Posted by Catski on Apr 14, 2009 · Member since Jun 2007 · 1431 posts
Guys! I bought a tiny little coconut today on a whim. They were on offer and I thought it'd be a change to my usual, pretty standard, shopping basket. The label says sell by the 22nd April - picked one with a long date so I can figure out what to use it for (and how to get it open! :-D)
So now the question... what shall I do with it?
Mmm...use some of the coconut meat to make smoothies :)
Make these
So soooo good. I used a hammer to open mine last time...good luck. ;)b
Oh, those look GOOD. I'm tempted. It also seems like green curry might be in my near future so that's possible too. I don't have a hammer though... oh dear :(
Dip chunks of coconut meat in dark chocolate. :)>>> Don't forget to drain the juice before breaking it open. It tastes good with rum...if you like that kind of thing. ;)b
Oh, those look GOOD. I'm tempted. It also seems like green curry might be in my near future so that's possible too. I don't have a hammer though... oh dear :(
If you have a very sharp butcher knife that will work as is a link
http :// *note the space between the http and the : it wouldn't post otherwise
Thanks for the link! I had visions of me sitting on the floor crying with blood everywhere and an unopened coconut :(
Oh, those look GOOD. I'm tempted. It also seems like green curry might be in my near future so that's possible too. I don't have a hammer though... oh dear :(
Is that a hint that I need to get my arse in gear and post you the curry paste? ;D
Put the coconut in a pillowcase and hurl it with all your strength at the floor or the pavement outside. Make sure you tie a knot in the pillowcase first. That should crack it open.
Shelloid - no, it was me being glad I have over a week to get this puppy cracked open!
Yabbit - that sounds awesome and fun. Coconut violence! >:D
I grew up using a machete to open coconuts... Hah.
Just attack the thing with it, lol