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Celery Root-what to do with it?

Hello all,

I recently signed up for a CSA and received some delicious veggies and fruit. But one of the things I got was celery root, and I have no idea what to do with it. Does anyone have any recipes that they recommend?

Good question...I almost bought one yesterday but I wasn't sure what to do with it so I didn't.  I've seen it used in soups (pureed), and also roasted or mashed.  Similar to how you'd use a potato or parsnip or something.  But I don't have any specific recipes and I'm not even sure what it tastes like so I don't know what to recommend.


There's a recipe for a celery root remoulade in a cookbook I've got. it calls for silken tofu, lemon juice, garlic, scallions, 1/2 cup of grated celery root, paprka, cayenne, olive oil, dijon mustard, agave, parsley, salt and pepper. Puree in blender, serve with fried green tomatoes, roasted asparagus, coconut tempeh, etc.


Slice thin and cook in "milk" of your choice until tender, thicken with farina and brown under the grill. I'd season it with salt and pepper and maybe some cumin or whatever I was in the mood for.


I like celery root steamed and mashed with potatoes or butternut squash.  It adds a little something extra special!


It can be used like any root vegetable - potatoes, carrots, parsnips etc. It's great in soups, in mash potato (use 2:1 quantities potato:celeriac/celery root), roasted or steamed and then sauted with garlic and olive oil.


I made this the other day:

tastes like gravy ???

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