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vegan bacon question

sooo, i went to a cafe that has a ton of vegan options and i got the vegan turkey club sandwich.. has vegan bacon and cream cheese on it too.

anyway, the 'bacon' looked awfully alot like morningstars bacon which contains eggs as far as i know, so i thought maybe they used yves brand which ive never bought so i wasnt sure what it looked like. 

now im looking up the yves stuff but the only site that works is the canadian one and they look oval shaped, not rectangular like the ones on my sandwich.. so have any of you bought yves or another brand of vegan bacon that was long rectangular strips with white marbles?  or is the cafe just passing off a non-vegan sandwich as vegan?

i may just call them..


What about the Lightlife bacon? Did it look exactly like the MF with the white?

eta: May wah has some bacon


I've not seen marbled bacon aside from the morningstar one. the smart strips are pretty solidly red-brown, and then there's a tempeh bacon substitute (Fakin Bacon, or something) which looks nothing like either.


Maybe they make their own?  I know a blogger I read has posted numerous times about trying to make seitan bacon that has that marbled look, but I dunno if hers has ever come out...


it definitely wasnt solid red/brown, and it sure wasnt tempeh.  the mah-way stuff looks too speckely  in the red parts.. and it really seemed processed not homemade.  ugh, im really starting to think they used morningstar!


dude, that sucks, ppc! hope you figure it out!


Did you try asking the restaurant what they use?


hmm id just called and they claimed it was lightlife brand.. but it definitely had white marbley bits..  so they may be lying or maybe they just usually use lightlife and ran out that day and used morningstar?

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