baking cookies without vanilla
Posted by gnarls_baudelaire on Apr 02, 2009 · Member since Aug 2007 · 434 posts
Hey guys! I wanna bake some peanut butter cookies, but I have no vanilla extract in the house. Will they still taste good without it? Please inform me!
They are fine, I run out all the time and its no big deal to skip it.
Yeah, I do that all the time too. You'll be fine. If you have any other extracts you could try one of those just for the heck of it, but I don't think it really matters.
I've been making Finnish cookies, which don't use vanilla. They're fine.
Cookies are CRAP without vanilla.
Nah, I'm just kidding..unless they are sugar cookies..those probably need vanilla.
yeah especially since the pb flavor is so strong they'll be fine, cinnamon is good in pb cookies too if you do wanna add another flavor though.
i always buy the good vanilla, my mom always buys artificial, then uses some of my good vanilla >:( So I just use the artificial in anything where vanilla flavor doesn't really matter... like peanut butter stuff or something really chocolatey. No huge difference, imo.
The only problem I can think of is if it's a recipe that's very sensitive to liquid/dry ratios, you'd be missing perhaps a tsp of liquid... but I doubt that's the case with a cookie recipe.