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Who Else is Excited About "The Dark Knight?"

I am! ;)b We got our tix this afternoon and will see it first thing Friday morning. Anyone else going on opening day?

I'm excited about seeing Heath Ledger in a movie one last time.  ;)b


I'm excited about seeing Heath Ledger in a movie one last time.  ;)b

I've heard his performance is stunning, that he steals the movie.  Their talking academy award.  Bittersweet.  I loved him in Brokeback Mountain and he was good in The Patriot. 


im definitely interested to see heath ledger in this.  from what i've heard/read, this movie was just brutal on his mind.  things like, he couldnt sleep at night, and whatnot.  it seems weird to see him in a movie preview and think that this movie might have killed him, indirectly of course.


What was funny about this movie is when I saw the previews for it I was thinking, "didn't they just come out with a Batman / Joker movie a few years ago?"  I was thinking of the one with Micheal Keetan as batman, and Jack Nichelson as the joker.  Then I heard that that movie had come out almost 20 years ago!!!

I was like holly crap!

Am I getting old that fast?  But I was a huge fan of that original batman movie.  This new movie looks a little too...tough guyish...dark...not sure of the right word, but I don't think it can beet that old batman / joker movie that came out in the 90's.


While I'm really excited to see this, I probably won't until it comes out on DVD.  I loathe going to the theater anymore.  Too many rude people talking and making noise and too many little blue screens glowing from everyone texting their friends during the film.


I was a fan of Micheal Keeton as Batman and really am not thrilled with these new ones.  :(  Im old.


michael and i decided to do a double feature at the theatre sometime soon.  well see the new batman and hell boy 2.  im stoked


I was a fan of Micheal Keeton as Batman and really am not thrilled with these new ones.  :(   Im old.

I don't think it can beet that old batman / joker movie that came out in the 90's.

I agree that Keaton is the best Batman.  I'm glad someone else thinks the same.  I will say that I'm somewhat excited to see this movie, but that Bat Bike has got to go.  I was also mad when I first knew that they were making the Joker a villain again, but I'm ok with it now.
What can I say, I'm a movie snob.  I get mad when movies are remade or revamped.  I still can't believe they are remaking The Day The Earth Stood Still. >:(


I'm excited!
I dont go to the movies often but Ive seen all the batman movies at the theaters (except the one with danny devito..)
I haven't really done it on purpose, I just end up there with someone, but because of it I love me some batman. I like kilmers batman. I enjoyed bale too. The michael keaton  is of course the ultimate batman movie. I must say this dark knight looks intriguing and i can't wait to check it out on the big screen.
all this batman talk makes me want to have a batman marathon and i will have to work on that... the only drawback is I would have to include the batman with danny devito. Nothing personal against danny, i just couldnt get into that batman, see i dont even know the name of it...I will just have to bake a pie or something during the devito batman.


the only drawback is I would have to include the batman with danny devito. Nothing personal against danny, i just couldnt get into that batman, see i dont even know the name of it...I will just have to bake a pie or something during the devito batman.

Batman Returns.


I was also mad when I first knew that they were making the Joker a villain again, but I'm ok with it now.


What else is the joker supposed to be if not a villian? 

Wait, I think I get it, you were mad because they are using the Joker again?  I agree, I also wondered that.  Batman had many villians in the comics, didn't he?  Why do they always use the Joker?  Why not one of the other villians?


While I'm really excited to see this, I probably won't until it comes out on DVD.  I loathe going to the theater anymore.  Too many rude people talking and making noise and too many little blue screens glowing from everyone texting their friends during the film.

I find that if you go earlier in the day, there is less of this. Also, if you catch it at an indie theatre that just happened to pick it up as its token big-budget film, you'll get a more respectful audience. Sometimes it's just not worth it to make one of these two happen, so I wait for dvd and netflix it. But in this case, I'm going out of my way to make it happen.  :)>>> :)>>> Heath Ledger  :)>>> :)>>>


Batman Returns.

thank you. Maybe I will give Batman Returns  another shot. I am serious about the marathon, I hold them semi-regularly for movies and music I am highly enthusastic/ curious about. Its fun! For zany late night entertainment I recommend Wishmaster marathon!Fufill the prophecy!.... :>


I was also mad when I first knew that they were making the Joker a villain again, but I'm ok with it now.

Wait, I think I get it, you were mad because they are using the Joker again?  I agree, I also wondered that.  Batman had many villians in the comics, didn't he?  Why do they always use the Joker?  Why not one of the other villians?

Correct!  This also applies to Superman.  It's time for a new arch-nemesis, Lex.  Even though they got Kevin Spacey to play him last time, it doesn't make it ok.  And I hated that Superman.  "I've got this great idea for a Superman movie.  Let's have him fly around and catch stuff for a majority of the movie.  We'll make millions."  I want to see Superman fight somebody.  Is that too much to ask?


It will be bittersweet watching Heath Ledger's final performance. He was so good in Brokeback Mountain and was starting to make some really great movies and get a name for himself. His performance in this movie looks great too, if the previews are any indication.

My shallow side is also really hoping that Cillian Murphy (Dr. Crane/Scarecrow) comes back for this movie. :)>>> My own tastes aside, I just think it'd be really lame to have his character end the way it did in Batman Begins. SPOILER - I mean, the guy attacked Batman almost successfully, gave Falcone a case of the crazies, knew how to ride a horse after he got attacked by his own stuff, and you expect me to believe that he met his end at the end of Katie Holmes' taser? Gimme a break! END SPOILER

I am also excited about Aaron Eckhardt joining the cast, as I loved him in Thank You For Smoking. Maggie Gyllenhaal, I'm not as excited about. Something about her just bugs me. I wish they'd gone with Rachel McAdams for Holmes' replacement. But we'll see! I know the movie will be a thousand kinds of awesome no matter what.


I think the marketing for this movie is brilliant. I can't imagine a movie being able to live up to this amount of hype! It's like Beatlemania.


While I have no doubt that Heath Ledger will do an amazing job , I gotta say I'm all about Christian Bale. I'm a huge Christian Bale fan. I was awaiting for the release of Batman Begins a year before it came to theaters and was there midnight opening night. I think he is a very underrated actor.


Maggie Gyllenhaal, I'm not as excited about.

I like Maggie Gyllenhaal.  Not just because she's hot, either.  I think she's a really good actor.


Maggie Gyllenhaal, I'm not as excited about.

I like Maggie Gyllenhaal.  Not just because she's hot, either.  I think she's a really good actor.

It's not that she's a bad actress. Any movie I've seen her in she's done a decent job, and I liked her a lot in Stranger than Fiction. I don't know why, I'm just never thrilled when I see her in a movie. I know this'll sound really stupid, but I think it's because she tends to look kind of smug all the time (the way her face is set) and I think that unconsciously makes me get bugged by her. But we'll see! Christopher Nolan is no fool; he'll only pick people who work in his films.

Anyone else here see Memento, speaking of Nolan? One of the most under-appreciated films ever. I love it.


I was a fan of Micheal Keeton as Batman and really am not thrilled with these new ones.  :(  Im old.

Michael Keaton = hot....I loved him as batman....must've been the outfit...

eta: cali you're not old...cuz, I totally remember and loved that movie too!



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