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scientists create a sheep that's 15% human!

Now they are going to raise more sheep so they can "harvest organs" from them for human transplants. These are not regular sheep...nope! They are "super sheep"  with 15% human cells, just like nature intended!  >:(

Even if I personally needed an organ, and there were none available, I would dig my own grave, crawl in with a good book, an ipod with my favorite tunes,  and wait to die before I would let them kill another living "being" to save my life!

Also ironic that sheep would be "created" to serve as parts-animals for a human population riddled with diseases that, at least to an extent, stem from the very animal-based diet most people adhere to! Like robbing Petersheep to pay Paulsheep. Hmmm.  ???

Wow, great point Schmaltz!
So very true! I don't think I could have said anything better myself. I'm sure they plan on using more then just sheep to "harvest" organs for sickly, obese, carnivores as well. How may other species will they mess with. It's great that some scientists have big dreams to find cures, though some of them should stay only that....dreams...not reality. Whoever had this dream first, they should have never even discussed with his or her colleagues...


So much of our medical advances is successful because of animal testing.  I don't agree with animal testing for cosmetic and vanity, but I will be honest, I'm pretty conflicted about medicine. 

Actually, this is not the case. You should check out the books "Golden Geese and Sacred Cows" and "Specious Science" to see how animal based research is ineffective at best and dangerous at worst. Long story short, animal models are not a sufficient model for humans so any tests they do on animals are just misleading.


So much of our medical advances is successful because of animal testing.  I don't agree with animal testing for cosmetic and vanity, but I will be honest, I'm pretty conflicted about medicine. 

Actually, this is not the case. You should check out the books "Golden Geese and Sacred Cows" and "Specious Science" to see how animal based research is ineffective at best and dangerous at worst. Long story short, animal models are not a sufficient model for humans so any tests they do on animals are just misleading.

Good point.  I remember when they first discovered leptin.  It was touted as *the* cure for obesity.  It made fat rats become skinny easily.  So the mad scientists schemed that humans could just pop a leptin pill and we'd all be svelte.  It turns out that in humans, there's interactions with other hormones and the free will factor that made it not work so well when they tested it in humans.  Now when ever I see a study done on rats, I declare, "I am not a rat so how dare they claim that what works on rats will work on me!"  It just kills the rats and annoys my husband when he keeps hearing me say it.


So much of our medical advances is successful because of animal testing.  I don't agree with animal testing for cosmetic and vanity, but I will be honest, I'm pretty conflicted about medicine. 

Actually, this is not the case. You should check out the books "Golden Geese and Sacred Cows" and "Specious Science" to see how animal based research is ineffective at best and dangerous at worst. Long story short, animal models are not a sufficient model for humans so any tests they do on animals are just misleading.

Oh believe me, I completely agree.  But it doesn't seem to change doctor's or scientists minds. A lot of medicine still has to undergo lab mice tests before they're allowed to be administered to humans. I do not agree that this should be the case. But will I die for it?

When people read in the papers "such and such drug reduces the growth rate of cancerous tumours in 90% of lab mice", it encourages people but then i think of the poor lab mice that was born for these purposes, and it's just disheartening. A number of my family have already survived cancer... it's not anything they've done, they're predisposed to the certain type of cancer because of genetics. I have those same bad genes and that cancer can hit me too.  This is why I say that this I'm mixed.

Also, I feed my cats meat products. From that alone, it would suck for me to say I wouldn't allow a loved one to take life-saving medicine that contains animal products or have been tested on animals.

I mentioned in another thread that i had meningitis a couple of years ago. I was put into chemical sedation for two weeks during which an experimental drug treatment was administered to me which apparently helped save my life.  Being in a coma, I had no say in the matter, and chances are that product had been tested on animals. I don't feel particularly guilty about that because i wasn't ready to die then and my family wasn't ready to let me go.

Maybe i will write myself a will of sorts, that indicates that if i'm ever put in that situation, that I wouldn't allow mutated cloned animal parts to replace any failing organs.


this post is kind of a joke... kind of.  this sheeman thing is just so ridiculous.

all i can think about is... if this becomes widespread, and people start eating these sheemen, would the people be considered cannibals??  if the sheep become mostly human, could we ask the humans/sheep to have their wool to make clothes?  could we teach them to speak?  would they even let us kill them for their organs?    over the past how many years people talked about robots taking over the world... not anymore.  sheemans have replaced robots.

maybe this will encourage more people to think about genetic engineering and GMO's.. hopefully



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