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Favorite Vegan Junkfood forum

Hey! I was just wondering what everyone's favorite vegan junk foods are. I wanna know the down and dirty of everyone's trashy food downfall. Let me first start by giving mine. I love vegan veggie burgers with homemade french fries followed up with something chocolatey. Oh even on the days when I am trying to be my healthiest I can't resist the temptation of chocolate. Mmmmmmm!!!!

For me, it's chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate!  I'm also addicted to the PB&Co flavored peanut butter spreads...the white chocolate is my absolute favorite (yep, it's vegan!)  Plus, I bake all the time and it's usually cupcakes with piles of frosting on top.  This time of year I could also get down with a whole pint of coconut milk ice cream.  Lets face it, I <3 junk!!


Tempura!!!  I love frying up sweet potatoes, shredded carrots mixed with diced green onion, green beans, or sweet red peppers with tempura batter, then dunking them in tons of soy sauce!!!  Gotta love Japanese junk food!!!  My mom comes for a visit next month, and makes the best stuff!  I want some now!!!


wayne - don't worry about the baked potatoes I don't think they're junk.  If eaten with the skin on they are quite good I thought.
I don't think they're that high in calories.....just googled it and nope I don't think they're that high for a main meal.  Yes they have a high carb content but I'm pretty sure they're complex carbs and it's certainly not all sugars.
I'm not sure how true my beleifs are but to me baked potatoes do not = junk.

I have stopped baking this year because I would eat all the goodies myself - cakes, cookies, coconut bread, cinamon bread you name it I would bake it and eat it all up.
Crisps are another weakness of mine (or 'chips' to you guys ::)) - I generally won't buy them anymore because once I start a bag I can't stop until they're all gone.
I have a weakness for chocolate too and again have stopped buying it.

Basically any junk food for me is nommed right up.  I also have no will power if junk is in the house, so I just try not to buy it anymore.


wayne - don't worry about the baked potatoes I don't think they're junk.  If eaten with the skin on they are quite good I thought.
I don't think they're that high in calories.....just googled it and nope I don't think they're that high for a main meal.  Yes they have a high carb content but I'm pretty sure they're complex carbs and it's certainly not all sugars.
I'm not sure how true my beleifs are but to me baked potatoes do not = junk.

I always eat them w/the skin on... and I was not really worried about the calories b/c I measure out all my meals and keep the calories under a certain number, but I was worried about the carbs b/c I don't know that much about nutrition other than carbs are supposed to make you fat if you don't burn them off.  Thanks Shelloid and lolkrys.


wayne - don't worry about the baked potatoes I don't think they're junk.  If eaten with the skin on they are quite good I thought.
I don't think they're that high in calories.....just googled it and nope I don't think they're that high for a main meal.  Yes they have a high carb content but I'm pretty sure they're complex carbs and it's certainly not all sugars.
I'm not sure how true my beleifs are but to me baked potatoes do not = junk.

I always eat them w/the skin on... and I was not really worried about the calories b/c I measure out all my meals and keep the calories under a certain number, but I was worried about the carbs b/c I don't know that much about nutrition other than carbs are supposed to make you fat if you don't burn them off.  Thanks Shelloid and lolkrys.

the only thing that will make you gain weight is eating more calories than you burn. all the "carbs make you fat" stuff is nonsense. you're fine, especially if boca burgers are your junk food  :P


I just found a new one - Pangea is selling a new vegan version of the Twinkie in four flavors - vanilla, cookies and cream, strawberry, and carrot cake. In my most recent order I decided to splurge and try one of each. They are a bit expensive but my DH and I decided they were worth it completely - they were AWESOME!! Funny thing is I never liked the original Twinkie...

those sound awesome!  it's weird how veganism can do that to you.. i never tried a reuben sandwich before i gave up meat and probably never would want to, but i love the vegan ones ive had at restaurants.


JM I am very very jealous.
I have always always wanted to try a twinkie - the influence of films and telly programmes (I am in the UK and twinkies don't exist here).  I was just talking the other day to my boyfriend that I wanted to try a twinkie (someone was eating one in a film), but never could npw becuase they're not vegan.

If I ever visit the US I will have to try to find a vegan twinkie!


