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Please! Stop Big Media! This is Wicked Important!

This is very serious--the FCC is trying to take away free and uninhibited speech across America and allow "big media" like Time Warner own anything and everything! If we don't speak up now--we'll never have a chance again--if you're content reading, hearing and watching what "they" want you to read, hear and see--then ignore this post--but if you are about the future of media--please follow the link at the bottom and sign the petition to Congress! Find out more at

From Free Press:

The Federal Communications Commission approved new rules that
will unleash a flood of media consolidation across America. The
new rules will further consolidate local media markets -- taking
away independent voices in cities already woefully short on
local news and investigative journalism.

Congress has the power to throw out these rules -- and if
100,000 people demand it, they'll have to listen. Click on the
link below to sign the open letter to Congress urging them to
stop the FCC and stand with the public interest. one is commenting, are you guys at least signing the petition?  :-\


I am having a hard time trying to figure out what this is about.  Is it restricting free speech or something?


  I signed it.

  Snowqueen- basically what media consolidation does is it allows monied interests such as corporations to buy up multiple newspapers, televison and radio stations/networks, magazines, etc. They can then dish out the same propaganda through multiple vehicles and it will appear to be coming from different sources. It's kind of like a monopoly on information to a degree. It's very hard for dissenting voices to be heard in such an atmosphere unless they have the kind of money it takes to compete.

  When the "press" is controlled by people with an agenda they tend to promote that agenda while trying to appear to be unbiased news reporters. They then use their power to manufacture consent in the public for whatever it is they want to do (usually promote war for profit, elect their puppets to office, enslave more people, eat little babies and puppies alive, etc.).

  We're not going to stop them but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.


I signed!


  I signed it.

  Snowqueen- basically what media consolidation does is it allows monied interests such as corporations to buy up multiple newspapers, televison and radio stations/networks, magazines, etc. They can then dish out the same propaganda through multiple vehicles and it will appear to be coming from different sources. It's kind of like a monopoly on information to a degree. It's very hard for dissenting voices to be heard in such an atmosphere unless they have the kind of money it takes to compete.

  When the "press" is controlled by people with an agenda they tend to promote that agenda while trying to appear to be unbiased news reporters. They then use their power to manufacture consent in the public for whatever it is they want to do (usually promote war for profit, elect their puppets to office, enslave more people, eat little babies and puppies alive, etc.).

  We're not going to stop them but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

I thought this was already the case!!!! But ummm yeah, I'll sign it too.


I thought this was already the case!!!! But ummm yeah, I'll sign it too.

  It pretty much is. This new stuff just removes even more of the few restrictions that are still left.


more a$$ from those with cash...ugh.



Thanks guys! The goal is to get over 100,000 signatures to get congress to take more action--many pople in congress are against this--but not really moving to end it--if we can get enough people to speak up the better.


Thanks guys! The goal is to get over 100,000 signatures to get congress to take more action--many pople in congress are against this--but not really moving to end it--if we can get enough people to speak up the better.

  The problem is, if someone in congress really spearheads this thing and pushes to take something away from the big media conglomerates that they want (more power, more money) they risk being targeted by that very same media in the future. Poke the beast with a spear and it may bleed a little but it's also likely to turn and devour you.

  It would be nice if we had representatives that worried more about the public interest than their own careers. Unfortunately, such people in American politics are few and far between.


I signed it first thing this morning... thanks Capture.


SIGNED!! and i passed it on to some friends.

you should post this on the Space too!!


SIGNED!! and i passed it on to some friends.

you should post this on the Space too!!

Thanks Lucid! I'll get on the "space" asap  :)


I just got this:

Dear Megan:

Thank you for your letter regarding media ownership.  I agree with you that we must ensure a diversity of viewpoints in the broadcasting industry.

