hot pan, let it melt, flip it, till it turns into a little cheesy biscuit type thing. So simple, yet so scrumptious!

grilled cheese sandwiches are amazing w/ daiya!
today for lunch I heated up some mac and cheese leftovers.  It was dry so I mixed soy milk, daiya and pico de gallo and heated it up.  Really good!
A handful of daiya in tofu scrambles is really good too.
oh, and I also take a bag of it with me to mexican restaurants to put in/on my food.
I guess you could say I love daiya, huh?


I've only recently bought it, but had: mac and cheese, pizza, grilled cheese, quesadilla, nachos, and some in tomato soup

grilled cheese and nachos are best!


for the grilled cheese, you guys just put the shredded cheddar on the bread and grill it?


for the grilled cheese, you guys just put the shredded cheddar on the bread and grill it?

yes...and add tomato or pickles. yum! it melts together and you can't even tell it's shredded


Yep, I just put the shredded on there, and make it as usual. I think a mixture of cheddar/Italian is best. I did tomato slices one time, but just cheese is fantastic.


yes, it does so well on grilled cheese, and if the cheese falls out, it doesn't stick to the pan like real cheese


I just found some of this at a health store in my city and it was pre-packed in little containers so I bought 3 dollars worth to try it out.
I am sooo use to not cooking with cheese I was at a loss as to what to do with I just ate it RAW :O

I'd love to get my hands on some more and make some baked stuffed tomatos! ommmnoomm.


I haven't bought it in a while but I use it on pizza and I like to toast a piece of bread and then melt some Daiya on it. I ate it plain out of the package sometimes because I was just so excited about vegan cheese that didn't repulse me.

I'd like to try it in a bean dip.


I have used Daiya in quesadillas, on pizza, sprinkled it on top of spaghetti, in grilled cheeses (the BEST way to use it!), and I ate a lot of it raw (I love its flavor).  I also made garlic bread and sprinkled some on top to make it cheesy.  Next up: nachos!


Oh yeah, I put some on my pasta too, thanks for reminding me.


Yesterday I made burritos.  So I had a batch of rice simmering off the the side then sauted up onions, red bell pepper, tofu crumbled, Gimme Lean Sausage, black beans and corn in a lot of sausage seasoning, chili powder, garlic and pepper.  When it was all done and simply simmering I put two large handfuls on top of the mix in the skillet.  When the rice finished a few minutes later we scooped rice on the tortilla then the cheezy saute mix, add on home grown tomatoes, lettuce and raw red bell pepper.  Was fantastic.

I love making grilled cheeze and quesadillas with Daiya.  Though honestly, I would like to branch out and try something different like stuffed artichokes or a layered casserole.  But its kind of pricy and to hide it in things just doesn't make me comfortable yet. haha


always quesadillas with a sprinkle of garlic powder. serve with salsa or pico de gallo. OMNOMNOM


I used a generous portion in a batch of tofu scramble a few days ago. It was fantastic. I love how great it melts.


uhhh, I tried making mac n cheese with both Daiyas last night and it was gross....Andy liked it at first, but stopped eating it after a few got  all coagulated and gluey....


I made smashed cauliflower last night!

Steamed cauliflower, drained it when done, mashed it, added Tofutti BTCC, a splash of soy milk, garlic powder, basil, smoked paprika, salt & Pepper.  And then a good handful of Daiya.  It got melty pretty fast and stayed kind of loose for a while.  It was delish and an interesting change from my usual nooch based smashed cauli.


uhhh, I tried making mac n cheese with both Daiyas last night and it was gross....Andy liked it at first, but stopped eating it after a few got  all coagulated and gluey....

did you melt it first with some soy milk? 


We had friends over last night and I made scalloped potatoes.  So once my roux was done and delish I added the last big handful of Daiya in the bag and melted it down.  I then layered my potatoes in the casserole dish half way then covered them with half the cheezy sauce then layered the next half of sliced potatoes and the rest of the sauce.  Baked for 1 hour and delish!

My omni friend took a taste of the shredded Daiya as I was tossing it into the pan and she said it was good.


Yesterday, I used Daiya mozzarella to make Linguine Tetrazzini.  I think the recipe came from Vegan Planet.  It was so good.  None used so far today.


This pasta dish called for diced mozzerella and I just threw in some Daiya instead.  It was good, but the cheese kind of overpowered the dish providing most of the flavor.  Not a bad thing I suppose but I think in this dish it should complement, not overpower.  Still it was good.


I just melted it on some microwaved potatoes, and it was one of my least favorite preparations.



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