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Favorite Risotto Recipe

I am in the mood for a nice hearty meal and would like to try making risotto.  What are everyones favorite recipes?

Thank you

The one where somebody else stirs constantly for 30 minutes.


VB has a nice fennel risotto recipe, but you can pretty much do whatever flavor you want. You need a nice, flavorful broth. As long as you keep with the risotto method-sauteing the arborio with some veggies first (if you want), add the little bits of warm liquid, stirring, should be great!


Thank you for the suggestions and tips.  If only there was someone willing to cook for me but I will just have to do it myself.  :)


I love it w/ butternut squash and sage!


mushrooms, too! Mushrooms are always great in risotto.


Mushrooms, roasted garlic, and parma.


In the rice cooker!  Once you get everything going, you only need to stir it a couple of times.  Rice cooker risotto - beware, salmon is pictured.  But, if you can get past the meat, the risotto instructions are excellent and work perfectly every time.  The parmesan cheese isn't necessary either - it just thickens things up at the end, but if you let it cook just a little longer the broth will thicken on its own.

So far I have made this with asparagus, mushrooms, and butternut squash and mushrooms (the squash sort of melted away into the broth, though).  I would imagine it will work with almost any veggie you like.


In the rice cooker!  Once you get everything going, you only need to stir it a couple of times.  Rice cooker risotto - beware, salmon is pictured.  But, if you can get past the meat, the risotto instructions are excellent and work perfectly every time.  The parmesan cheese isn't necessary either - it just thickens things up at the end, but if you let it cook just a little longer the broth will thicken on its own.

So far I have made this with asparagus, mushrooms, and butternut squash and mushrooms (the squash sort of melted away into the broth, though).  I would imagine it will work with almost any veggie you like.

Thank you.  That looks much easier then stiring by hand for 20+ minutes.


There's an excellent recipe in the vegetarian classic cookbook, "The Vegetarian Epicure." Your library may have a copy.
If you decide to make hand-stirred risotto someday, make sure the broth or water is HOT. Otherwise the mixture cools down and it takes longer and it spoils the texture.

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