NVR - What are you reading right now? (Fiction or non-fiction)
Posted by Beans and Greens on May 12, 2007 · Member since Apr 2007 · 169 posts
I'm reading 'Raising Vegan Children in a Non-vegan World' by Erin Pavlina.
I'm curious what everyone else has their nose in at the moment! :)
just finished reading the script "proof" by David Auburn. it was a very good and quick read. i think i may reread stephen king's "it" or read anne rice's "the vampire lestat".
Ooooo... "It" is my all-time King favorite. Read it! Read it!
Dang, I may have to go backa nd re-read "it" myself...
I loved "It" as well. I also really enjoyed "Bag of Bones".
I recently finished reading "Jarhead". It is a chronicle of the first Gulf War.
I really enjoyed it. I know that it probably isn't the type of thing most people here enjoy, but it worth reading. I would have been 7 & 8 when the first Gulf War happened so I can't remember much about it.
just finished reading the script "proof" by David Auburn. it was a very good and quick read. i think i may reread stephen king's "it" or read anne rice's "the vampire lestat".
Ooooo... "It" is my all-time King favorite. Read it! Read it!
Dang, I may have to go backa nd re-read "it" myself...
I loved "It" as well. I also really enjoyed "Bag of Bones".
my 2 fav stephen kings are definitely "it" and "the shining"
"It" and... wow... hard to say. It's gotta be a toss up between 'The Stand' (uncut, natch) and 'Night Shift'. Actually, I'm going to say 'Night Shift', becuase I believe some of his best work are short stories.
I'm actually getting ready to start his 'On Writing' book, after I finish 'The Shell Collector' by Christopher Golden. Nice, creepy little novella, that one.
really? can i have a brief description of it if it's not too much trouble?
Which one?
Ah, basicly, an average joe finds something disconcerting in a lobster trap one day. Freaks him out. Then bodies seems to be disappearing from the local cemetary. Police are being oddly quiet, and there are piles of shells near the graves...
Being as it's pretty short, I don't want to give much more away. I'll probably finish it during luch today. Overall, very worth the trip to the library it cost me. :)
just finished reading the script "proof" by David Auburn. it was a very good and quick read. i think i may reread stephen king's "it" or read anne rice's "the vampire lestat".
Ooooo... "It" is my all-time King favorite. Read it! Read it!
Dang, I may have to go backa nd re-read "it" myself...
I loved "It" as well. I also really enjoyed "Bag of Bones".
my 2 fav stephen kings are definitely "it" and "the shining"
"It" and... wow... hard to say. It's gotta be a toss up between 'The Stand' (uncut, natch) and 'Night Shift'. Actually, I'm going to say 'Night Shift', becuase I believe some of his best work are short stories.
I'm actually getting ready to start his 'On Writing' book, after I finish 'The Shell Collector' by Christopher Golden. Nice, creepy little novella, that one.
Did you ever read "The Bachman Books" by King writing as Richard Bachman? "The Long Walk" was excellent.
Right now, an appreciable chunk of "American Literature Since 1945" (various authors) and just for fun, Lauren Bacall's autobiography, called (characteristically) "By Myself."
Just finished 12 Steps to Raw Foods by Victoria Boutenko. Very motivating boook to eat raw with great advice and some easy recipes to start with.
I love it when books you bought new start to look worn, and the spine gets all creased and the pages are all highlighted and/or written on
just finished reading the script "proof" by David Auburn. it was a very good and quick read. i think i may reread stephen king's "it" or read anne rice's "the vampire lestat".
Ooooo... "It" is my all-time King favorite. Read it! Read it!
Dang, I may have to go backa nd re-read "it" myself...
I loved "It" as well. I also really enjoyed "Bag of Bones".
my 2 fav stephen kings are definitely "it" and "the shining"
"It" and... wow... hard to say. It's gotta be a toss up between 'The Stand' (uncut, natch) and 'Night Shift'. Actually, I'm going to say 'Night Shift', becuase I believe some of his best work are short stories.
I'm actually getting ready to start his 'On Writing' book, after I finish 'The Shell Collector' by Christopher Golden. Nice, creepy little novella, that one.
Did you ever read "The Bachman Books" by King writing as Richard Bachman? "The Long Walk" was excellent.
I've read 'Thinner' and 'The Regulators' on the Richard Bachman end of things. I really just have to read more. Of everything.
I'm almost done with 'On Writing'. It's awesome. Even if you have no interest in writing, it's fascinating to get a condensed autobiography and insight into the way he writes. Highly recommended.
^^^^Oooh, I do love Stephen King. Was rereading a few of his over the summer^^^
Currently reading John Fowles' The Magus. A random one I found in a "books from the 60's" table at the library.
I just finished The Fountainhead this morning. Not sure what's next.
That's my number one. I have lots of books I love (A LOT :D), but that's my favorite.
School text books!
Many, many scientific/dense/wordy/psychological articles... and in my "spare" time (hahahah!)
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver.
Brit Lit classes being over for the next month or so, I am now deep in The Portable Chekov. (Short stories, 2 plays, some of his letters).
I was always told, "Oh God--Chekov, how depressing!" but having seen the wonderful Vanya on 42nd Street I decided to come to my own conclusions. Some of his stories ARE a bit of a downer but he is a very, very good writer who can evoke a time, a place, a personality in just a few pages. His characters live on in your memory.
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver.
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver is one of my all-time-favorites!
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver.
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver is one of my all-time-favorites!
The only other book I've read by her is The Poisonwood Bible, which I liked. This book is great so far, even though I've only read about twenty pages. I'll have to put The Bean Tree on my list next! Thx TIFL!
I'm an English Lit major, so I'm constantly reading several books at a time. Right now: Vera Brittain's Testament of Youth (sad autobiography about coming of age during WW1), just starting Boris Pasternak's Dr. Zhivago, Janet Burroway's Imaginative Writing: Elements of the Craft, and the current highlight of the group - Don DeLillo's White Noise. It's a multi-faceted fiction commentary on social philosophy meets technology's heavy background intrusion....I'll quit trying to explain, but it's really good. Sort of sci-fi ish, but the literary layers are what have snagged me. Makes me think about the evolution of our society.
Janet Burroway's Imaginative Writing: Elements of the Craft
How is that one? I go through "binges" when reading, and right now I'm fascinated by the writing process. Worth a look?
Janet Burroway's Imaginative Writing: Elements of the Craft
How is that one? I go through "binges" when reading, and right now I'm fascinated by the writing process. Worth a look?
Well, as I've only just begun to read it, I don't want to pass judgment just yet. Honestly, I feel it's started off sort of cheeseball, but I'll let you know when I get a bit further in. I'm sure this sounds horrible, but it seems like it's from the "we're all amazing creative writers!" school, which I don't really agree with. If insight and challenge pick up as I read more, I'll give it a recommendation.