Our nation’s media was built on the strength of independent voices.  It concerns me that as media conglomerates grow, these voices are increasingly stifled by the bottom line of large companies and cookie-cutter broadcast formats.  For this reason, on October 22, 2007, I wrote a letter to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Kevin J. Martin, calling on him to launch an independent review panel to develop proposals to further promote media ownership diversity.  You can view this letter at

In 2003, the FCC approved new rules that would have accelerated the consolidation of large media outlets.  The rules would have allowed one company to own up to three television stations, the cable system, the local newspaper, and eight radio stations in a single media market.  The FCC approved these rules by a vote of 3 to 2 in a process that was criticized for a lack of public involvement (the FCC held only one hearing on this issue).

As a result of a groundswell of bipartisan opposition to these changes, the Senate passed a resolution to roll back the new rules by a bipartisan vote of 55 to 40.  In 2004 a federal court threw out the rules and required the FCC to begin the process of creating new media ownership rules.

Following an insufficient review, in December, 2007, the FCC adopted new ownership rules which promote greater media market consolidation.  This allows large media outlets to become larger, potentially cutting out small business, women and minority-owned firms. Minority owned and operated newspapers and radio stations play an important role in the African American and Latino communities and help bring minority issues to the forefront of our national dialogue.  However, the FCC has failed to recognize the vital role these outlets play in our democracy and has not done enough to further the goals of diversity in the media.

I am proud to be an original cosponsor of S. 2332, the Media Ownership Act.  This legislation promotes transparency in the adoption of new media ownership rules by the FCC, and establishes an independent panel to make recommendations on how to increase the representation of women and minorities in broadcast media ownership.  I will urge my colleagues to push forward legislation that ensures any changes will be evaluated and modified in a transparent and inclusive process, and fully takes into account the interests of our women and minority-owned outlets, and communities.

Again, thank you for contacting me.  I hope you will stay in touch.


Barack Obama
United States Senator

I love how he hopes I'll stay in touch.  LOL.





Thanks Hibiscus! The more people who sign the better!


I definitely signed this the moment I read about it. This disgusts me in every way. Hopefully things don't keep going this way...can you imagine FOX news being the most reliable source of news? Pretty scary. I stick with Aren't there laws against one company (such as Time Warner) taking over? I thought that just maybe we all learned about the great depression and there were laws that made sure that wouldn't happen again. But after all we are at war and the people must be controlled. What the American population doesn't know is what makes them the American population.


  Hopefully things don't keep going this way...can you imagine FOX news being the most reliable source of news? Pretty scary. I stick with Aren't there laws against one company (such as Time Warner) taking over? I thought that just maybe we all learned about the great depression and there were laws that made sure that wouldn't happen again. 

i think there is a law against the "monopolizing" of the newspaper/ media, or any business niche, but not any against the "bi-opoly, or tri-opoly"! ha.  there are only a handful of major corporations that run this country, with their hands in everything.  >:(


I definitely signed this the moment I read about it. This disgusts me in every way. Hopefully things don't keep going this way...can you imagine FOX news being the most reliable source of news? Pretty scary. I stick with Aren't there laws against one company (such as Time Warner) taking over? I thought that just maybe we all learned about the great depression and there were laws that made sure that wouldn't happen again. But after all we are at war and the people must be controlled. What the American population doesn't know is what makes them the American population.

Yeah...this is all pretty scary--I wish more people would take the time to learn about what's happening--if Kevin Martin gets his way we will all be implanted with tiny tv's into our brains that bombard us with comercials and faux news 24/7...actually I think there's a book about that...also, this stuff is really kept from the public--it's all done behind closed door and NO media unit will talk about it since they are all owned by the same people who will benefit from the mega merger--soon enough even the internet will be sanatized to such a degree that even this safe haven will be lost, so depressing!

Anyways, thanks for getting on boards!


Another part of media consolidation that no one has mentioned yet is media outlets being bought out by huge non-media corporations, such as General Electric owning NBC or Disney owning ABC. One outcome of this is that the news becomes just another line in a huge budget, so it loses significance to the people who own it and therefore funding, and subsequently quality, is reduced. But more importantly, the media are supposed to be an independent watchdog on corporations like that, but when the corporations are the ones paying their paychecks, the media can't do their job. The classic example of this is a story that ABC news covered about sex offenders working at Disney World--because Disney is their parent company, the story was never aired.

I definitely signed the petition!

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