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NVR - Are Fiestaware plates oven-safe?

I know the baking dishes are because I use those, but I forget if the plates are as well and don't want to risk cracking them.... I'm just going to *warm* them though....  :hrmm:



thanks babe ;)b


do women really like to be called babe?  not me......


do women really like to be called babe?  not me......

well loobey, i happen to be a female so I find it to be a term of endearment  hon  ;D Take it easy babe  ;)b


well loobey, i happen to be a female so I find it to be a term of endearment  hon  ;D Take it easy babe  ;)b

wow..... just. wow..  :-X


well loobey, i happen to be a female so I find it to be a term of endearment  hon  ;D Take it easy babe  ;)b

wow..... just. wow..  :-X

I am a feminist, lactating (nursing momma!) so it was in no way meant to be sexist. I don't think I should have to prove anything of myself, especially with the content of many of these threads. I honestly don't think any female would find it offensive coming from another female, but hey, I got bigger fish to fry so to speak (um tofu yeah hee hee  ;D)


Seriously though, what's with all this thread-hijacking?! lol  ::) ;D


It must be really sad to have to come back as an imposter on vegweb to get people to talk to you.  I feel kinda sorry for ya hon! ;)b ;)b


It must be really sad to have to come back as an imposter on vegweb to get people to talk to you.  I feel kinda sorry for ya hon! ;)b ;)b

wtf? Pray tell *who* am I posing as? You have some serious mental paranoia issues lady,maybe all those brazilian waxes have gone to your head. I have no need to *pose* as anyone...but whatever. I certainly don't come here to *talk* to you lol...I have a busy full life (children!, husband!, university!, work!)  which prevents me from being on vw all day with post counts in the 1000's or whatever like some people. I think it's so funny that you're picking on me, but whatever, middle age.  Wax on, wax off  :-D


Dalida, please just stop, it seems like you wont rest until you have the last word in things, and its generally not positive words.
For the sake of VW, just let things go!


imposters? oh my intrigue. ::)


Dalida, please just stop, it seems like you wont rest until you have the last word in things, and its generally not positive words.
For the sake of VW, just let things go!

Why is it okay for me to get picked on? I would like for it to stop as well. However I won't get picked on for no reason and then be all quiet about it. If lubi (and whoever else) stops calling out insults, then that will be the end of it. I didn't start this, she poked her nose into the thread because I casually (affectionately) referred to a vw'er as 'babe' in thanking her which was totally innocuous. If she keeps harrassing me, I'll just take it to Y.


Why is it okay for me to get picked on?

It happens to me all the time, baby sweetie pie honey cakes.  One time this user called me the holier than thou queen of vegweb.  I cried about it for a real long time, but I was strong and persevered.  You can do the same, doll face.

I have a busy full life (children!, husband!, university!, work!) which prevents me from being on vw all day with post counts in the 1000's or whatever like some people.

Wow!  That's so interesting!  I don't think anyone else here does anything like work!  Or taking care of children!  Or going to school!  Vegweb is so diverse!

Have you tried google?  The neat thing about it is that it's just perfect for on-the-go moms like you!  You could have gotten an instant answer to this question!  It's neat.  Try it. 


Why is it okay for me to get picked on?

It happens to me all the time, baby sweetie pie honey cakes.  One time this user called me the holier than thou queen of vegweb.  I cried about it for a real long time, but I was strong and persevered.  You can do the same, doll face.

I have a busy full life (children!, husband!, university!, work!) which prevents me from being on vw all day with post counts in the 1000's or whatever like some people.

Wow!  That's so interesting!  I don't think anyone else here does anything like work!  Or taking care of children!  Or going to school!  Vegweb is so diverse!

Have you tried google?  The neat thing about it is that it's just perfect for on-the-go moms like you!  You could have gotten an instant answer to this question!  It's neat.  Try it. 

Sweetheart people come to forums for the *community* or village-like aspect instead of always running to google, as far as I'm concerned I'm more 'gemeinschaft' than 'gesellschaft'....I'm sure many of the threads in these forums could be eradicated by utilizing google as well, but that's not the point. Love, thank you for your tongue-in-cheek sweet-as-honey-pie suggestions ma'am. My goodness, I'd be so lost without you and your  so! very ! helpful! pointers!!  ::)

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