Sara McClaughflin (sp) animal rescue commercial
Posted by pooh bear on Aug 11, 2008 · Member since Jun 2008 · 671 posts
I know someone on VW mentioned this commercial once.... where Sara C sings 'In the arms of the angels' for an animal rescue organization. Who was that? I just saw the commercial and I'm seriously crying. I had to mute the TV because I couldn't hear anymore :'( Just curious who it was that cried to that too?
Sarah McLachlan's song "Angel" is very moving. Unfortunately it has been over used in my opinion for too many 'touching' type memorial commercials, not to mention movies.
Personally, I liked it best when I heard it live at Lilith Fair way too many years ago.
It makes me cry. Especially the part with the dog missing an eye. :'(
i know they use her song in the video "witness" its an animal rescue film. maybe theres a commercial for that film? i dont know.
A few people cried: I remember biodancer, ck, and di mentioning in it in the Five Things thread.
it's made me cry on more than one occasion.
yeah, it gets me everytime. Those sad eyes of those animals.... :'( :'( :'(
yeah, it gets me everytime. Those sad eyes of those animals.... :'( :'( :'(
Me too! :'( I just want to bring them all home.
Sarah McLachlan's song "Angel" is very moving. Unfortunately it has been over used in my opinion for too many 'touching' type memorial commercials, not to mention movies.
I agree. I think its a beautiful song but way overused. The commercial is incredibly sad though but I have to mute it everytime it comes on because I'm so sick of the song.
I think I`m sick of the song but I am very moved by that comercial. She is one of my favorite singers though.
A few people cried: I remember biodancer, ck, and di mentioning in it in the Five Things thread.
Yup, I cry every time I see it. I have to leave the room or change the channel. It's heartbreaking.
Yep--this is a real heart breaker! I hope itinspired a lot of people to help!!!!