Offical LOST thread! BEWARE OF SPOILERS--finale discussion.
Posted by KissMeKate on Jan 17, 2009 · Member since Aug 2007 · 7322 posts
So, the new season of Lost starts this week!
Who else is peeing their pants? I can't be the only one....
So, the new season of Lost starts this week!
Who else is peeing their pants? I can't be the only one....
Do you guys think the bomb actually detonated? I don't know if I do. There was a flash of white light and an inverted "Lost" cut screen, which makes me think there was time travel, though. I don't know.
Assuming it did go off, I can't get a handle on the continuity of the whole thing. Like, I believe Miles's theory that the Losties are causing The Incident right now by detonating the bomb. So, in order for The Incident to have happened, the Losties need to have been transported back to 1977. And in order for that to have happened, the plane crash and the events following it need to have happened. Like, the whole punching the code in to keep the energy pocket at bay and everything. It's an infinite time loop. I don't get it.
We also know that dead is dead. I believe this. In fact, I'll be pretty pissed if I find out anyone was resurrected. So if that's the case, and Faraday is now dead, then how is he alive in 2008? And isn't he in pregnant Eloise's belly in 1977 after she's killed him? How is that possible? Faraday is dead but is about to be born. wtf. Also, Richard said he saw them all die in 1977. Agghhhh I'm so confused.
I don't really like this time travel business. It hurts my brain. I don't like discontinuities. I like everything rational and orderly and with a proper explanation.
So I think it's the general consensus that the man inhabiting faux-Locke's body is Mystery Man from the opening scene, yes? And that his loophole for killing Jacob is some component of the murder--the fact that it was one of his followers (Ben) who killed him, or the fact that he was able to get at Jacob by inhabiting Locke's body, or something.
I'm just so confused. And then there is the fact that Juliet was the only one not touched by Jacob at some point (as we know from flashbacks), and yet she is the one to set off the bomb, supposedly. That must be significant. Who knows.
I had avoided all Lost news. On Thursday night I watched Part 1 online and on Friday I read a Yahoo headline that said a popular Lost character dies. Die, Yahoo, die!!!
Who are they referring to? Jacob? Juliet? I mean, if Juliet dies (by the bomb, not by the fall, which I can't imagine she'll survive anyway), then they all do--Sawyer, Kate,and Jack, at least. And probably Hurley, Jin, Miles, and Sayid too. I don't even know if I believe Jacob is dead. They just showed him to us for the first time--he can't be dead yet. Even if he did get stabbed in the stomach, puke up blood, and get thrown into a fire. I just don't buy it. He's too omnipotent.
I love Ben. Ben Ben Ben. He might be my favorite fictional character of all time.
I almost cried when James was sobbing over Juliet. I'm not a huge Juliet fan (mainly because I think the actress is pitiful), but that was so sad. But I was also thinking, you know, if the plan works, then you're not going to see her again anyway, and you won't even remember this, ya know. But yes. Sad sad sad.
In other news, I'm sick of seeing Juliet's bony chest and squished-up boobs. Put those things away.
Anyway I need to go read Lostpedia or rewatch all the episodes of the last 3 seasons before I'll even begin to understand this. I wish Lost were a book.
Also, Richard is starting to grow on me. I like learning about Richard/Ricardus. Even if he does seem like kind of a mindless minion, he seems like a good guy. Obviously he knows a lot more than he ever says, which makes him interesting.
Anyway I need to go read Lostpedia or rewatch all the episodes of the last 3 seasons before I'll even begin to understand this. I wish Lost were a book.
I think they were talking about Juliet in the Yahoo story. I didn't read it. I was thinking it was going to be a main character because the headline read "a popular Lost character." She's had screen time, but I'm not sure I'd call her and her smirk popular.
I thought that about the light, also. Like the misfunction caused time to misbehave again. Are the only people who can travel through time are the ones that Jacob touched? Lost is like a summertime-read suspense novel. It has so many twists and turns.
At least we know it will all resolve itself as much as it will next season.
The main character who bugs me is Sun-Hwa. The actress can look worried, but that's about all. She's not good in low key scenes. However, I really like Jin. I might have a bit of a crush on him.
Ugh, yes, Sun is so deadpan. Her character is interesting, and I know being unassuming like that is part of the personality, but she elicits very little sympathy from me. She just kind of sits there and asks lots of questions and looks troubled.
I thought that about the light, also. Like the misfunction caused time to misbehave again. Are the only people who can travel through time are the ones that Jacob touched? Lost is like a summertime-read suspense novel. It has so many twists and turns.
Maybe! That's a good thought. Although, did he touch Faraday? I don't think so, but we don't know for sure.
Okay, so I spent a few hours last night getting hooked on lostpedia......and that has left me with a craving to fulfill a 'random thought' I had start a book club based on the books referenced in the series.....anyone wanna else interested? I'm thinking The Brothers Karamazov would be a good one to start with....but am open to other ideas!!!
I'd say sure, but there's a good chance I wouldn't get beyond chapter one. I read The Brothers K and liked, but it took all summer.
I love Ben. Ben Ben Ben. He might be my favorite fictional character of all time.