I want to find those twinkies......I just totally had a flashback to being around 11/12, when my friend and I went vegetarian and going up to a gas station for treats.  we read the twinkie ingredients, (with some in our mouths,) and reading the ingredients than spiting them out and throwing the rest away......I haven't had one since. but I've thought about making the recipe from my Vegan Lunch Box book. 

other junk food, where do I start, sweets, Rice Dream vanilla ice cream, frosting, boca chicken patties for busy days, defintely junk food, oh yes, I do like veganise on them as well. (I never liked mayo as a non-vegan either : ;) )


Has anyone tried the Food Should Taste Good all natural chips? I recently bought the buffalo flavor and they are so good. Also they lack all the junk, preservatives, and ingredients I can never pronounce. Also I checked and all varieties of the brand except the chocolate and sweet potato are vegan and they are reworking the sweet potato to make them vegan. YUMMY!!! You all need to try these!!


I really need to stop checking this thread b/c I really try to avoid junkfood but seeing what others put down is really tempting me... for example I haven't had ice cream in over 6 months but I am really tempted to buy some So Delicious All Natural Ice Cream Sandwhiches which don't seem too bad w/only 150 cal and 3g of fat.


its weird, but I'd much rather have a sandwich than "junk food" like ice cream or cookies...
but I really like sandwiches...


Wayne you have to try vegan ice cream like So Delicious. Like you said most flavors are only 3 g of fat and 150 calories. But the taste is so rich and satisfying. I've been eating the So Delicious Chocolate Velvet. It is so good.


wayne - the so delicious mini sandwiches that i have only are like 90 to 100 calories each, and they're really good.


Thanks PPC and Hotchef I'll definitly check into those but I think my local grocer only has the regular vanilla sandwiches.  ;)b


Bought some So Delicious Vanilla Sandwiches yesterday... going to have one at lunchtime I'll let you know what I think afterward.


OMG!!!!!  It was sooooo good!  Like I said I haven't had ice cream in months and this was amazing and tasted just like regular ice cream.  With only 3g of fat and 150 cal which is way less than a serving of peanut butter I will have these every now and then b/c they are still junk food but delicious.


I would like to recommend (again, again) the Whole Soy and Co. flavors. They are frozen yogurt, and so decadent, but low in fat/calories (2-3 grams/and like 120 calories per serving). The dark chocolate, and chocolate hazelnut are my favorite flavors out of all ice creams.


Chips, chips and more chips. I don't have a huge sweet tooth, so that's never been a problem. But I can't really buy chips anymore because I eat the whole bag in a day or two. It's so bad, but they are so delish. I like the sweet chili doritos, Garden of Eatin's 'everything' tortilla chip, fritos, and plain potato chips. Plus it doesn't help that I've been guacamole crazy lately and have been buying the chips to dip in the guac! I can't go to the grocery hungry because that's always what I end up buying! Also I enjoy baked potatoes, but I put too much EB and tofutti sour cream and it's super unhealthy after that.


Chips/crisps, and hot chips/fries - those are my major weakness right there.
At the moment I'm having am early onset winter slump, and have been craving chocolate and coke, both which I normally never have and don't like particularly much. But at the moment I want them :(

I also love toasted sandwiches with avocado and tofu and whatever other veges I can find...those are my junk food lunches.
And toast, with vegan margarine - I eat way too much of that.

I'm feeling a bit gross at the moment - it's been raining constantly, I haven't been exercising and I've been eating terribly...I think I need to go get some good stuff into me.


lets see... i'm going to say that my definition of junk food is anything with lots of sugar, and/or very little nutrients, and/or something i can gorge on.

So, this means that mexican foods (i can eat nachos and burritos for almost every meal of every day and feel like i'm going to burst afterwords if i let myself!!) are my junk.

also, i used to love junk foods but since the progression from vegetarian to vegan (the past 5 years) i really dont eat a whole lot of them. when i do, i really like cherry sours, gushers and foot roll ups.YES THEY ARE VEGAN and i only eat them when i'm down (like right now i'm stocked up because my rat-friend Chester just passed away 05.14.09).

i like eating chips every now and then as well as cookies and vegan ice cream (although i think when summer finally hits i'm going to be eat sherbert like its going out of business).

HEY - good eatin' everyone!



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