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Veganism and Christianity.

This is a great website.

I am NOT religious by any stretch of the word, but I do have bi-polar disorder and have had it for about 10 years or so, so during my depressed stages I try to find something worth living for.  I sink into a soup of tears with only my cats for company lacking the courage to put a bullet in my own brain...  So I have been looking for a religon, but I hate the Bible, have hated Christianity since I was 18 becuase the Bible seems to be horribly sexist, and it puts humans above animals and nature as if humans are "better" then they are.  I developed my own belief: all life is sacred, animals and people, neither is above the other, they are created equal, and all is loved and cherished by God, equally.  But Christianity doesn't support this belief, no religion seems to.  So when I stumbled across this sight it shocked me to find out that others feel exactly the same way I do.

So I am wondering, is anybody else thinking that starting a completely new religion is a good idea?  A religioun that teachs love, and respect for all living things, from the smallest ant, to the tallest Geraff, to the cows, pigs and chickens, to the smartest humans.  A religon that teaches the belief in One Life, One God.  Because the way I see it is God IS life, in all life there is God.  God puts a piece of her/himself into every living thing as a special gift, and to kill is to kill a small piece of God, and in the act of killing it is to spit in the face of God, unless the death is absolutely necessary, like killing a moose becuase you need to eat otherwise you will starve.  But if you do kill the moose you must be thankful for it's bounty, pray that it's soul rejoins God, apologize for taking its life and pray for understanding.  This is what I have believed for years, why I am vegan now, but that website made me realize that I may not be as crazy as I thought, that I may not be alone in my beliefs afterall.

Please disregard this if it offends you, I do not mean to offend anybody.  I am just wondering if there is anybody else out there who feels the same as I do?

I think someone believing what you propose could be a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, a Buddhist, etc.  That's no reason not to start your own religion anyway (sounds like an awful headache though) but the ones already around can handle that load.

Christianity, for example.  If you take "Christian" to mean "follower of Christ" then you don't have to like much of the Bible.  Jesus is a handful of pages, and part of what he said amounts to that all the earlier pages kind of suck.  If he knew about the later pages he probably would have added that they suck too.  The bad stuff you mention is mostly absent from what he teaches.  He got pigeonholed into and associated with everything else in that book, but he didn't teach it himself.  Some good sources for Jesus' teaching aren't even in the Bible.  So all in all a Christian in the above sense doesn't really have to deal with the Bible much at all.  That's if you take "Christian" to mean "follower of Christ"... some people would say that's too broad an interpretation of the term.  *Shrug*

You could probably run the same kind of line on Islam or Judaism.  I guess it pretty much has to be one of those three though, if you're not making your own, since you want one God.  Hinduism has more than that, Buddhism fewer.  But if you want to go your own way, why consider it a religion?  Why not just consider it your beliefs about how things are?


This is a great website.

I am NOT religious by any stretch of the word, but I do have bi-polar disorder and have had it for about 10 years or so, so during my depressed stages I try to find something worth living for.  I sink into a soup of tears with only my cats for company lacking the courage to put a bullet in my own brain...  So I have been looking for a religon, but I hate the Bible, have hated Christianity since I was 18 becuase the Bible seems to be horribly sexist, and it puts humans above animals and nature as if humans are "better" then they are.  I developed my own belief: all life is sacred, animals and people, neither is above the other, they are created equal, and all is loved and cherished by God, equally.  But Christianity doesn't support this belief, no religion seems to.  So when I stumbled across this sight it shocked me to find out that others feel exactly the same way I do.

So I am wondering, is anybody else thinking that starting a completely new religion is a good idea?  A religioun that teachs love, and respect for all living things, from the smallest ant, to the tallest Geraff, to the cows, pigs and chickens, to the smartest humans.  A religon that teaches the belief in One Life, One God.  Because the way I see it is God IS life, in all life there is God.  God puts a piece of her/himself into every living thing as a special gift, and to kill is to kill a small piece of God, and in the act of killing it is to spit in the face of God, unless the death is absolutely necessary, like killing a moose becuase you need to eat otherwise you will starve.  But if you do kill the moose you must be thankful for it's bounty, pray that it's soul rejoins God, apologize for taking its life and pray for understanding.  This is what I have believed for years, why I am vegan now, but that website made me realize that I may not be as crazy as I thought, that I may not be alone in my beliefs afterall.

