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Article about veg*n - omnivore relations

*Newsflash* veg*ns are the same as other humans!  Found this little essay today.  Nothing groundbreaking, but nice for a light read.

Thank you for sending. This is great and I especially loved this part:

"Finally, grant me one more cordial request: Please don't try to convince us that being vegetarian is somehow wrong. If you're concerned for my health, that's very nice, though you can rest assured that I'm in shipshape. If you want to have an amiable tête-à-tête about vegetarianism, that's great. But if you insist on being the aggressive blowhard who takes meatlessness as a personal insult and rails about what fools we all are, you're only going to persuade me that you're a dickhead."


i read most of this but got kind of annoyed at the author. he seemed to be saying he was an exception and had some 'vegans are crazy' vibes in there...


i read most of this but got kind of annoyed at the author. he seemed to be saying he was an exception and had some 'vegans are crazy' vibes in there...

I agree. Nevermind "vibes"..didn't he say something like, 'vegans are insane?'


Yeah, he was a negative about veganism and seemed a little wishy washy about why he was even vegetarian (the part about leather!--poor me, I can't find dress shoes!  WHINER.)  But he had a lot of funny observations as well.


I think he said vegans are intense, not insane!  :smileteeth: I kinda thought he was being complimentary there... Like intense enough in their convictions to do what I don't... I thought it was a decent and matter of fact type article, and so right on about people's reactions.


I'm sure it's nice to be able to afford the $100+ vegan dress shoes, but not all of us have that kind of money.

All my dress shoes and boots are fake leather.  I have never spent more than thirty or forty dollars on a pair of shoes.  I ain't rich.  Discount shoes stores are my best friend!


I'm sure it's nice to be able to afford the $100+ vegan dress shoes, but not all of us have that kind of money.

All my dress shoes and boots are fake leather.  I have never spent more than thirty or forty dollars on a pair of shoes.  I ain't rich.  Discount shoes stores are my best friend!

i have some leather (as far as i know) moccasins from YEARS ago that are total crapola but way comfy. since i got them in pregan days, used, i don't see a prob wearing them(as far as incongruence w/ my beliefs), but i have been thinking about getting rid of them lately... hmmm...


I'm sure it's nice to be able to afford the $100+ vegan dress shoes, but not all of us have that kind of money.

All my dress shoes and boots are fake leather.  I have never spent more than thirty or forty dollars on a pair of shoes.  I ain't rich.  Discount shoes stores are my best friend!

i have some leather (as far as i know) moccasins from YEARS ago that are total crapola but way comfy. since i got them in pregan days, used, i don't see a prob wearing them(as far as incongruence w/ my beliefs), but i have been thinking about getting rid of them lately... hmmm...

Yeah, no, I didn't mean to play the police and hate on people for wearing leather.  I still own some wool that I will phase out of my closet once I can buy more sweaters.  Whatever.  I just don't want to give the impression that I am some kind of elitist who thinks everyone ought to buy Natalie Portman shoes.  And I do think the author was kind of lame about the leather.  Getting rid of old leather isn't gonna save an animals at this point.  But not buying new ones will!  Come on, now. 

The part about fish growing on vines was nice, I must say. 


i read most of this but got kind of annoyed at the author. he seemed to be saying he was an exception and had some 'vegans are crazy' vibes in there...

wasnt this article dripping in sarcasm? the "vegans are intense",  i think was meant to be as a joke...thats what the omnis


LA, I didn't feel that way.
KMK, i wasn't thinking you were, i was just saying that... actually, i don't know why, but it seemed to be a good thing to bring up. yeah, he is being jerky for saying he is a vegan and like "but i proudly wear my leather shoes," but if there were some kind of "man, i wish i didn't have leather shoes, this is completely stupid of me to call myself veg" then it would be better. i don't know, he seems to be trying to make himself sound better to omnivores but compromise his beliefs (well, maybe they aren't his, but those of a normal veg) in doing so.


i read most of this but got kind of annoyed at the author. he seemed to be saying he was an exception and had some 'vegans are crazy' vibes in there...

wasnt this article dripping in sarcasm? the "vegans are intense",  i think was meant to be as a joke...thats what the omnis

That could be too.  It's really for an omni audience. 


I dunno..I was liking it in the beginning..and then it just started going downhill. I just didn't like how he portrayed a few things (sarcasm or not).


I was turned off by the sub-title of the article, "I may be a vegetarian, but I still love the smell of bacon".  I find the smell of bacon totally revolting.  Definitely not the best "apologetics" for vegetarianism, but then it is aimed at the omnivores and it is just one man's point of view.



I really enjoyed this article.  Thanks for posting it foofie.


I was turned off by the sub-title of the article, "I may be a vegetarian, but I still love the smell of bacon".  I find the smell of bacon totally revolting.  Definitely not the best "apologetics" for vegetarianism, but then it is aimed at the omnivores and it is just one man's point of view.


Exactly, i feel like part of the point was that he was saying that we are not all able to be pigeon holed into bacon hating (tho, i am one of those!ugh) hemp touting aggressive devisive angry veg' omnis like to assume we are.He was showing that veggies dont have to be "freaks" and can actually be "normal"...we come in all ways.  He was writing to an omni audience, as kmk said, and i think he was using the humor to be more approachable to omnis...they are more likely to listen.


I liked this article too, I thought it was hilarious! Don't take it so personally vegans, I think you guys ARE intense!  :D


Well there is the thing about "I like the smell of bacon".  I disagree with that as well.  The smell of any cooking meat gets my nausea trigger going.  And I DONT think meat tastes good, I hate the smell, the texture and the taste.  So he seemed to be generalizing a bit, not all veg*ns are the same. 

But I like the one paragraph about how omnivores always try to convince us herbavores that we are wrong to be herbavores for some reason or another. 

I have people ask, why are you vegetarian?  My most common answer is simply, because I don't like meat.  I don't like the way it smells, tastes, or the texture, which is the total truth.  Of course they look at me as if I lost my mind, then just shrug it off.  If they press on, which they rarely do, I also mention that I don't agree with the way animals are treated in the slaughter industry and in my point of view, the best way to tell a company I don't like what they do or sell, is to not spend my money there.

But there was the one where it said, addressing restaurants, to offer at least one vegetarian option on their menu.  I was thinking...YES!!!  Isn't my money just as green?  I hate going out to eat because EVERYTHING has meat, and I don't like meat.  Why is that so hard to understand people!!!  (I was addressing the restaurants.)

But the article was funny overall. 

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