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Vegan Musicians!

I love to meet vegan musicians on forums. Why, pray tell, have I refused to do so on the vegan site I visit most?

I want you to post your music pages here. I want to hear more music by fellow vegans.
Passionate diet usually = passionate music.
Even if we're not allowed the chance to listen for some reason, talk about your music!

I go by Happiest Lion.

my solo project was jammypants i haven't done anything with it in over a year!  i just went on a month long tour playing bass for this band and it inspired me to start writing music again, but faster more aggressive music.  im stoked to get the guitar and amp out of the van and start!


i have starfish marzipan..but..uhh..its pretty much me pressing buttons on my kid size accordion..i have ukulele stuff coming..
once i get actual music, i will put a little link. (:

ooo hiimkelsi- i really like jammypants! its so happy!


Yeah, hiimkelsi, Jammypants is great!

As soon as I have some of my music recorded, I'll be sure to share it.


Darn I don't have any music pages...but I do play bass and HAD a band for a whole 2 months,,,we didn't even have a name though :(  I DO want to start a band when i move to Cali though...any takers :) hehehe.


Darn I don't have any music pages...but I do play bass and HAD a band for a whole 2 months,,,we didn't even have a name though :(  I DO want to start a band when i move to Cali though...any takers :) hehehe.

Where in California?


Darn I don't have any music pages...but I do play bass and HAD a band for a whole 2 months,,,we didn't even have a name though :(  I DO want to start a band when i move to Cali though...any takers :) hehehe.

Where in California?

I'm moving to the LA area...rosemead to be a bit more exact, no one ever knows about little ol' rosemead :( are you in cali BH??  if so where?


Darn I don't have any music pages...but I do play bass and HAD a band for a whole 2 months,,,we didn't even have a name though :(  I DO want to start a band when i move to Cali though...any takers :) hehehe.

Where in California?

I'm moving to the LA area...rosemead to be a bit more exact, no one ever knows about little ol' rosemead :( are you in cali BH??  if so where?

I live near Ventura, about an hour and a half from where you'll be in LA.  I've driven through Rosemead many times.  If you ever make a trip out my direction, I know an excellent vegan restaurant.  Though, you'll be in no short supply of them in LA.

MIGHT be a little far to jam, but who knows?


Darn I don't have any music pages...but I do play bass and HAD a band for a whole 2 months,,,we didn't even have a name though :(  I DO want to start a band when i move to Cali though...any takers :) hehehe.

Where in California?

I'm moving to the LA area...rosemead to be a bit more exact, no one ever knows about little ol' rosemead :( are you in cali BH??  if so where?

I live near Ventura, about an hour and a half from where you'll be in LA.  I've driven through Rosemead many times.  If you ever make a trip out my direction, I know an excellent vegan restaurant.  Though, you'll be in no short supply of them in LA.

MIGHT be a little far to jam, but who knows?

oOoo sweeeet!

I won't know any vegans in the LA area so we should def. meet up and veg it up  ;)b  Whats yer instrument of choice?


Definitely!  I have zero vegetarian or vegan friends where I live.

I play guitar..though I write a lot of music on keyboard.  I need to get a bass and a drum set.

Bass is wonderful, I've been writing a lot of basslines on the keyboard that seem pretty promising.  Awesome you play :)


Definitely!  I have zero vegetarian or vegan friends where I live.

I play guitar..though I write a lot of music on keyboard.  I need to get a bass and a drum set.

Bass is wonderful, I've been writing a lot of basslines on the keyboard that seem pretty promising.  Awesome you play :)

awesome!  I don't want to fool you into thinking im actually decent haha but hey you never know...I'm also trying to pick up trumpet again I played for six years so at least im somewhat musically inclined!  yay veggie friends  :)


Definitely!  I have zero vegetarian or vegan friends where I live.

I play guitar..though I write a lot of music on keyboard.  I need to get a bass and a drum set.

