What song is stuck in your head today?
Posted by yabbitgirl on Aug 23, 2008 · Member since Apr 2006 · 14266 posts
WHY oh why is it that the song that gets stuck in your head and goes roundandround all day is never one you actually LIKE? In fact, it's usually one you hate!
And if not, you hate it by the end of the day.
Today I'm stuck with a song from "Guys and Dolls": Sit down you're rocking the boat.
What's in your head today?
True Colors by...Cyndi Lauper?
Someone sang it on Australian Idol. I seem to always get an Idol song in my head and it sticks for a week until the next Idol is on. :P I hate that show, but I know one of the contestants this year so I have to watch it until she's gone (she's in the top 10 now).
So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire and the swing of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love
Matt Nathanson. My boyfriend. :-*
Something from a "quit smoking" commercial.
Everybody knows...everybody knows...that's how it goes...everybody knows...
Yeah, really catchy. ???
I love this song. My sister led me to it. She loves it too. :>
Okay, I admit it, I sometimes use this thread not for what song IS stuck in my head, but which song I WISH were stuck in my head. ::)
I am pleased to say I almost know these lyrics by heart. 8)
They were digging a new foundation in Manhattan
And they discovered a slave cemetery there.
May their souls rest easy now that lynching is frowned upon,
And we've moved on to the electric chair.
And I wonder, who's gonna be president - Tweedle Dum or Tweedle Dumber?
And who's gonna have the big blockbuster box office this summer?
How 'bout we put up a wall between the houses and the highway,
And then you can go your way and I can go my way.
Except all the radios agree with all the TVs,
And the magazines agree with all the radios,
And I keep hearing that SAME DAMN SONG everywhere I go!
Maybe I should put a bucket over my head
And a marshmallow in each ear
And stumble around for another dumb, numb week
For another humdrum hit song to appear.
People used to make records as in the record of an event -
The event of people playing music in a room.
Now everything is cross-marketing - it's about sunglasses or shoes
Or guns, or drugs - you choose.
We got it rehashed, we got it half-assed,
We're digging up all the graves and we're spitting on the past.
And we can choose between the colours of the lipstick on the whores
'Cause we know the difference between the font of 20% more! and the font of... teriyaki...
You tell me, how does that make you feel?
You tell me what's real.
And they say that alcoholics are always alcoholics
Even when they're dry as my lips for years.
Even when they're stranded on a small desert island
With no place in 2000 miles to buy beer!
And I wonder, Is he different?
Is he different? Has he changed what he's about?
Or he just a liar with nothing to lie about?
Am I headed for the same brick wall?
Is there anything I can do about anything at all?
Except go back to that corner in Manhattan
And dig deeper, dig deeper this time.
Down beneath the impossible pain of our history,
Beneath the unknown bones, beneath the bedrock of the mystery,
Beneath the sewage system and the path train,
Beneath the cobblestones and the water main...
Beneath the traffic of friendships and street deals,
Beneath the screeching of kamikazi cab wheels,
Beneath everything I can think of to think about,
Beneath it all, beneath all get-out!
Beneath the good and the kind and the stupid and the cruel,
There's a fire that's just waiting for fuel.
@Heli: Artist's name, please? Must find this!!
"Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dumber...!" :-D :)>>>
'My Chinchilla' - Cub
(thanks to Sharway :))
'Broken English' - Rise Against
(thanks to it being the last song I heard in my car yesterday)
'Broken English' - Rise Against
(thanks to it being the last song I heard in my car yesterday)
That's a great album (Revolutions Per Minute).
Who's fault is it? I'm thinking formercarnivore's, but I could be wrong. It's someone's doing from chat last night. I have an amalgamation of 80's pop in my head.
Who's fault is it? I'm thinking formercarnivore's, but I could be wrong. It's someone's doing from chat last night. I have an amalgamation of 80's pop in my head.
You get bonus points for using 'amalgamation' in your post.
@Heli: Artist's name, please? Must find this!!
"Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dumber...!" :-D :)>>>
It's by Ani DiFranco; the song is called Fuel. ;) And BTW, it's spoken, not sung.
Anybody heard of Aussie band, The Waifs?
This is one of those odd little songs which I sometimes sing to myself in my head, when I need to cleanse troubled thoughts.
Shiny Apples
Shiny apple, you're rotten on the inside
Skin is smooth but the soul is soft
And you look so appetising, but
Taste the truth, it's gonna make you spit
And how long have I known you now?
I knew after just one taste
And how long has my mouth been sour?
Well, it's been sour ever since that day
And how long can I go on like this?
Knowing what I know anyway
Oh, but it makes me feel helpless
To stand and watch while you rot away
Totally random. Oh! Darling by the Beatles. At first all I could remember is Paul McCartney shouting then I remembered like five words of the song. Then I remembered that I have Abbey Road and discovered it was somehow deleted and had to search the Recycle Bin on my computer. I really wanted to hear that song...
"Ken Lee" by the Bulgarian Music Idol :-D
Totally random. Oh! Darling by the Beatles. At first all I could remember is Paul McCartney shouting then I remembered like five words of the song. Then I remembered that I have Abbey Road and discovered it was somehow deleted and had to search the Recycle Bin on my computer. I really wanted to hear that song...
I once owned Abbey Road, a hand-me-down CD from my parents. And I lost it! Yarrrrgh. >:(
The song that I just wrote about the summer potluck. ^-^
This is a folk song from Cape Breton Island where I used to live.
Mary Mac's mothers making Mary Mac marry me,
My mothers making me marry Mary Mac.
We're going down to Maryville tomorrow to get married,
And we'll all be making merry when I marry Mary Mac.
Imagine that going around and around in your noggin all day! :D
This is a folk song from Cape Breton Island where I used to live.
Mary Mac's mothers making Mary Mac marry me,
My mothers making me marry Mary Mac.
We're going down to Maryville tomorrow to get married,
And we'll all be making merry when I marry Mary Mac.
Imagine that going around and around in your noggin all day! :D
Oh, poor PG, sounds painful!
But it led to this in my own brain:
Oh Mary Mack, Mack, Mack
All dressed in black, black, black
With silver buttons, buttons, buttons
Down the back, back, back
She jumped so high, high, high
She touched the sky, sky, sky
And didn't come down, down, down
Till the Fourth of July, ly, ly.
It's a children's hand-clapping game.
Aaaaand of course after that my head immediately segues into "Dr Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, Number 9."
Tegan and Sara: Nineteen
Totally random. Oh! Darling by the Beatles. At first all I could remember is Paul McCartney shouting then I remembered like five words of the song. Then I remembered that I have Abbey Road and discovered it was somehow deleted and had to search the Recycle Bin on my computer. I really wanted to hear that song...
I once owned Abbey Road, a hand-me-down CD from my parents. And I lost it! Yarrrrgh. >:(
If there is a way to, I could send you copies of it. I have practically everything the Beatles ever recorded. Well, pretty close to it anyway.
Totally random. Oh! Darling by the Beatles. At first all I could remember is Paul McCartney shouting then I remembered like five words of the song. Then I remembered that I have Abbey Road and discovered it was somehow deleted and had to search the Recycle Bin on my computer. I really wanted to hear that song...
I once owned Abbey Road, a hand-me-down CD from my parents. And I lost it! Yarrrrgh. >:(
If there is a way to, I could send you copies of it. I have practically everything the Beatles ever recorded. Well, pretty close to it anyway.
Aw, that's nice of you! But don't worry, I have good quality MP3s of the songs. :>