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secret fictional character crushes!

ive been watching an awful lot of metalocalypse lately and ive sort of developed a cartoon character crush on toki.  and im secretly also in love with bloo on fosters home for imaginary friends  ;D
anyone else secretly in love with cartoon characters/fake people?

Is this a ploy to get me drunk off blackberry cordial?

I swear, I didn't know it was currant wine!

I also ♥ Sayid from Lost.

I kinda have a thing for those bad
I loved Holden Caulfied in The Catcher In The Rye......I read that book so many times when I was young


the Vampire Lestat from the books not the movie,
Mr Rochester from Jane Eyre

The guy who played Lestat in Queen of the Damned was cute!


Is this a ploy to get me drunk off blackberry cordial?

I swear, I didn't know it was currant wine!

I also ♥ Sayid from Lost.

Me too! He doesn't get enough attention compared to the other lost boys. I like him cuz he's different. And hot.


Is this a ploy to get me drunk off blackberry cordial?

I swear, I didn't know it was currant wine!

I also ♥ Sayid from Lost.

Me too! He doesn't get enough attention compared to the other lost boys. I like him cuz he's different. And hot.

Did I say kindred spirits?  :)
He's ridiculously hot.


OK, now we get into cringe-making embarassment territory. My first fictional crush...and I'm ashamed to admit it...was Davy Jones of the Monkees! (OK, stop laughing, I was 6!) I saw some episodes again lately and wonder how on earth! The man was all nose and haircut!

I've never really "had it" for Mr Darcy, but then P and P isn't my favourite Austen novel, either. I find Mansfield Park much better written and developed, though the movies they have made from it seem to  have ignored the text completely. (How is it more convincing that Lady Bertram should be played as an alcoholic rather than simply what she is, bone-lazy and self-centred? Like there aren't any people out there like that IRL?) However, Alan Rickman as Col. Brandon in Sense and Sensibility now, or Mr Knightley in Emma (1996, Gwyneth Paltrow)--now that's something to work with! (Let the record show, I do tend to fall in love with voices.)

And then there are my various crushes for characters from French the hero in Amelie...sighhhhh.


Tom from Daria


Daria..... :)>>>


Oh, the original animated Aeon Flux...


I somehow initially was thinking only literature.  Now I'm in the grove.

I have lots of fictional crushes, some of you reminded me of them:
Anne of Green Gables:  Anne
Catcher in the Rye:  Holden Caulfied
The Fountainhead:  Howard Roark
The Jewel In the Crown:  Hari Kumar
To Kill a Mockingbird:  Atticus Finch
M*A*S*H:  Trapper
Nero Wolfe stories:  Archie Goodwin
Lost:  Sawyer, Sayid
Taming of the Shrew:  Petruchio, Katherine


Jim from The Office
The Disney version Robin Hood (sexy little fox, grrr) but most any Robin Hood is OK by me.


Great topic!  Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, but he's kind of obvious. 

Oh, Mr. Darcy... aka Colin Firth...

I definitely love Gilbert Blythe from the Anne of Green Gables novels, and when I used to watch Days of Our Lives (I was like 13) I was in love with the character Brady Black.

I was in love with Gilbert Blythe!
And I had a crush on Trent in Daria. Always went for the slackers, still do, unfortunately. I liked John Cusack's character in High Fidelity, maybe because it's John Cusack.


i don't know about a crush per se, but i so badly want roger from "american dad" to be my roommate and/or best friend.


We have so many Anne fans! That's AWESOME!!! Did you all know it's the 100th anniversary of Anne of Green Gables?


OK, now we get into cringe-making embarassment territory. My first fictional crush...and I'm ashamed to admit it...was Davy Jones of the Monkees! (OK, stop laughing, I was 6!) I saw some episodes again lately and wonder how on earth! The man was all nose and haircut!

I am right there with you Yabbit!  Davy Jones.... *sigh*

Dora from Questionable Content
Agatha of Girl Genius
Eben from Two Lumps (Who cares that hes a cat! hahah)

Vane from 'Night Play' by Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunters Series 

Captain Jack Sparrow (Though I also loved him as Ichabod Crane in Sleepy Hollow!)

There are indubitably more but those are the ones off the top of my head.


I somehow initially was thinking only literature.  Now I'm in the grove.

I have lots of fictional crushes, some of you reminded me of them:
M*A*S*H:  Trapper

check this out.. its so crazy!

My fictional crushes...

Rand and Lan from the Wheel of Time books

Oh man I totally loved Rand too.. I wish I could have metallic tattoos! and I like how he sorta goes crazy hehe.. but I havent read all of them yet.. I think there are 2 more new ones I havent read yet, but its been so long I have to reread all of them before i read the last 2.. hehe 12,000 pages here I come!

my crushes:
spike from cowboy bebop
kurumi from steel angel kurumi (i sorta like saki too, but kurumi is just too cute)
canker canison the fox/wolf vampire from the necroscope book series
capt. jack from pirates of the caribbean, but i <3 johnny depp so i am biased hehe

im such a anime/scifi/fantasy nerd.. shh dont tell anyone hehe


We have so many Anne fans! That's AWESOME!!! Did you all know it's the 100th anniversary of Anne of Green Gables?

DUDE!!!! My friend Marikate here at school introduced me to Anne.  I must tell her and we will have a party.

Also, I'd like to add to my list the Phantom.  Of the opera.  ^-^


I somehow initially was thinking only literature.  Now I'm in the grove.

I have lots of fictional crushes, some of you reminded me of them:
M*A*S*H:  Trapper

check this out.. its so crazy!

:-D  That's so right on!


Oh, man. I loved Gilbert Blythe! Especially in the PBS movies!

Other fiction: Holden Caulfield, Howard Roark, and Anatole Ngemba from the Poisonwood Bible.

TV/Movies: Jack Sparrow, Sayid from Lost, and Detective Flack from CSI: NY.

And I so wish Harry Potter was real. I just want to be Hermione Granger.


i totally went through a lotr phase..
it started with legolas
moved on to frodo
then merry and pippin
and THEN, THEN the guy who played merry i think (dominic monahan or whatevs) was charlie on lost and i fell in love with him. then he died. sigh.


Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride.  He had such determination.  And then, of course, there's always Westley from The Princess Bride.


Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride.  He had such determination.  And then, of course, there's always Westley from The Princess Bride.

Westley!    :)>>>



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