Please disregard this if it offends you, I do not mean to offend anybody.  I am just wondering if there is anybody else out there who feels the same as I do?

??? ??? ??? ??? Huh? Instead of saying you can't find anything to live for and you only have your cats for company realize that you just stated a problem  NOT a FACT of life.

Get out in mingle. The happiness of this life is mingling with friends,making as many as possible, going to school seeing what your capable of and most of all proving it, finding a nice man to get  married with
have children with watch them grow up together (I don't think there's anything in this world that's as great as that but it has to be the right person though.), jobs bring happiness to in trying to earn alot of money earning alot of money is a great challenge and it brings alot of happiness to try to open your own business, another part of life is just being a part of our families lives. Enjoy your family.

Instead of worrying about the world which there's nothing wrong with that your immediate attention right now should be about yourself. Care about yourself. I also know that as a diversion from keeping yourself from worrying about yourself. Becareful it's not that.


sounds like animism. have you ever read about it?


Being spiritual without a specific "religion" is also a possibility...
If you want.
It works for me; I take bits from different religious areas.




the closest thing that I've found to religion, or a religious experience, is nature. being in the forest, or by water - just being with the natural world. that's something worthwhile.

as for an actual "religion", in that sense of the word, if you're looking for something that truly respects animals, women, etc. I'd suggest looking into paganism. it's not crazy or ridiculous - you might find some pagans who dress in long skirts and never cut their hair, but you'll also find pagan lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc. no worries - it's legit.



You know...I too find myself looking to religion to fill that part of me that says the world just really isn't worth being a part of if this is all we get. I believe in God. I believe in a loving God. I do believe in Jesus and I would consider myself a Christian. Although my ideas are really ones that i have developed from reading the Bible and interpreting it on my other words, my pastor wouldn't always agree with my views.  ::)

I used to be upset by the whole gender issue and God too. After I learned some more though, I discovered a lot of what seemed to be gender preferences were usually more because of the social/cultural influences of the time. For example,... many (not all) of the leaders in the Bible were men. This was because a woman leader at that time would have been rejected by the people./ The disciples int eh Bible were mostly men (there were some women, some of whom were named and others who were not) The reason they were not one of the 12 was because Jesus was actually a Rabbi and according to Jewish custom a Rabbi would have a group of men follow him learning his yolk (or interpretation of scripture) In fact...there is a particular verse int eh new testament that specifically statres that there is no Gender in Gods eyes.

As for the humans being above other creatures...this is MY interpretation...God made man and animals all for their own purpose. Animals were NOT made for human consumption. In fact, God forbade the humans from eating the animals. i run into so many "Christian" who claim that animals were put here to eat...its not true....God gave Noah permission to eat animals only after the flood....when ALL vegetation was dead and Noah would have died other wise....but the bible also specially says that our lives were shortend because of this...And as for the story of Peter on the roof top when God said to "get up, kill and eat" you may like to tell the next Christian who trys to convince you veganism is anti godly that this was actually intended as a parable of sorts....yes, God told peter to eat and kill THOSE particular animal...but the reason why was that god was teaching Peter about Racism...The Jews and Gentiles were very segregated at hat time and the Jews thought it was ungodly to consort with the "unclean" gentiles...So God took something else that was unclean ("unclean" animals) and told Peter that He (God) was declaring everything clean. IE:God was telling the Jews to get over their superiority complex and consort with eh gentiles...

Now I do not mean to get preachy...i just wanted to share some things I have learned/come up with etc. I know that these ideas are not everyones. Thankfully there are many different interpretations of things. (where would we be without that?) I want o encourage you to keep looking, keep asking, keep seeking! Find what you believe! I'm glad you found a website that has some similar beliefs to yours! I will have to check that out some time soon!  :)

Good Luck!


