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Substituting Agar Agar?

After seeing this incredible Panna Cotta Recipe -  my cravings whent through the roof! So im wondering does anyone have any advice on how to replace agar? Its veryy difficult and expensive to get here and im not sure if i am ready to invest in the 4 oz size i can get online. I do have a big container of white chia which i hear gells lovely is there any way i can use those? Ie heard about it on several message boards but no one seems to know the ratio for substituting or in what types of recipes you can use it in. I also have flax meal but i dont think id like that flavor too much int his recipe. Have any other reccomendations? Im on a huge sweets kick right now and id lie to add theis one to my collection :)

ETA: Was just reading some jam recipes and now i wonder how pectin would do? What do you all thinkt he measuremnt would be for replacing agar or gelatin?

Man, agar is like $2 at the Asian store here. I can't imagine it being expensive. WTF?

p.s. sorry I don't know a substitution.


Man, agar is like $2 at the Asian store here. I can't imagine it being expensive. WTF?

p.s. sorry I don't know a substitution.

Lucky lol. I did find it at the asian store once but it was like $2.50 for  a single tablesoon which since i doubled the recipe took the whole package. Considering i can buy several envelopes of gelatin for the same price it seems expensive. Though if your the only one supplying i guess you can charge what you like, its just dissapointing that its not regularly available for a decent price. Maybe im biased though because im the only one in the family who makes deserts other than jello lol  so when i do i am generally cooking for 5 - 12 people :p.


you should just message Stella (who submitted the recipe) or post a comment about it on her blog (the link to her blog is on the recipe)... she's super helpful and responds (on her blog anyways) super quickly and seems like a pretty amazing dessert maker so i'm sure she would have some suggestions :)


Man, agar is like $2 at the Asian store here. I can't imagine it being expensive. WTF?

p.s. sorry I don't know a substitution.

Lucky lol. I did find it at the asian store once but it was like $2.50 for  a single tablesoon which since i doubled the recipe took the whole package. Considering i can buy several envelopes of gelatin for the same price it seems expensive. Though if your the only one supplying i guess you can charge what you like, its just dissapointing that its not regularly available for a decent price. Maybe im biased though because im the only one in the family who makes deserts other than jello lol  so when i do i am generally cooking for 5 - 12 people :p.

I can't imagine needing an entire tablespoon of the stuff for anything. You do know there is a major difference between the flakes and the powder, yeah? You need much, much less powder than the flakes. 2 Tablespoons of flakes = 1 teaspoon of powder. Keep that in mind next time!


you should just message Stella (who submitted the recipe) or post a comment about it on her blog (the link to her blog is on the recipe)... she's super helpful and responds (on her blog anyways) super quickly and seems like a pretty amazing dessert maker so i'm sure she would have some suggestions :)

Thank you :). I was going to post in the reviews section but for some reason i couldnt figure out how? Ive posted comments on recipes befroe so go figure lol. I will go visit her blog and see thank you for letting me know.

I can't imagine needing an entire tablespoon of the stuff for anything. You do know there is a major difference between the flakes and the powder, yeah? You need much, much less powder than the flakes. 2 Tablespoons of flakes = 1 teaspoon of powder. Keep that in mind next time!

I was making kanten which requires quite a bit and like i said i generally end up making 3X the original recipe so ingreedients go fast :p. Yes i do know the differance between powder, flakes, or bars/noodles ive only ever worked with the powder since it was what was available and i liek the easy solubility :). Thanks for the input!


I've never had anything gel as well and flavorless-ly as agar. The closest I can think of is tapioca starch, which probably isn't too easy to come by anyway.


if recipes are still in the new recipe queue you can't review them


I've never had anything gel as well and flavorless-ly as agar. The closest I can think of is tapioca starch, which probably isn't too easy to come by anyway.

Oh i have a whole bag full of tapioca starch! How would you substitute with it? Ive done some more reading and i will also be keeping an eye out for that leiber's flavorless gel or whatevr that brand it lol i know what the box looks like!

if recipes are still in the new recipe queue you can't review them

How currious thanks for letting me know. Why is that? I got the stuff to make it and once i do i know if i cant review it right away i will forget to :o.


maybe this?

pectin  might also work, though either probably won't get as solid as agar.


That looks like a recipe for tapioca pudding thathas been molded and cooled. Do you happen to know how to use just the starch?  Im still lookinginto pectin but i cant find anythign that gives exact substitution measurments or what it can cant be used with. I'll keep looking :) thank you for the help!


I guess I'd just reduce the water. The starch, I believe, is the same stuff as the pearls, just powdered.


I guess I'd just reduce the water. The starch, I believe, is the same stuff as the pearls, just powdered.

Yes but then i would only be able to make smooth tapioca pudding :p. Do you know of a way to substitute tapioca starch for agar in other recipes? Thanks :)


sometimes  HFS have agar powder/flakes (get the powder if you can) in their bulk sections.  I got mine in a little supplement-looking bottle for like $6 but its lasted me about 8 months now. Once you have it it makes life way eaiser!

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