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Cucumbers (I don't really like 'em)

  And some kind hearted soul did a drive by and dropped off two large bags of them on my front porch last night (friend or foe?).  Fortunately, Will likes them a lot (he ate a whole one with salt last night...eehh) and I don't hate them, but they don't make my top 20 list.  I'll find homes for some of them, but anybody got suggestions for a ton of cucumbers?  I don't imagine they'd freeze well and there are too many to reasonably expect us to finish before they rot.

  Cucumber soup that doesn't really taste like cucumber?  Garlic and dill will pretty much cover the taste of anything I suppose...I've never tried to make soup with them.  Maybe I'd like it?    I made pickles last year and we didn't eat them.  I cleaned them out of the fridge just a few weeks ago.  My cucumber repertoire generally consists of things to dip into hummus and things to dice small in a salad with lots of other veggies.


you can slice them and add some dill and lemon juice - makes them very tasty!


I don't imagine they'd freeze well...

They actually do!  We somewhat fell into the same situation and made freezer pickles!  Just google freezer pickles, there are numerous recipes and they actually turn out really good.


I like a bagel with tofutti cream cheese and chopped cucumbers on top

also, tomato and cucumber salad


Yes! Tomato and Cucumber Salad is amazing, especially if you add avocado!


Storm has a raw cuke and avocado salad. I think she posted it in the Raw Chit-Chat thread..I will look for it this evening when I have more time.

ETA: found it.

1/2 cucumber, peeled, seeded and cut in bite-sized pieces
1 avocado, cut in bite-sized pieces
1 green onion, thinly sliced including green parts
2 Tbsp. fresh minced dill
1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
juice of 1 lemon


This is a refreshing Japanese Cucumber Salad, or Sunomono.


Slice them thinly and sprinkle some white balsamic vinegar and sea salt over them - YUM!


Sushi, tzatziki, tabouli, gazpacho, on sandwiches or wraps, Greek salad, pasta salad, peanut noodle salad, any other type of salad....


Do you like pickles? I have several friends who hate cucumbers but love pickles. There are tons of pickling recipes on this site, and if you don't feel like going through the canning process you can always just do basic overnight refrigerator pickles. Sweet pickles, dill pickles, spicy pickles...oooh, I love me some pickles!



This is my version of a couple of things, kind of "tzatziki meets raita." Therefore the name, Cucumber Raito Salad


nd, I also am not fond of cucumber. People are always so surprised. Most respond with something along the lines of "but cucumber is so inoffensive, it doesn't really taste like anything". I have no idea why I don't like it. I'll eat it diced up small in salad or whatever, but forget eating a large piece.


If you like asian food and spice i love Korean Spicy Cucumber Salad on this site it is awesome... u can leave out the leek if u dont have any... i did  :)>>>


If you have a juicer, carrots, apple and cucumber make a very refreshing juice.


When I was in highschool we used to make facials out of grated cucumber and avocado and lemon. And if you make too much, break out the blue  corn chips! :)


I sympathise, I recent went off cukes myself.  Bought my first one the other day after maybe 2 months! Just went off em.  

Tsatziki - there's a good one receipe on here using tofu for the sour cream ... will try and find it ...

Also, the crunchy part of cukes (i.e. minus the watery pippy middle bit!) is good in sushi.

Sliced cuke and onion in a vinegar.


nd, I also am not fond of cucumber. People are always so surprised. Most respond with something along the lines of "but cucumber is so inoffensive, it doesn't really taste like anything". I have no idea why I don't like it. I'll eat it diced up small in salad or whatever, but forget eating a large piece.

Yeah, I'm not sure what it is about them that I don't like either.  They have this subtle astringent taste that bugs me, I think.  They are inoffensive, but meh..nothing I'd ever ever crave.

When I was in highschool we used to make facials out of grated cucumber and avocado and lemon. And if you make too much, break out the blue  corn chips! :)

I was thinking some sort of facial concoction...I like it ;)  Perhaps a cucumber pedicure?  I could go all "cucumber spa" at the Dragon household.

Thanks for the ideas, guys!  I was surprised about the freezer pickles.  That seems like a fun thing to find in the bottom of the freezer next spring.
I've got to do something with them.  They look so lonely on the counter (and truthfully are taking up a lot of room).  I've skipped them over for other more favored veggies the last two nights, but it's time to start using them up.

No soup ideas, huh?  Does anyone actually eat Cucumber soup? 


If you like cold soup (basically blended raw veggies) then cucumber would be good in that.  I wouldn't recommend cooking it.  I don't have any specific recipes though...maybe check the raw food section?  Or just blend any veggies that you think would go well together.  Personally I think cucumber, avocado, tomato, garlic and cilantro would be good.  Might turn a funny color though.  ::)

When I make gazpacho I blend tomatoes, garlic, red bell pepper and spices and I make a garnish/salsa type thing with cucumber, red onion and diced tomatoes.  Personally I'm not a huge fan of smooth soups so I like adding the garnish for texture.


I hadn't mentioned gazpacho because, here, it's a given. Tomato, cuke, green pepper, and either garlic OR onion (both together is indigestible). A good splash of olive oil and wine vinegar. Blend like mad. Personally I don't put bread in it, I'm not supposed to eat a lot of wheat bread. I just add a lot more tomatoes!  Chunks of cuke, tomato, and pepper are good garnishes.

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