Wild Alaskan Salmon Ad
Posted by pinkerbell03 on May 23, 2008 · Member since Mar 2007 · 850 posts
So every time I go to the forum page, the ad that pops up at the bottom of my page is for Wild Alaskan Salmon. I don't know if anyone else is seeing this, but I emailed Y. Cause that's just kinda wrong. And nasty. :'(
The ads I usually see are for recipes and losing belly fat.
I haven't seen it, but you're right, that is kinda wrong.
no salmon here. Mine are for "green" candles & vegan online shops
I haven't seen that..I always see "Icelandic glacial H20"...which is just like..whatever. That's weird, though.
I thought this was going to be about the Ben Stein ads (don't know if they are still on tv), but they always made me VERY MAD. "So, eat all you want...there's plenty more out there.." Ugh. I used to like Ben Stein, too.
PLUS there aren't plenty..and seals are dying! :'(
BUT yeah..that ad on here needs to go away!
Do we all get different adds? We must, I keep getting an add for Vegetarian Adventures or something like that, and adds for vegetarian recipies and loosing belly fat too. Okay, I am going home, it is the weekend!!!
The ads vary sometimes depending on what's in each thread. I remember about a year or so ago there was a fashion model/fur thread going on, and I kept getting ads for fur coats on my screen! I emailed Y and they stopped. Do tell her what the ad's for, specifically by name.
The ads vary sometimes depending on what's in each thread. I remember about a year or so ago there was a fashion model/fur thread going on, and I kept getting ads for fur coats on my screen! I emailed Y and they stopped. Do tell her what the ad's for, specifically by name.
Those are "context sensitive ads." I'm sure she has different types of ads throughout the site (ones that aren't context sensitive, etc.). I would think that we would all see some of the same ones (such as the veganessentials.com?).
I just saw one for vegan nail polish.
I'm gonna get my nails did! ;D
I thought this was going to be about the Ben Stein ads (don't know if they are still on tv), but they always made me VERY MAD. "So, eat all you want...there's plenty more out there.." Ugh. I used to like Ben Stein, too.
Blech. Stick to the Clear Eyes ads, Ben.
Agreed, those are infuriating! "There's plenty more out there, so eat all you want." EVIL!