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I'm new, please help! - Vegan Pantry Staples

My fiance and I have decided to take the plunge and go fully vegan.  Please, if someone could give me a list of vegan staples for my kitchen I would really appreciate it.

Welcome! If you do a search for "pantry staples," or "pantry," or anything of the sort, you'll come up with lots of threads that should help. There are probably several lists there. I also suggest books such as The Vegan Sourcebook, Veganomicon, and the Joy of Vegan Baking.


As AC suggested, definitely do a lot of reading!
When my husband and I decided to go vegan, I read every book out there....The Vegan Sourcebook is great, but Skinny Bitch might be a better book to start with if you haven't read any yet....thats how I learned the basics until I stumbled upon this website - its probably the most helpful thing I found....
Good Luck!


I always have big bags of things like pasta, rice, cous cous, lentils. Pasta sauce, tins of tomatoes, chickpeas and kidney beans for easy meals. A reasonable selection of herbs and spices to pep them up. Also stuff like mixed nuts and raisins for cereal, or for protein-rich snacking. That would be the most basic store cupboard for me.


If you have a decent sized freezer unit, keep bags of prechopped frozen veggies on hand. Then you have the makings for stirfries, casseroles, and soups right there.

Get a pressure cooker if you don't already have one, to cook your own chickpeas, beans etc. Saves time and money and less packaging (and sodium!) than the kind that come in cans and jars. I always have one jar of chickpeas on hand, though, in case I get caught out.


My fiance and I have decided to take the plunge and go fully vegan.  Please, if someone could give me a list of vegan staples for my kitchen I would really appreciate it.

Good for you! That is so exciting. ;)b

In my book, I have a complete section on kitchen set-up, including stocking your kitchen, menu planning, and kitchen tips. It's a pretty comprehensive resource. I have recently taken the shipping charges off my book since I am gearing up to get my 2nd edition printed early next month and I only have a couple of books left (from the 1st edition.) of my cooking students finds the kitchen set up very helpful--she actually did set up her kitchen to the letter by my book and says it works great.

Anyway, that's all the help I can really give--there is a lot to it, so it's hard to explain in just a quick reply. Best of luck and keep up the good work! It gets easier and if you stick with it, I promise you will absolutely love it! :)

My website is:


I have recently taken the shipping charges off my book since I am gearing up to get my 2nd edition printed early next month and I only have a couple of books left (from the 1st edition.)

For serious?  I'll get it sent to my mom and she can bring it over here when she visits in June.  I'm so excited.  :D


I have recently taken the shipping charges off my book since I am gearing up to get my 2nd edition printed early next month and I only have a couple of books left (from the 1st edition.)

For serious?  I'll get it sent to my mom and she can bring it over here when she visits in June.  I'm so excited.  :D

Wow, I didn't realize you were in Australia! I actually got an order from Australia a few weeks ago--it cost almost $30 for priority shipping (I ended up doing regular mail, which was still $17!)!!!
So, go Mom!  ;)b

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