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Lunches-- No refrigeration...

Hey guys. Spring semester is starting up in a little less than a week. I'll be downtown two days a week.  Long story short, I take the train in, so, by the time I eat lunch, it will have been in my bag for about 5 1/2 hours.  We don't have a student lounge in the building that I am in.  I'm trying to save money by taking my own lunch to school with me at least once a week (would love it if it was both days) and I'm sick of PB&J for every meal... but I will do that if it comes down to it (Chicago sales tax is just insane, so it's expensive to eat there, and it's hard enough to veganize anything anyway, and who knows if it really is vegan???).

So... if there already is a thread like this, if someone could point me in that direction, I'd appreciate it, otherwise, I've been taking snacks such as apples, dried mango, raw almonds... but that's about it. Oh, and the PB&J.

And I'm not much of a chef... complex... I know. I know the fabulous VWers can help!

Thanks in advance for ANYthing!

chickpea salad. since the mayo has no eggs, it should be ok.

peanut butter noodles! (like these: but add some cilantro) they're tasty cold.

tofu lettuce wraps (, add some shredded carrots and green onion and peanut sauce. peanut sauce is good. or hoisin i guess.

hummus sandwich.

monte cristo  ;D


I LOVE this.

its a bag and a placemat!  I can even put burritos or several mini sandwiches in it and it stays closed.


Pasta salad is pretty good at room temp if you have an oil & vinegar type dressing (like Italian).  Actually, most salads would be ok as long as you keep the dressing separate so the vegs don't get all wilted.

Veggie sandwiches/wraps (keep tomato slices separate so the bread doesn't get soggy).

Crackers and/or veggies with dip?  Chips and salsa?  (Hey, I eat it as a meal sometimes)

If you have a thermos you could take soup or a smoothie.

I think most vegan foods should be fine at room temp for several hours, especially if they're not getting too warm (you'll be in a climate-controlled building most of the time, right?).


My fav French style potato salad with olive oil, red onion, mustard and fresh herbs (parsley and dill) is a good option (kinda like this one, I leave it sitting out all the time and no problems.

Marinated non-lettucey type salads (I like cucumber and onion in vinegar, shredded carrots with dijon vinaigrette, lentil/bean or artichoke etc.) are easy to pop in tupperware and carry around all day too. :}


I think most vegan foods should be fine at room temp for several hours, especially if they're not getting too warm (you'll be in a climate-controlled building most of the time, right?).

Yes, I will.

These are great ideas, thank you so much.  I guess I just get slightly nervous about even things like vegan mayo since you're supposed to refrigerate it after opening. However, if you guys haven't had problems with the things you've suggested, I shall forge ahead!

Again, thank you!


I would invest in a lunch box.  Then you can take reusable cold packs to keep things fresh.  I have a box of "Cubies" which are plastic reusable ice cubes.  I bought them in Walmart for under $2 though!

Salads are great.
Sandwiches are yummy.
Leftovers you can enjoy either cold or room temp are good too!

I would take chickpea salad.  Eat it with bread one day, pita one day, veggies another day and in salad another! 
Make a garliky white bean mashed dip to eat with veggies and crackers.
Bring rice and beans!  Its yummy room temp or cool as a salad.
Take veggie sushi!!!
Make pastries full of veggies and beans.  Hand held sandwiches have been around for centuries before refrigeration!  A simple crust dough, a savory filling and some baking time the night before will net you a big handful of yummy lunch!

Be sure you take things like nuts, crackers, veggie sticks, dry fruit and whole fruits with you every day.  You might just only get to nosh on those in motion at times or it will just add something special to your lunch.

Honestly, I would read the Vegan Lunch Box blog or buy the cookbook.  Soooo many great ideas that never really got refrigeration.  Just simply packed warm and eaten room temp.


I'm in a similar situation where I have to bring my dinner to eat between classes.  Tonight I made rice, beans, and veggies and kept them in a glass container and ate it cold- it was fine.  I know you said there's no student lounge, but if there's any type of convenience store on campus or close by, they often have microwaves for people to heat up their nasty frozen meals.  ;D


Ooh, sushi's a great idea!  It's supposed to be eaten at room temp!

Random fact: Wasabi helps prevent food poisoning.  Hence people eating it with raw fish sushi.  But if you eat too much of it you'll get chemical burns (even though I knew that, I still had to put it to the test.  Stupid addictive wasabi peas >:().

j/k wasabi peas!  I love you


Also, get a wide thermos that can hold soups and stews.  Noodle soups with tofu and spaghetti and nate meatballs and two of my kids' favorite lunches.

There are a lot of threads on this subject--try searching.

And if you are going to bring sushi you should be sure to put cold packs in your lunchbag. Rice is not very safe if left at room temperature for too long.


Cali, I just want to kidnap you.  Your posts make me hungry.  I wish you lived closer.  I'd pay you to make my lunches.

Yes, CYETS, that's the same thing I have to do. I'm ok with things being room temp. In fact, yes, I like sushi and all that, room temp. I just want to avoid spoilage!

Permanentgrin: I totally have "wasabi wars" when at the sushi place. straight wasabi- on tongue- and you're not allowed to just swallow it, you have to squish it around on your tongue. Lots of fun!  Oh and wasabi peas are awesome!

jkl- I didn't think of adding tofu to soups (hence, my asking... and, well, this is I guess why I ask- I don't cook much) thanks!


I think most vegan foods should be fine at room temp for several hours, especially if they're not getting too warm (you'll be in a climate-controlled building most of the time, right?).

I do have access to a refrigerator for my lunches, but I never put them in there. I always just have my lunch in my locker..and I've never had any issue.
Things I usually take:
leftovers...of all kinds! Make lots when you are cooking, then you'll have it for whenever. You could even just cook a lot on a certain day, and freeze it. I know a lot of people do this.
sandwiches-chickpea spread, Yves/Tofurkey slice sandwiches with veggies
chips, popcorn, etc.
rice or pasta


We pack Noah's lunch every day and just use an ice pack thingy and its always fine. Usually even still cold at the end of the day. He has a bento-style lunch box so there's also no waste. I love it!


This is what I usually use. (I have the red one... my dog tore up the yellow one).

Cute, isn't it?  Mainly because it's small and flat. I have heavy books and lugging lots of extra stuff around from the train station to the school is not my idea of a good time. So I take what I can in there and an apple or two, a few strips of dried mango, or some raw almonds.  I just wanted to switch up my PB&J for any of the lovely things you all have suggested.


I can easily fit some of the salads, wraps, noodles, and as AC suggested, any leftovers. I was unaware of how many things did not require refrigeration! I am greatly appreciative of the suggestions!


I often don't refrigerate my lunches......because I forget!  I haven't had any probs from this.

Stuff I take that can be eaten without refrigerating or heating up (I assume you have not heating capabilities)

leftover lasagne
pasta salad
leftover spinachy thing
falafel and salad
leftover chili (yes I eat it cold - I'm not fussy!)
veggie / bean wraps
vegan pizza
veggies burgers

In fact pretty much anything (esp leftovers), but I'm not fussy about eating traditionally hot foods, cold.


leftover spinachy thing

Ooh that looks exciting!  I'm going to make that this weekend!  Mostly because it's really called "spinachy thing", aw, and the recipe is by Shelloid


Stop making me jealous.




Stop making me jealous.

I thought you'd like how I'd casually (or not) slipped that in there!



Stop making me jealous.

I thought you'd like how I'd casually (or not) slipped that in there!

Yes, you've done that a few times now, with varying things. I like it.

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