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Who Else is Excited About "The Dark Knight?"

I am! ;)b We got our tix this afternoon and will see it first thing Friday morning. Anyone else going on opening day?

I was a fan of Micheal Keeton as Batman and really am not thrilled with these new ones.  :(  Im old.

Michael Keaton = hot....I loved him as batman....must've been the outfit...

eta: cali you're not old...cuz, I totally remember and loved that movie too!

Thanks VS!  I am glad I am not alone, with you, SQ and CK digging Micheal Keaton!


I was reading up on some of Batman's enemies, I think that the Scarecrow would be  a good one to have. 


Maggie Gyllenhaal, I'm not as excited about.

I like Maggie Gyllenhaal.  Not just because she's hot, either.  I think she's a really good actor.

secretary... *drool*


Maggie Gyllenhaal, I'm not as excited about.

I like Maggie Gyllenhaal.  Not just because she's hot, either.  I think she's a really good actor.

It's not that she's a bad actress. Any movie I've seen her in she's done a decent job, and I liked her a lot in Stranger than Fiction. I don't know why, I'm just never thrilled when I see her in a movie. I know this'll sound really stupid, but I think it's because she tends to look kind of smug all the time (the way her face is set) and I think that unconsciously makes me get bugged by her. But we'll see! Christopher Nolan is no fool; he'll only pick people who work in his films.

Anyone else here see Memento, speaking of Nolan? One of the most under-appreciated films ever. I love it.

Memento.....another great movie. I could see how she could have a smug look on her face but I think she was great in Secretary and almost everything else she's been in.


I was reading up on some of Batman's enemies, I think that the Scarecrow would be  a good one to have. 

Batman Begins SPOILER below -

Scarecrow originated in Batman Begins and will hopefully come back for The Dark Knight. Last we saw of him, he'd gone completely batsh*t because Batman sprayed him with his own drug, and he was wearing his Scarecrow mask and riding a horse when Rachel tasered him and off he and his horse went. However, I refuse to believe that that's the last we've seen of him because he was totally badass and that'd be a lame way to go out.

"Would you like to see my mask?" - easily one of the best lines from that whole movie. ;)b And he's definitely scarier-looking in these movies than he was in the cartoon.

Might scare someone on a haunted hayride:

Will cut someone and laugh:


Anyone going to the midnight show tonight? I'm waiting until tomorrow morning.


Anyone else here see Memento, speaking of Nolan? One of the most under-appreciated films ever. I love it.

Was it under-appreciated? I personally adored this film. Everything was so tightly put together, it was amazing!


Should I watch Batman Begins tonight? I've never seen it...


Saw The Dark Knight tonight..thought it was pretty good.  Kinda thought the Two-Face storyline was a little rushed but all in all a pretty good movie.


Should I watch Batman Begins tonight? I've never seen it...

YEAH!  Why not?  Isn't that the one with Micheal Keeten, and Jack Nickelson?  That was a great movie.

How was "The Dark Knight"?  I will probably wait until it comes out on DVD and watch it then.  I don't like going to theaters, the seats are uncomfortable, and they are too crowded.  I think I have a fear of crowds, even if they are quiet, I am still aware of everybody, and it makes me nervous.


i saw this last night and... :-\  i really really wanted to see it and was super excited, but i just..didn' it that much.  heath ledger in the joker role was amazing, but the rest of it seemed to drag on and on and on.  it's like 3 hours long!  and christian bale SUCKS in the role of batman.  that weird gravelly thing he does with his voice is...just kind of stupid.  i was disappointed.  but i do have to admit that i was really tired by the time we got to the theater and it was like 20 degrees inside and i froze the entire time.  regardless, i was pretty disinterested throughout the entire movie.  i wanted it to be witty and sort of fun like the others, but maybe i'm missing the point.  heath ledger was definitely the only thing that made this movie trip worthwhile.


Saw this last night and it was good. Ledger stole the entire movie and I think it would have fallen flat without his strong performance. I'm not one for superhero/comic movies and to be honest, I really only saw this because the images of the joker in the previews were very enticing. I thought it was well-played, but I guessed the ending about 20 minutes into the movie.


We saw this today. I admit that I don't think I've seen any other Batmans.......but Patrick has. We both liked the movie. Good, but sad.



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