Bass is wonderful, I've been writing a lot of basslines on the keyboard that seem pretty promising.  Awesome you play :)

awesome!  I don't want to fool you into thinking im actually decent haha but hey you never know...I'm also trying to pick up trumpet again I played for six years so at least im somewhat musically inclined!  yay veggie friends  :)

Haha, it's fine.  I've played for about seven years and I've never REALLY jammed with anyone on a consistent basis.  I've gone it on my own.  I used to play trumpet in elementary school..I've long forgotten.

Nice, I look forward to it :)


cool beans :)  we've totally copied AC and KMK by taking over this thread hehehe  >:D 

love you kmk & ac


cool beans :)  we've totally copied AC and KMK by taking over this thread hehehe  >:D 

love you kmk & ac

Hey! WTF?! What the heck are ya talkin' about?!  ;)


cool beans :)  we've totally copied AC and KMK by taking over this thread hehehe  >:D 

love you kmk & ac

Hey! WTF?! What the heck are ya talkin' about?!  ;)

nuthin but love here ac, nuthin but love  :)>>>


I feel it!  :iloveyou:


Two of us are vegetarians.  Does that count?

WARNING:  Angry music lies ahead.


I like your screaming though. I TOTALLY knew vegans could scream.
I really like jammypants too.


Not technically a musician, but I'm a DJ which is arguably a form of musicianship. I play a style of electronic music that usually unbeknownst to most Americans, but it has an insanely large following in Europe, especially Holland. I don't have a myspace page for my music (I probably should though, huh?) but here's a link to download my latest demo:


holy intensity batman! im def into your mix, i havent finished it yet but ...whoa!! ive heard OF gabber, never really listened to it.

I'm a DJ which is arguably a form of musicianship.

beatmatching and programming tunes is a learned skill for sure, ;)b  just like learning to play guitar or whatever. To dj is to make music for sure! my 10Cents

eta ...ETA!!!: where do you buy your tunes? are you analog, digital or bi-electrical?
im bi...
...electrical. ;)

I play almost 100% vinyl. Analag just feels right to me. Also, the style I play almost exclusively comes out on vinyl and even the biggest name DJs play vinyl!I do have a couple tracks that I'll play on cd, but I don't own CDJs, so it's hard for me to get practice in and I'm always kind of apprehensive to play digital live.  It's kind of a pain in the butt to order vinyl in my style because it comes from Holland. There are shops here in the states that carry it, but the selectio is usually whack, so I buy directyl from Holland, and the shipping prices are ridiculous! I ususally shop at,,  and
I took a listen to your mix and it's really chill! I was into it. Do you have anymore links to your mixes to share?

Also, you live very close to me! Do you have any residencies? I usually just play at raves and stuff, but I've played at a few college radio stations and scared some listeners.  ;D ;D.


I play almost 100% vinyl.

that's awesome. I did too up until about 6 months when I bought a used techincs cd turntable. I purchased a pioneer cdj about 1.5 years ago so now I have a total of 4 turntables in my setup. (2 technic 1200, cdj, and technics cd turntable. I used to be so against playing cd's but right now it is much more economical and i get more bang for my buck. I buy mp3s online mostly. I do love vinyl though and have a rather large record collection.

I don't have any other mixes online yet, I just finally forced myself to learn exactly how to do a bit slow sometimes... I'm sure i will soon though and I will let you know when I do. I like to play minmal, tech, and funky house sometimes verging on the cheesy and electro-y, but I try to keep it classy... ;D

I don't normally play out anywhere. I think i could if I  really put some effort into it but I tend to lack ambition.Also I get uncomfortable when i try to self promote so I usually avoid it...I like to think i will get over that eventually.
i'd be interested in checking you spin live if the opportunity came up. Are you in the bay area?

Yeah, I live in the east bay (san lorenzo). I'm playing at a few raves coming up. Tomorrow night, actually, at a party called Bumpin Jumpin Jetrock. Doors open at 7, I think. I'm playing 11-12. Then next saturday I'm playing at a free day party at the Civic Center in SF. There'll be three stages of music playing, all kinds of electronic music. August 2nd I'm playing at another show called Heart which I think will be at Kelly's Mission Rock in SF. Not sure hwat time I'm playing at that though. All 3 events should be good times, and it would be a fun place to pass out demos to partygoers and promoters.



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