Ben has his own igoogle theme.
omg this finale was soo good...but ahhh i can't wait till next year..
this is my take on everything:
the island is on a time travel loop and Jacob and the "mystery man" from the opening scene are controlling the island. Jacob = good and Mystery man= bad. In the opening scene mystery man says to jacob something like "are you just going to wait here everytime for them?" So I'm thinking, this island has been time travel looping and Jacob goes back in time every time in order to slightly try and change the future so that the outcome will turn out his way, the good way. Meanwhile mystery man is trying to do the same thing and have it go his way, the evil way. Good vs Evil. I'm also thinking that mystery man is taking the form of the "monster" on the island, or he created the monster in order to work his evil plan in getting people to follow him. Therefor, he takes the form of john locke in order to get ben to kill jacob, i.e. thats the loop he takes in order to finally kill jacob. He takes on the form of Ben's dead daughter in order to get ben to follow everything john locke asks him to do and so forth.
I felt bad for Ben too, he is such a great villain and finally we begin to feel that sympathy for him, that all he wanted to feel important or a part of something and all this time he was just a pawn.
when that article was talking about a main character dying maybe they were talking about Locke. the character is technically dead, even if someone else is using his body.
when that article was talking about a main character dying maybe they were talking about Locke. the character is technically dead, even if someone else is using his body.
Yeah, probably. I mean, he's BEEN dead, but I guess now we know for sure that he is dead.
I think you are right about the smoke monster, Kennedy, and the way he used Alex's form to persuade Ben. I'm still not sure if I think Jacob is good or evil. Maybe it's somewhere in between.
Also, I like the way you explained the time loop, Kennedy. That's what I'm trying to wrap my brain around.
So exciting. I can't wait for the final season!
I know. Knowing that there's a story arc and a finite amount of time to tell the story keeps me involved.
You're all so clever. My co-workers discuss it and they come up with tons more stuff than I ever thought to think about and think in just a few posts you've all out done them.
omg this finale was soo good...but ahhh i can't wait till next year..
this is my take on everything:
the island is on a time travel loop and Jacob and the "mystery man" from the opening scene are controlling the island. Jacob = good and Mystery man= bad. In the opening scene mystery man says to jacob something like "are you just going to wait here everytime for them?" So I'm thinking, this island has been time travel looping and Jacob goes back in time every time in order to slightly try and change the future so that the outcome will turn out his way, the good way. Meanwhile mystery man is trying to do the same thing and have it go his way, the evil way. Good vs Evil. I'm also thinking that mystery man is taking the form of the "monster" on the island, or he created the monster in order to work his evil plan in getting people to follow him. Therefor, he takes the form of john locke in order to get ben to kill jacob, i.e. thats the loop he takes in order to finally kill jacob. He takes on the form of Ben's dead daughter in order to get ben to follow everything john locke asks him to do and so forth.
I felt bad for Ben too, he is such a great villain and finally we begin to feel that sympathy for him, that all he wanted to feel important or a part of something and all this time he was just a pawn.
;)b i agree with everything here. perhaps his loophole was that he can only inhabit the forms of dead people connected with the island (Ben's daughter and Locke)... and who knows who else! There have been soo many times, over the last seasons where someone has seen someone who was supposed to be dead, like Jack seeing his father very early on. Maybe all of those glimpses of dead people in the beginning was the Mystery Man trying to work out the "kinks" of how to take the forms of dead people...
And that also makes me wonder about Hurley being able to talk to dead people like Charlie. We all know Jacob was able to leave the island whenever he felt like it, maybe the Mystery Man was leaving too and pretending to be dead Charlie
have we seen claire in awhile? i feel like it's been forever.. what happened to her?
have we seen claire in awhile? i feel like it's been forever.. what happened to her?
She walked off into the jungle during the last season, remember? And Kate has been taking care of Aaron, until recently when she left him with his grandma (right?) before she came back to the island. We don't really know what's up with Claire. I guess some people would presume she's dead. I have no idea.
Did we see her in Jacob's cabin before or after she wandered off?
i thiiiiiiiiink so...
Did we see her in Jacob's cabin before or after she wandered off?
Hmmmmm, must have been after? I don't know.
I doubt Claire is coming back, but I would like to know where she went. ???
they gotta address it somehow - she'll be back.
Jacob: handsome? Yes or no?
I lean towards no, but there is something viscerally sexy about him, I think. Maybe it's the fact that he's all powerful or something. I might grow to like him.
Who do you think he was referring to with "they're coming?" The Losties?
You know who pisses me off? Ilana. When I see her, I'm just like, get outta here. I don't know why. I think it's because she reminds me of Ana Lucia, and I miss Ana Lucia. Even if she was a crazy. That was the most badass thing ever though when she was about to sleep with Sayid and then she kicked him in the face with her boot. I loved that.
Did we see her in Jacob's cabin before or after she wandered off?
Hmmmmm, must have been after? I don't know.
I doubt Claire is coming back, but I would like to know where she went. ???
99% sure we saw her in the cabin after she wandered off
I think you're right on with Jacob being viscerally sexy. It's not his looks, but a je ne sais quoi. He's the type who make me a little dizzy.
Good! I don't like Ilana, either. I hope she doesn't have too big of a role next season.