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A silly question but...

Such a very silly question but as a new vegan and with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, I must ask. What do you put on your crackers? See? Silly, yes? I guess I've always been a cheese and crackers kinda gal so I need new ideas. I know hummus would work but any other fantabulous ideas oh wise friends? Thanks bunches! ~ Molly  :)

Not silly! I used to love cheddar on wheat thins, but no longer!

Tofutti cream cheese is so good on crackers. Yum yum yum. You probably want something fancier, so maybe you could make it a little fancier by adding herbs and stuff to it. I first tried it because cream cheese on Ritz was a snack at the after school program where I worked and I wanted to try my own version of it.

Also good- pate made out of mushrooms and walnuts. I did that once but I forget which recipe I used... maybe something like this:


The chickpea salad recipes on this site are good for crackers too. 


There are decent hummus, guac, salsa, and spinach dips.  I don't like fake cream cheese and whatnot mixed into them.  I can always taste it and if I don't like it, having been vegan for years, it may not be popular with omnis.  This spinach dip recipe is good -> Insanely Good Spinach-Artichoke Dip.  I use unsweetened plain almond milk in it.  If you make it and want to use vegan cheese, use Daiya or skip it altogether.  Daiya is the only kind that doesn't taste distinctly vegan.

Another option would be to skip the crackers.  Alternatives include hummus with pita and bruschetta.


Do hummus on pita chips. So good.


The chickpea salad recipes on this site are good for crackers too. 

agreed! also Savory Spinach Dip and yes on the hummus, and yes on the tofutti cream cheese but try to find the french onion flavor! also vegweb's Creamy Sundried Tomato Dip is off the chain!


And remember you can make hummus out of any legume, not just chickpeas. Each one has a distinct texture and taste, so experiment! I think it was Baypuppy who came up with this crazy walnut and sundried tomato "hummus" that is really, really good.


And remember you can make hummus out of any legume, not just chickpeas. Each one has a distinct texture and taste, so experiment! I think it was Baypuppy who came up with this crazy walnut and sundried tomato "hummus" that is really, really good.

That does sound quite good, I'll have to try it. Any links to the recipe?


And remember you can make hummus out of any legume, not just chickpeas. Each one has a distinct texture and taste, so experiment! I think it was Baypuppy who came up with this crazy walnut and sundried tomato "hummus" that is really, really good.

That does sound quite good, I'll have to try it. Any links to the recipe?

Look under "Dips, Dressings and More"...there's a whole Hummus category. Lots to choose from!


If you have, or can get a hold of, The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook, the Crock Cheez/Chick Cheez is good on crackers.  Review thread here:

I've also had plain slices of avocado on crackers and it was good.


Gooey spreadable chedda cheeze - this is great on crackers.  The flavor and texture is similar to that processed cheese spread.  I might suggest leaving out the pimentos - I made it with and without and liked it better without.  You could add some paprika for color - its natural color is sort of yellowish-beigish, which may or may not be appealing.

Vegan "butter" (the first recipe - I haven't tried the second) - this is really more like mayo, but it would be delicious with some herbs or spices mixed in.

The Creamy Kalamata spread (tofu based) from Veganomicon would be great, if you like kalamata olives.  I'm sure there are other tofu spreads that would be lovely. 

Another idea is making soy yogurt cheese, as an alternative to cream cheese.  I made a nice spread out of soy yogurt cheese with some italian seasoning, garlic powder, and salt.

Of course there's always peanut butter or other nut butters. :)


if you dont feel like cooking anything, trader joes has a bunch of jars of different tapenades and eggplant red pepper garlic spreads.


Hummus with pita bread sounds like the neat idea for a snack. I'll definitely try it out.


Thank you ALL for your kindness in sharing such wonderful ideas (and not thinking me strange for asking the question!) I'm so grateful to be among those that understand the need to retool the whole food thing. I'm excited to be on the vegan journey and I thank you for your companionship! :-)


I think hummus is a great idea too. Love hummus! You could also turn the crackers into mini pizzas! Put a dollop of marinara, some chopped veggies (olives, tomatoes, onion) and maybe a little vegan mozzarella or vegan parm on top.


Basil pesto


Olive tampanades have always been a hit at parties around here.  I make a good one with kalamata olives, braggs, sundried tomatoes, olive oil all blended to a paste. 

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