As for the humans being above other creatures...this is MY interpretation...God made man and animals all for their own purpose. Animals were NOT made for human consumption. In fact, God forbade the humans from eating the animals. i run into so many "Christian" who claim that animals were put here to eat...its not true....God gave Noah permission to eat animals only after the flood....when ALL vegetation was dead and Noah would have died other wise....but the bible also specially says that our lives were shortend because of this...And as for the story of Peter on the roof top when God said to "get up, kill and eat" you may like to tell the next Christian who trys to convince you veganism is anti godly that this was actually intended as a parable of sorts....

Zealia, Can you tell me where the Noah scripture is?  I've read the bible, but I don't remember reading that (probably just didn't realize what it meant at the time) and would like to read it.


Snow Queen, I feel very similarly to what you have described; that there is a piece of God in everything (personally, I feel even in inanimate, non-living objects, also-- energy or light, if you will, and everything is made up of some form of energy/light), that all life is sacred, and that we are all inter-related (afterall, we all break back down into energy/light) so to inflict harm on one thing is to harm ones self too, in the end.  I also resent the sexism and ignorant (or not so ignorant) intolerance of some Biblical stories, but I attribute that to human fault-- politics, mass-control, manipulation of power (which was directly related to religion at the time the books of our modern day Bible were being collaborated). 
I am enjoy learning how different religions try to define the undefinable (God/Creator) and define and justify their beliefs and practices.  I admire some of them. I believe Jesus was a great man and wish more "Christians" would practice what he truly taught.  I believe there have been a few other enlightened people who are worthy of following in true practice.  I do not consider myself religious.  I will not let one person, nor even one group tell me how I am to think or believe.  I will listen, learn, then decide for myself whether something is "right" based on the rule I live by-- to try not to bring harm to any others. (Big order sometimes, though!  ;) )  I simply define myself as spiritual.   I do not care to be "limited" by a (religious) term or definition.     

And for what it's worth- I do not feel it's ok to tell you or anyone else with bi-polar or depression to just get over it andjust be thankful for what you do have or just go out with your friends, etc- voila, problem solved!  I have a friend who's mother is BP and friends who have suffered from depression.   I know it's not that easy-- it's disease just like those with ED's know words are easy, acting it is much different.  Know you're appreciated and admired here on Vegweb.  We're all good people here or we wouldn't be vegans.  (I think vegans are a little more evolved on the enlightenment path than "regular" people.)    :)     


Snow Queen, I feel very similarly to what you have described; that there is a piece of God in everything (personally, I feel even in inanimate, non-living objects, also-- energy or light, if you will, and everything is made up of some form of energy/light), that all life is sacred, and that we are all inter-related (afterall, we all break back down into energy/light) so to inflict harm on one thing is to harm ones self too, in the end.  I also resent the sexism and ignorant (or not so ignorant) intolerance of some Biblical stories, but I attribute that to human fault-- politics, mass-control, manipulation of power (which was directly related to religion at the time the books of our modern day Bible were being collaborated). 
I am enjoy learning how different religions try to define the undefinable (God/Creator) and define and justify their beliefs and practices.  I admire some of them. I believe Jesus was a great man and wish more "Christians" would practice what he truly taught.  I believe there have been a few other enlightened people who are worthy of following in true practice.  I do not consider myself religious.  I will not let one person, nor even one group tell me how I am to think or believe.  I will listen, learn, then decide for myself whether something is "right" based on the rule I live by-- to try not to bring harm to any others. (Big order sometimes, though!  ;) )  I simply define myself as spiritual.   I do not care to be "limited" by a (religious) term or definition.     

And for what it's worth- I do not feel it's ok to tell you or anyone else with bi-polar or depression to just get over it andjust be thankful for what you do have or just go out with your friends, etc- voila, problem solved!  I have a friend who's mother is BP and friends who have suffered from depression.   I know it's not that easy-- it's disease just like those with ED's know words are easy, acting it is much different.  Know you're appreciated and admired here on Vegweb.  We're all good people here or we wouldn't be vegans.  (I think vegans are a little more evolved on the enlightenment path than "regular" people.)    :)     

Uhhh firefightress did you hear what she said? The only company she has is her cats. She lacks the courage to put a bullet in her head that's how upset she is.

My post wasn't about telling her to "get over it" as you put it it has to do with starting somewhere.

You are entitled to your opinion of course just as I am but to me of starting your own religion will just bring her more loneliness.

