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Easy ideas for miso

20 years ago I bought some dark red miso, and I've never been able to stand it.  But it was expensive, so it's still sitting in the back of my fridge--I have no idea if it's even usable anymore. 

Now after reading how different white miso is, I'm tempted to buy some, but I'm kind of nervous, too.  If only it came in sample sizes!  I'd like a list of easy things to do with white miso before I buy it.

someone here mentioned miso on a baked potato, and certainly miso added to soup broth.  What other quick and easy uses are there for miso?  Help?

At the co-op here you can buy miso in bulk... which is kind of like sample size since you can buy as much or as little as you want.

I love "esme's sauce" (came from someone's blog) with miso. It's 2 tbsp each of Miso, Soy Sauce or Tamari, Rice Wine Vinegar or Lemon Juice, Olive Oil, Nutritional Yeast, and Tahini, and 2 cloves of minced garlic. I thin it with some water and then toss it with pasta. Salty and yummy!!

ETA: Parma Sprinkles!! 1/2 cup nuts or seeds, toasted, ground with 1-2 tsp Miso and 1 tbsp of Nutrtional yeast and 1/2 tsp of salt (I think -- it's in the Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook -- I'm at work now so that's from memory!). I love it with 1/4 cup pine nuts 1/4 cup sesame seeds.


I need to try that sauce!! With red miso, I would go easy on the tamari, too salty is too salty.

White miso is really a lot better (gentler) than the red. I too am stuck with a too-large package of the too-salty stuff. This winter, when hot soup is in order I must experiment some. A little goes a loooong way.

Mugi (barley) miso is a whole nother thing. I have some, it doesn't have to be refrigerated, and it thickens whatever you put it in, amazingly much. It's not salty, but has a totally different flavour.


all I have is red, I love it but a little goes a long way!  I put it on potatoes once and couldn't eat them. 
Does anyone know how long it last? I've had mine for awhile.


all I have is red, I love it but a little goes a long way!  I put it on potatoes once and couldn't eat them. 
Does anyone know how long it last? I've had mine for awhile.

In the fridge, white miso will last for a year. The mugi seems to be happy to last forever. I usually go by, well if you bought it from the cold case, keep it in the fridge. If not, then not. (Mugi miso was sold in an unsealed though covered container sitting on a shelf.)

I was thinking about this and then I thought, what spoil? It's already fermented! I think that in reality with all the salt etc. hatcho miso will last for bloody ever. I've tried to ask people in my Asian supermarket but they usually can't speak much of anything but Chinese and I have only 2 words of Chinese. Asking a question like that in Spanish, English or French (and I usually try at least 2) gets you that "deer in the headlights" look and an answer that is not applicable, as they back quickly away from you.

ETA: I dropped in there today and happily the manager was there. He speaks fluent French so I asked him. He says both white miso and red should be kept refrigerated, in a tightly closed container, but that the red miso, indeed, should last at least 18 mos. White miso may change flavour after a year. It won't be dangerous but people might not like the taste after that.)


Sounds like it's time to deep 6 the red miso I've had in there for 20 years then, hmmmm?


white miso makes my dreams come true. all my other misos are jelous because i never use them now that i have white miso.

:-D  What she said.


White miso will always, always be my first love. You never forget your first baked potato topped with miso and hummus. *swoon*
Whenever I start to catch cold I crave miso like mad. To the point of spreading it on my morning toast. This winter I intend to try the red small amounts. I will leave you know.


I did it, I hiked to the grocery store and bought a bottle of white miso.  My new favorite food! 

So far, I've just spread it on toast.  I want to make soup too. 

I'm so excited!


I did it, I hiked to the grocery store and bought a bottle of white miso.  My new favorite food! 

So far, I've just spread it on toast.  I want to make soup too. 

I'm so excited!

I've never had liquid miso, and never seen it. Here it comes in a tub and it's thick, like paté or margarine. I can imagine the liquid would be easier to use.


The white mellow miso is so yummy, I could almost eat it straight.  I like to just mix it with cooked rice for a nice breakfast (one of my fave simple breakfasts)


No, no, it isn't liquid.  The "bottle" is more of a glass jar, I guess.  Sorry for my mental lapse!


No, no, it isn't liquid.  The "bottle" is more of a glass jar, I guess.  Sorry for my mental lapse!

S'not just you...someone else was talking about bottled miso the other day so I got confoozled until I remembered it depends on where you live. Bottle/jar, tap/faucet/spigot, sofa/davenport. Like that.


No, no, it isn't liquid.  The "bottle" is more of a glass jar, I guess.  Sorry for my mental lapse!

S'not just you...someone else was talking about bottled miso the other day so I got confoozled until I remembered it depends on where you live. Bottle/jar, tap/faucet/spigot, sofa/davenport. Like that.

Grandma says Davenport! For the longest time, I thought it meant "porch" because she would always say, "out there on the davenport", and the "couch" was on the "porch" so I assumed she was referring to the "porch"! 

Wow...I can't believe your fridge has been working for 20 years. And that you saved the miso for that long!


Thanks for the info on how long to keep the miso! I haven't yet tried it, I need to... I hear good things. I guess I was a tad intimiated since you do get so much and I don't/didn't know what to do with it!


No, no, it isn't liquid.  The "bottle" is more of a glass jar, I guess.  Sorry for my mental lapse!

S'not just you...someone else was talking about bottled miso the other day so I got confoozled until I remembered it depends on where you live. Bottle/jar, tap/faucet/spigot, sofa/davenport. Like that.

Grandma says Davenport! For the longest time, I thought it meant "porch" because she would always say, "out there on the davenport", and the "couch" was on the "porch" so I assumed she was referring to the "porch"!  

Wow...I can't believe your fridge has been working for 20 years. And that you saved the miso for that long!

It's not the same fridge; in fact, we moved to 3 different states after I bought it, but I just took it along, figuring it was too expensive to toss, would keep, and someday I'd find a use for it.  Crazy or not?   ;D

PS: My grandma said "davenport", too.


If your grandma had a davenport on the porch (darnit, i forgot "couch" in my list), did she have a bed in the living room? I was a great big ol Yabbit before I learned that having a spare bed in the living room is NOT the norm! In the little rural town where I lived, it was...with the fancy quilt and the embroidered pillow shams. I think it goes back to old days of the claim shanty. The best bed was in the main room.

Do you know what a "Murphy bed" is? You can make it up and then raise it on its frame, vertical, and shut it into the closet.

/threadjack off/


No, my grandma had an apartment with a davenport that converted to a bed in the living room.  She grew up in Chicago.


/threadjack off/

Heh heh. She said "jack off."

I lovelovelove white miso with all my heart and soul, but I recently bought some that is too salty. I usually just spread it THICK on raw veg or flax crackers or whatever, but it's too salty to eat straight, so I've been cutting it with a bit of peanut butter. Sounds weird, but it's good.

I bought white chickpea miso at my co-op a couple months back and it was *orgasmic.* Oooh, I got goosebumps just thinking about it.


I bought a plastic bottle of miso today.  Its in liquid form, the brand name is Minute Miso by Hikari.  It is really good, and so easy to just squirt some into my noodles that made for dinner.


I bought a plastic bottle of miso today.  Its in liquid form, the brand name is Minute Miso by Hikari.  It is really good, and so easy to just squirt some into my noodles that made for dinner.

I Googled and it's only available in the US, rats. To my surprise, though,it also contains HFCS. Why?? That just seems so odd. Maybe that's for the US market?

I think they have some other Hikari products in my Asian store, just not this one.



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