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Flipping things in skillets..

Could you offer your expertise on flipping things (ex: pancakes) in a skillet? I see a ton of fabulous looking things (ex: crepes, korean vegetable pancakes, etc) on here but don't know how I'd even manage to flip them correctly. I'm cooking challenged.  :-\  Anything will help!! Thanks to all who respond. *virtual kisses*

I like to have a thin, flexible spatula...also, when I'm making crepes, I flip them generally with my hands. I wait until the edges start to curl up a bit, and then i just gently grab the edges and flip! for pancakes, and eggs, I like a wide flat flexible plastic spatula...seems to work fine for m!


It might also help to make things a bit smaller if you're not used to flipping.  It can be really hard to flip something that goes all the way to the edges of a pan, but if you make pancakes (or whatever) that are not much bigger than your spatula it should be easy.  I'm not sure if you can make a decent crepe that doesn't go to the edges though....  :-\


I'm not a flipper. I've tried and I just make a mess. For big stuff like crepes I either use one of those "clamshell" frying pans (two that hook together, so you just flip it over and then remove the top one) or the Spanish "plate method." That requires a plate the same diametre or slightly larger than your skillet. Place it over the skillet like a lid, flip the contents onto the plate and then slide it back into the skillet, uncooked side down. Takes some practice but I find it makes less of a mess than trying to flip something cumbersome.


Won't everything stick on the plate?


well make sure u have a non stick pan... and use a plastic spatula that bends well... don't try to flip anything too monstrous in size... follow the tips i gave in the korean vegetable pancakes (use 2 really small fry pans  and cook 2 at a time... much easier to flip this way... good pans r a must and don't try to flip things too early... make sure they have cooked enough on the one side first


Are fry pans the same as skillets?


i dunno i think?


Are fry pans the same as skillets?

Yes. Just a different term.

And I've never had "everything" stick on the plate, poss because we use olive oil. I dunno, I just have seen every Spanish woman since forever do it. I copied it and yes, it takes a little practice but it works. They even sell "omelet turners" in the 1-Euro (yeah right) shops here that are basically a plate with a knob on the back to hold it by, in wood or porcelain. I keep saying I'm gonna buy one but I never do.

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