And just to clarify I am baptized in the Christian religion and I do believe.

I just also believe you have to worry about yourself first before you can worry about anything else.


I don't think you necessarily need to put a name to it.  Believing in a Higher Power, being spiritual and wanting to be connected to all living creatures...well as has been said, could be any major religion.

I am a Catholic, by choice, some 26 yrs now.  I know that the church has its problems and I am not defending they way they have handled them, but what I know of the core of my faith from having studied it careful, is important to me and has little and nothing to do with the pope, or the priests or the way some of people there act.  After all, like you, I am alone in my head and I can think, feel, believe whatever I choose.

The problem I get into with christian faiths is this need to believe, preach, and demean others with this idea of SIN.  It comes from the Old Testament.  Christ's teachings would be the new testament, and not everything in there is true either.  Much of it is embroidered from the time of the illuminated manuscripts with every scribe adding and subtracting by what he thought or believed.  Not pure at all, not like the Gnostic Gospels, which is what I am currently reading and studying, but back to my point here.  SIN is an OLD TESTAMENT idea and if you are a Christian, then you have to believe that Christ died on the cross for the FORGIVENESS of sin, umm like therefore it doesn't even exist...?  Too much of it is about putting people down who don't share you beliefs, the supposed superiority of humans and the vast superiority of Christian humans...I agree with you.

If you are inclined, you might check out Hay House and Louise Hay.  I know that her writing helped me at a particularly low point with my own depression.  She has branched out into what I can only call hokus pokus (Sylvia Browne, angel worship and other weird stuff), but the core of what she wrote in the beginning holds true.  I like Wayne Dyer too, if I am in the mood.  I think his preaching of peace, love, harmony and wealth is a bit off, but he has some good things to say. 

Most people have their belief system on the cafeteria plan...a bit of this, a bit of that.  There is nothing wrong with this.  I think my own beliefs are a bit buddhist, a lot New Age, quite a bit Catholic, zero born again, and quite humanist, growing into more and more Gnosticism all the time.

Just do what you are comfortable with and know that you have friends here.  Depression is a terrible thing and as someone who has been there, I have some very small idea of your pain.


wow, this is a really neat topic! i'm vegan, and a Christian, and, honestly, it seems like there are really not many of us out there. it just seems like the church and the vegans clash, which is so sad. because they're both abou compassion, or at least that is what i think they should be about, but it seems like each group is missing what the other group is saying. i know i find it really frustrating.

oh, and about the Bible, yah, i know, it is really sexist in some parts, and i really can't stand that, but i have to remind myself about the number of hands that the book has been through and how distorted the information may be.  sorry, i'd think of better things to write but i'm tired and just happy that i found this thread.


I'm Christian - in the sense of being a follower of Christ.  The problem with the Bible, or more specifically the New Testament, was that it was compiled by men (literally) who basically decided which out of a large number of gospels, witnesses etc. should be included (the Nicean creed).  This merry band was headed up by King Constantine in the 5th century - the same King Constantine who did not himself convert until he was on his deathbed but imposed Christianity on his people because he thought it would make them more biddable.  The sexism in the Bible derives in part from cultural influences and also from the removal of virtually all mention of Jesus female disciples by KC and his merry band.  Belief and dogma are two very different things, the latter usually being corrupted to serve the ends of a self-selected band of people.  'Twas ever thus. 

I would suggest looking more deeply into pagan/Wiccan teachings though.  No-one says you have to sit around skyclad (nude) to get what you need from it, or cast spells - prayer seems to serve the same function.  There is very little in it which is not compatible with basic Christianity - the Divine in all.  Jesus, I think, was put on earth to remind us of the right way to go and that the way forward was love.


Snowqueen, I can relate to what you are talking about right now.  I have had some very hard times the last two months especially.  That has left me with the choice to examine my own spirituality.  I am finding that the more I study and compare, the more I do not believe in christianity.  I am looking at Wicca right now and it is very much in line with my beliefs.  I had never studied on it but my beliefs fall very much in line with this.  You might want to read about it as well.  I would love to keep going here but I have to get to work.  I will check on this post first part of next week.  Good luck to you!

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