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Stevia help please!

So long story short, to want show my appreciation to a woman who has helped me quite a bit and will help me, I'm sure for a long, long time, I have decided to bake for her for our next meeting this Thursday. I give/share food with people I respect and care for; I want her to know how much she means to me.

However, she is hypoglycemic. I have found out through some questions to her that she prefers stevia to any other sugar substitute. Now I am freaking out! I have never cooked with stevia. A friend of mine has but not for a very long time and cannot find her recipes. She does have some stevia powder though and says that I can have a tablespoon or two if I need it as I am a poor little university kid  ;)

My questions to you, oh beautiful and brilliant Vegwebbers: do you know of any good cookie or muffin recipes that call for stevia and regular flour/other regular ingredients? Could I adapt a Vegweb recipe like Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Nut Cookies (without the chocolate chips), or Don't Look Any Further Banana Bread or the Lucious Coconut Bread recipe from this site? How would I adapt them?

Any help would be really appreciated! I found out about the stevia situation today and I'm meeting with her on Thursday, so I don't really have a lot of time. I'm sorry about that. Be well Vegwebbers!


Personally, I haven't attempted converting vegan recipes to stevia.... but I'd imagine as long as yeast isn't involved, it *should* work okay....

Anywho, here's a few links that you may find useful:

conversion chart

report back on your results!


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