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Right quick, does anyone know the difference in taste/flavor of rice vinegar, red wine vinegar, and cidar vinegar?

The reason I'm asking is for an oriental cabbage-ish salad and i've been told to use all of those (although not from the same recipe). I would really like to know which one would taste best.


Rice wine vinegar (not sure if it's different from rice vinegar) is really mild. Red wine vinegar is a little stronger (though I can't think of much of a way to describe it beyond that), while apple cider vinegar to me is sweet.

For an Oriental cabbage salad I'd go ahead with the rice vinegar, which to me is most appropriate for Asian dishes.


awesome. that is so good to hear. thank you!

now, my next question is (because i can't find it anywhere) what is "salad" oil?


i think salad oil is pretty much considered vegetable oil or canola oil..  please correct me if i'm wrong though!


I agree with PPC...salad oil is just vegetable oil.


wow, they are all pretty different.  I've never really used red wine, but apple cider vinegar is the shhiizz. lol.
I use it in my hair and on food. lol.  It makes your hair super soft!
As for food, it really is a perfect ingredient for tofu scramble.  Its not as harsh as white vinegar and it has this ferment-y taste..
Rice vinegar is a little odd... it has that fermented taste but with a little twist to it... I'm not sure how to describe it, kind of like malt?


For most North Americans, "salad oil" needs to be tasteless and odourless, for some odd reason. Personally I use good olive oil. Where I live, "virgin olive oil" should be pale green and smell a bit of olives, and it's OK if it's a bit cloudy. It adds a lot to a salad IMO.


well the oriental salad i made turned out alright but it tastes as thought it was missing something and i couldnt pinpoint what. so thanks for everyone's help!

have a great weekend.


I know it's too late, but The Cook's Thesaurus is a good resource for substitutions:

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