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So who's on Twitter?

I know we already have a VegWeb Twitter thread but I was wondering if anybody had an account there.

I'm on as x138 - most of my updates are about work and food, haha.

I have refused to join twitter.

It took me awhile to come around but I joined a few months ago and I think it's the best form of communication -- if you're using your page to help educate others -- that's what I do with mine. On the other hand if you just use it to keep the 'world' updated on what YOU are doing - I think that's lame and just a waste of time.


You can find me @ voice4change

My page talks about animal cruelty, animal protection, animal rescue, environment, green, vegan, vegetarian & cruelty free


I joined again!  add me veganlisa64


It seems as though I might be two years too late, but I just joined Twitter a few weeks ago.  I was home sick for three days, and starved for attention!

I like to follow Danny DeVito's Troll Foot. #trollfoot

Hope the vegweb twitter is still functioning.  I will check it out!


Reviving this thread.

My Twitter handle is @krista_rodgers  If you follow me, send me a message to let me know you are from here. I will follow you back. I don't Twitter a lot, but you can follow me.

I also have a baking business out of my home and have a Twitter and Facebook page for it. I used to sell my baked goods at the farmers market this summer and hope to sell at a farmers market again next summer to promote my business and yummy vegan desserts. My business is called Divine Desserts by Krista. You can follow my business on Twitter at @divinedessertsk or search for Divine Desserts by Krista on Facebook and "like" me  ;)b


I use twitter but really only to announce stuff that I post on my website, you guy can friend me if you want though, I post vegan recipes :)



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