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Vegan Musicians!

I love to meet vegan musicians on forums. Why, pray tell, have I refused to do so on the vegan site I visit most?

I want you to post your music pages here. I want to hear more music by fellow vegans.
Passionate diet usually = passionate music.
Even if we're not allowed the chance to listen for some reason, talk about your music!

I go by Happiest Lion.

You're right, I'm sorry. I was hungover this morning and for some reason thought that today was thursday. It is tonight (friday) and it should be a good time! I love Kelly's Mission Rock, too and have seen the setup for the show and it looks great!


Oh wow, how did I miss this thread?

I love your music, Caleb!  I downloaded a bunch of your songs.

Kelsi, your music is just adorable.  :-*

cool beans :)  we've totally copied AC and KMK by taking over this thread hehehe  >:D 

love you kmk & ac




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