NVR - What are you reading right now? (Fiction or non-fiction)
Posted by Beans and Greens on May 12, 2007 · Member since Apr 2007 · 169 posts
I'm reading 'Raising Vegan Children in a Non-vegan World' by Erin Pavlina.
I'm curious what everyone else has their nose in at the moment! :)
slaughterhouse five by vonnegut
such an amazing book. totally appropriate for today. (and not just because of his passing.)
hope you enjoy it, secondbase.
Have you tried www.gutenberg.org or www.thefreelibrary.com? Great sources for free online classics! Also www.ccel.org is great for free Christian classics!
Thanks for the links, I will try some of them...but I do prefer your actual book, so you can lie down with a cup of coffee and read in bed. Easier on the eyes and spirit. I spend too much time staring into this one-way window as it is! ;D
Have you tried www.gutenberg.org or www.thefreelibrary.com? Great sources for free online classics! Also www.ccel.org is great for free Christian classics!
Thanks for the links, I will try some of them...but I do prefer your actual book, so you can lie down with a cup of coffee and read in bed. Easier on the eyes and spirit. I spend too much time staring into this one-way window as it is! ;D
I feel the same way. I have had good luck with downloading some of these onto a PDA so that I can read anywhere, in bed, on the road, while waiting for an appt, at lunch (it's even backlit for low light!) - but nothing is quite like having a real book in your hands! 8)
I read The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life way back when, when I was like 18....I was disenchanted early on I guess.....LOL!
Last week I read "Things I want my daughters to know" by Alexandra Stoddard. And last night I picked up a copy of The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke by Suze Orman and I read almost the whole thing in one night, because well, I'm basically Young, Fabulous & Broke..... ;)
I loooove Night by Elie Wiesel. He has such a poetic style of writing.
As for me, I'm reading a bunch of Quebecois and Acadian lit at the moment (for those who read French, I'd really recommend Marie Laberge, Diane Doucet Bryar and Camilien Roy), but the last English book I read was A Map Of Glass by Jane Urquhart which was a fantastic book.
Darkness Visible: Awakening Spiritual Light Through Darkness Meditation (Ross Heaven & Simon Buxton).
the prophet by kahlil gibran
This is one of those books I go back to time after time. :) I love it.
Wow... adult books... I haven't had the time/motivation/energy to read one of those in AGES!!
Thankfully, at our house, we've moved past books with cardboard pages to ones with actual paper pages, but the illustration still must take up more space than the words. Our current favourites are the Gruffalo, the Gruffalo's Child, Room on the Broom, and the Snail and the Whale all by Julia Donaldson.
My folks bought the boys a bunch of "big boy" books and I can't wait until they are old enough to lay in bed a night while I read them one or two pages while they fall asleep. The hobbit, the borrowers, etc., etc.
K2, it must be a good 30 yrs since I last read The Hobbit. Well I came across an "audio book" that was actually marked Complete and Unabridged--and wasn't. They had cut lots of little lines here and there, such as "Adventures? Nasty inconvenient things--make you late to dinner!" How odd that I knew where they should go and exactly what was missing after all that time!
I didn't read Hobbit nearly as often as I've read some others, either. It must have made a real impression.
Currently reading Vegan Freak (Torres and Torres) and Peace Pilgrim ("in her own words" but compiled by "friends"). For many years, because I was a children's librarian and I had young children, I read only children's and young adult books. In recent years, I have been reading many more adult titles (usually non-fiction) though I still read children's books from time-to-time to try to keep abreast of new children's titles. Since I read a lot and I read fast, I usually have trouble remembering what I've read so I have to keep an annotated list. ::)
I'm reading Geek Love because a friend gave it to me and said "read this!" It's cool though- one of the kids in it goes vegetarian because he can hear the dead animals talking to him! ;)
The last book I read was Another Roadside Attraction by Tom Robbins- also some really good points for vegans! ;)
I'm reading A Queen's Fool by Phillipa Gregory. I just finished reading The Other Boleyn Girl by her also and it was soooooooooo... good. I really recommend it! :)
Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books by Azar Nafisi for pleasure.
Did yuo read the introduction by the author? She basically tells off the readers. I tried to get into it after that, but only read a couple of chapters because her intro annoyed me.
I really want to read that (Reading Lolita in Tehran). It sounds like a fascinating topic, even if, as was mentioned, it wasn't terribly well-written. I gotta make a reading list!!
Right now:
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami (LOVE it)
Eye of the World by Robert Jordan (my attempt to get back into the Wheel of Time after its length and not-very-quickly-moving plot scared me off a few years back...great story)
Some technical-type manuals for work :-\
And some cookbooks that I flip through when I have some downtime.
Not yet, but I'd like to. He is a wonderful writer. I've just started reading his books recently: Kafka on the Shore and now Norwegian Wood. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle is next, I think, if I can find it at the library :)
Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books by Azar Nafisi for pleasure.
Did yuo read the introduction by the author? She basically tells off the readers. I tried to get into it after that, but only read a couple of chapters because her intro annoyed me.
I truly tried to make a sincere effort to read this book, but couldn't get through the first thirty pages. I don't remember the intro. I just remember that I kind of got bored. I was surprised, because the subject is really interesting to me.
I highly recommend reading Persepolis I/II by Marjane Satrapi. They are both graphic novels written by a Persian woman about her childhood. Highly interesting, entertaining, and an easy read.
Finished reading Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle. Really enjoyed it.
I love desserts and just bought this book. It caught my eyes because it has the most beautiful (pictures) vegan desserts, and I am going to try to make vegan tiramisu this weekend.
Love, Eric: Delicious Vegan Macrobiotic Desserts (Paperback)
by Eric Lechasseur (Author)
The other book I am reading: The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of Happiness (Hardcover)
by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche (Author), Daniel Goleman (Foreword)
Finished reading Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle. Really enjoyed it.
that one's awesome. i just finished slaughterhouse
Finished reading Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle. Really enjoyed it.
that one's awesome. i just finished slaughterhouse
I picked up Cat's Cradle because the library didn't have Slaughterhouse. Maybe next time.