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PETA vrs KFC Video Game and Protest Literature!!!

Hey Guys! Check this out this is really cool! PETA has made a Mario Bros type video game that teaches people about the horrors of KFC! It's actually pretty fun to play too!

Hi everyone--again--I just wanted to add this other link--if you email PETA they will send you leaflets and buttons to pass out to help get the word out about KFC's evilness! I urge everyone to send away for some to pass out--and if you are in school/college right now--think how great and easy it would be to hang some up on the boards or give them to other students! Please consider doing this!!!

This game is so cute!!! Thanks!!!!


This game is the best way to kill some time. I've beaten it three times, twice with Nugget and once with Pam; next I'll give Chickette a chance. The only thing is that my lame computer sometimes has trouble running it and it slows down, but it's still playable so I don't mind so much.

This is a very creative game. No matter how one feels about PETA, one has to agree that they are pretty smart when it comes to marketing strategies.

Also, how cute are the little blocks of tofu that help you grow? To-FU!  ;D




I haven't finished it yet...I had a million lives and something happened and I must have said I quit, I'm not sure.  Anyway...I got a "recent high score"!  Yay me! was a fairly low score, I'll have to keep playing.

I forwarded the link to my omni gaming buddies....hehe

Thanks, Capture!


I appreciate the informative effort of the literature, and certainly do enjoy the game as an added treat...
but dammn, PETA really needs to rethink their protest tactics.

Going in front of a KFC store and  tormenting the customers and employees in the name of demonstration is so ineffective.  It's like protesting in front of a Wal-mart in the name of worker's rights--it gives onlookers the impression that your enemies are the workers themselves.  The employees certainly aren't to blame for the atrocities that occur in slaughterhouses and executive offices...many of them are just average minimum-wagers (teenagers, quite often) who just need a job.  Even if they could be persuaded to join the cause, they're not likely to when you're giving them a hard time while they're on the clock.

The customers know they're eating murdered chickens, and screaming at them as they enter a fast food restaurant isn't going to make them want to know the gruesome details beyond that.

just wanted to rant about PETA.
good intentions...but misguided efforts...

thanks for the link though, heh............


btw, I'm sure that no two protests are ever quite the same, but my impressions of them are not simply based on imagination, but of written accounts and firsthand experience of those who've taken part in the protests.  just so you know the basis of my opinions...clarification,  y'know.


I just figured I would post some literature on some boards at school, and carry extras with me if anyone aks about my "kentucky fried cruelty" button! I'm not much for staged protests anyway--so much work!  :P


For me, I love public performance art, and demonstrations/protests for issues I care about totally fall into the category.
It's only recently come to my attention that no matter how imaginative or theatrical the demonstration may be, it will likely fail in delivering the message, and careful planning is needed to really affect people.

but still, I'm all for this's the beginning of a new semester here at UNI, and I *know* that incoming freshmen not only tend to look at posters more than seasoned campus vets, but they're also yearning to get involved with just about anything.  I think I'll go ahead and utilize the literature part of this campaign myself...litter the campus bulletin boards and such.

really, didn't mean to bitchjack your thread.  now that I got that outta my system, I'm feeling quite motivated to take action (that which I feel will have a more positive effect, anyway).


okay, total threadjack on my part here...

but I just discovered the little tofu blocks that you can find in some of the question blocks.  Even in the old SMB game I used to skip past them, as they usually weren't of much interest unless I knew it was a useful mushroom...

smiling. tofu. blocks!
:D :D


No worries--I totally didn't think you jacked the thread! I totally agree with you that a lot of protests do have counter productive results! I always thought it would be fun to particapate in one like in the simpons where the protesters dressed up like farm animals and shouted at people from atop of a krusty burger! Of course the going to jsil part woud be less fun...


I wish I would've documented the amount of time my roommate and I just spent playing this game..addicting


All day yesterday I tried to sneak-play this game while at work... I should have a chance to play tonight at home uninterrupted!

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