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What the hell? Deputy shoots dog repeatedly. Miraculously, dog survives

Warning! Very graphic!

This sweet dog was horribly shot by a deputy "investigating" bogus complaints. The footage is extremely disturbing. The family DID take the dog to the vet, but you sure as heck don't get that impression watching the clip. The dog is alive, and looks to be pretty okay, despite the huge friggin' holes shot through him/her.

What is the matter with people? This is just sadistic.

That really is a sick report  >:( I do question why the dogs' owner, knowing that the cop was 'there to kill the dog' would take him to the dog.
I'm hoping that the cop gets charged with animal cruelty....we'll see >:(


Can't bring myslef to watch this.  Too sickening and enfuriating to me knowing the gist of it.  I'm glad you said the  the dog is going to be ok, though.   


I read about this yesterday as well. I just forwarded the article to the Animal Legal Defense Fund.  (they are going to get quite sick of me.....but I donate too much money to them for them to ignore me).
I asked them to get a  animal rights attorney/member in that area involved. First thing is they NEED to get that officer removed from his position. He needs to have charges filed against him by the DA's office...NOW! The evidence is too overwhelming to ignore.

This has pissed me off so much that I've gone as far enough to even offer to personally pay the legal fees in this case. Please do what you can and write or call the DA's office in that county tomorrow and beg them to file Felony animal cruelty charges against Deputy Douchebag!


The family DID take the dog to the vet, but you sure as heck don't get that impression watching the clip.

I agree. Not only that...if he were my dog and he got shot like that...I would be crying over his body...enough so that I would figure out he was still alive!! I don't get how they didn't know the dog was still alive...they didn't check? They just left their dog there tied to a tree? I don't know. Something seems strange with that.

In any case, the copsicle is still a certified arsehole.

Thank you for going to such lengths to take action, David. Hope ALDF listens to you.


I have no problems if it was for protection, but to do it for a sport is just outright disgusting. 

This reminds me of a case not so long ago that happened in the Midwest somewhere.  There was a big outcry to change Kansas laws on animal cruelty because of it.  A puppy, one they dubbed Magnum, was found with chemical burns, cuts, and barbed wire binding it.  The noted dog in the video on this thread is fortunate to survive.  Magnum was only a few weeks old and died five days later.  I almost cry when I read the story again. 

What is more disturbing though is this, and this applies to almost any person out there: those who get away with animal cruelty later in life have shown to start practicing cruelty on humans.  Some serial killers have been known to start their career early on animals, and then to start on humans.  A professor of criminology noted this a while back, but I forgot their name. 



I read about this yesterday as well. I just forwarded the article to the Animal Legal Defense Fund.  (they are going to get quite sick of me.....but I donate too much money to them for them to ignore me).
I asked them to get a  animal rights attorney/member in that area involved. First thing is they NEED to get that officer removed from his position. He needs to have charges filed against him by the DA's office...NOW! The evidence is too overwhelming to ignore.

This has pissed me off so much that I've gone as far enough to even offer to personally pay the legal fees in this case. Please do what you can and write or call the DA's office in that county tomorrow and beg them to file Felony animal cruelty charges against Deputy Douchebag!

I just sent an online donation.  That is one sick individual.


i honestly don't understand this. police are allowed to kill a dog if they get complaints about it? i don't think so...

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