Blueberries & Strawberries & Cherries - Oh, My!
Posted by humboldt_honey on Aug 01, 2009 · Member since Feb 2007 · 12529 posts
I've been buying fruit like a madwoman. I was eating it straight, but now that I have another 5% paycut at work I want to make it last longer.
This is what I have fresh:
- 6 pounds of blueberries
- 6 pounds of strawberries
- 4 pounds of cherries
I have about 8 pounds of blueberries and a small amount of strawberries and cherries in my freezer. I was thinking about dehydrating some of the fresh fruit. What else can I do with them to extend their use?
I like the idea of the iced berries that kmk suggested in the "best way to eat berries" thread. frozen berries with soy milk. it all freezes together kind of like ice cream. I'm gonna try it soon
I am berry crazy, so I had to look at this thread!
Last summer, I picked the motherload of blueberries...I had frozen blueberries all winter! I would personally freeze what you won't eat fresh. Although I have a dehydrator, berries don't cooperate with me too well there. I am a smoothie junkie so tons of frozen berries in my freezer would make me very happy for a long time!!
Freeze it and make wine, bitch!
How do I make wine, bitch!
It's pretty easy. I'm kinda drunk, but if you're seriously interested, I can give you some info and/or online resources on how to make your own 1-gallon batches using fruit.
Frozen berries can happily be used for smoothies, muffins, cookies, cakes or what have you. You could also blitz the frozen fruit in a blender and make Strawberry Pudding which I myself posted a recipe for on this site.
(Do add enough water to cover the fruit.)
Make sangria.
Make red-sherbet redwine parfaits:
fruit of your choice in bottom of large tall glass
Two scoops of red-fruit sherbet (buy, or make your own with some of the fruit)
Fill glass with chilled red wine or sangria such as Yago.
Simmer some down to make a thick fruit reduction and freeze it for baking and sauce making endeavors!
Those all sound like great ideas, but I'm afraid base would link me to directions for prison hooch.
If I freeze them now would it make wonky fruit leather later?
And, indeed, jam/preserves.
I made jam, but I don't eat it. Weird, eh?
I think I'm going to end up freezing it, because it's all still sitting in my refrigerator. Drat my laziness!
I just made some KICKASS blueberry sorbet from 2 pints of blueberries. A bit o sugar, lemon juice, blueberries, ZZZZZZ in the Vitamix, then into the ice cream maker. Et voila!
I NEED an ice cream maker. I haven't gotten one to date in an attempt to resist temptation, but it's like a thicker fruit smoothie. I can get behind that. I'll get one next month.
I NEED an ice cream maker. I haven't gotten one to date in an attempt to resist temptation, but it's like a thicker fruit smoothie. I can get behind that. I'll get one next month.
;D I avoided buying one forever for the exact same reason!! But now that I have one, I've hardly even used it! I would say it's the only appliance/kitchen toy that I don't use on a semi-regular basis. Maybe it's because I'm sick of testing recipes (bcuz of recently doing two editions of my book) and I don't have any recipes I can trust. Or, maybe it's because I'm not that motivated on making something I know isn't that good for me...maybe I should get on it and scrape up some healthy concoctions to make in that thing! I'm intrigued by your idea of a fruit simple, yet I hadn't thought of using my ice cream maker for that! :)
Yeah. They're bulky to store for how often they're used, but I should still have one for thick fruit smoothies. It sounds delish. Maybe instead of sugar use a banana for the sweetener, etc. to health it up.
to health it up.
I'm totally using that. I love it! :)
:'( I got an ice cream maker today. It small (yay! 1 quart) and doesn't take ice or salt. There's some sort of insulative gel. However, the directions say to put it in the freezer before use so the gel and freeze. It takes up about a third of my freezer space and extends the amount of time it takes to make ice cream. So I'm going to return it. VitaMix fruit smoothies will have to do me.
I've been buying fruit like a madwoman. I was eating it straight, but now that I have another 5% paycut at work I want to make it last longer.
This is what I have fresh:
- 6 pounds of blueberries
- 6 pounds of strawberries
- 4 pounds of cherries
I have about 8 pounds of blueberries and a small amount of strawberries and cherries in my freezer. I was thinking about dehydrating some of the fresh fruit. What else can I do with them to extend their use?
Hi there!
I hope this helps! How To Freeze Berries To Last Through Winter Months