left out daiya?
Posted by brittanihill on Oct 11, 2011 · Member since Apr 2010 · 50 posts
after grocery shopping last night i was dumb and left my daiya in one of my grocery bags. it was sealed and in a paper bag...should i chance it? i ask because its about a half hour ride and 10 dollars in gas and 6 dollars to buy the actual daiya to replace it...exactly how do you tell daiya has gone bad anyways?
It's probably fine! Just give it a sniff and a look (although it never smells that great anyway..)
I think daiya is made of mostly oil and flour, so I'd say it's fine.
I left it out overnight once (opened package) and ate it later without dying.
haha thanks im glad to have a survivors tale :P
im pretty sure im just gonna eat it anyways as long as it doesnt smell super bad.
i would freeze it after opening or if you don't plan on using it quick... daiya goes bad fast
i've left it out before, and also did not die. i would say to freeze it too, because sometimes it does mold quickly anyway.
i ate it on soyrizo and tofu and im still alive! woot.