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Burger and Fries for a newbie?

So here is the thing: I just made the switch to vegan about a month ago. I think I'm liking it so far. I have been eating healthy and only once accidently ate some chocolate that had some milk ingredience in it. Tonight, it is a beautiful but lonely Friday afternoon/evening. I am at school working very hard and I'm SO hungry. I forgot to bring enough food. I got to thinking about (craving?) a veggie burger and fries from the little shop near my house. BUT I then go to thinking "Oh no!! What the bun isn't vegan!!?? What if the burger isn't vegan!!??" Needless to say, I am bummed about the possibility that I will not be able to indulge in some junk (and I don't indulge alot so please don't jump down my throat about this!!!).

So how do I find out if my little burger place has vegan stuffs? What's the liklihood that they do? What do you guys do when you don't know? Do you ask or just keep on walkin'? (Aaaannndddd due to funds, it is wwwaaaayyyyy cheaper tonight to do the take-out thing than it is to buy up all the stuff and cook at home). A little help? I'm really confused about what to do (although...I'm feeling hungry and desperate so that could be the cause for my desperation at this point).

just ask, and call ahead if youd rather not go in person.  it'd help to call between the lunch & dinner rushes.  feel free to say yr allergic to dairy, etc so theyre more willing to check things like buns.  remind em not to butter the buns too if they usually toast them.


Just ask.

The places where I've enjoyed a vegan burger have been very kind and accommodating, especially when I wanted to know if the bun was vegan. A couple places actually brought out the package of buns so I could see the ingredients. They were both vegan!

Another place actually called the owner of the place where he orders the bread from to find out which breads were vegan.


you can certainly ask like the above mentioned.  but if theres only one option, and thats all you've got, i woudl just eat it.  but i am not as strict of a vegan as others. its up to you!


I'm with PPC, play the allergy card if you get someone who doesn't know and doesn't care. They'd much rather check the ingredients and be honest with you if they think you might go into anaphylactic shock right there in their diner.

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